TNA Impact is back on AXSTV pre-taped from St. Clair College in Windsor, Ontario! On the card is a huge match-up, Mustafa Ali vs. Chris Sabin, for the X-Division Championship. We will also see Joe Hendry vs. AJ Francis, and we will hear from Josh Alexander. Plus, Nic Nemeth is in action as he teams with Mike Baily and Trent Seven to take on Steve Maclin & The Rascalz (Zachary Wentz & Trey Miguel) and so much more! Continue below for the results!
Commentators: Tom Hannifan & Matthew Rehwoldt
Ring announcer: Jade Chung
TNA Wrestling X Division Title match: Chris Sabin vs. Mustafa Ali (c)
RESULTS: AND STILL TNA X-DIVISION CHAMPION MUSTAFA ALI! Mustafa Ali defeats Chris Sabin via roll-up pinfall with his feet on the ropes! Chris Sabin was disappointed as he stared at the championship.
Backstage promo:
Nic Nemeth, Mike Bailey, and Trent Seven talked about their match later tonight against Steve Maclin and the Rascalz. Nic claims to take them to the Danger Zone.
In-ring promo with Josh Alexander:
Josh says, no wrestler is better than him when he’s focused and locked in. He says he proved it when he beat Will Ospreay. Then when he held the world title longer than anyone. He talked about relinquishing the title in Windsor. Now, he’s focused on regaining the title that he never lost. Josh says Hammerstone brought the fight of his life, which led to him signing in TNA.
He says Hammerstone couldn’t beat him fair and square and had to cheat to win in their rematch. Alexander mentions that Hammerstone tapped, but the referee didn’t see it. He said that Hammerstone took his headgear but it’s not his identity; his heart is his identity. He thanked Hammerstone for letting him be focused on something other than the title; he is now focused on kicking Hammerstone’s ass. Then he calls Hammerstone to fight right now.
Instead, out comes Alpha Bravo and Oleg Prudius. Bravo said that Alexander lost at Sacrifice because Dirty Dango softened him up. Alexander asked where Dango is. Dango then attacked him from behind, but Alexander fought him off. Oleg got in the ring, but security held him back. They held back Alexander also then Santino Marella walked to the stage. He says the match happen right now!
Oleg Prudius vs. Josh Alexander
RESULTS: Josh Alexander defeats Oleg Prudius very quickly via submission with the Ankle Lock!
Crazzy Steve is standing on the stage as the fans chant his name! He talks about the men he has defeated such as Tommy Dreamer, Rhino, and Joe Hendry. Then he says, he’s the only champion who defends the title every time he steps in the ring. He said there is no human alive that can handle the pressure he has. The lights went out and PCO came out. As they were face to face Steve backed up and left through the tunnel.
Ace Austin w/ Chris Bey vs. Frankie Kazarian
RESULTS: Frankie Kazarian defeats Ace Austin via submission with the Chicken Wing. That is old school! After the match, Frankie continued to beat up Bey, but Eric Young came for the save!
The System Promo:
Moose lists all his accolades going back to college football. He said he played in the Bill Belichick system but being in The System was better. Brian Myers an Eddie Edwards talked about their wrestling accomplishments. A crawl ran at the bottom of the screen with the title wins and awards. They ended by saying “Trust the System.”
Locker room promo with Gia Miller and Time Machine:
She bring ups their recent losses! Before either could speak the Grizzled Young Vets interrupts and claims that they are the top team! Shelley says that if they want to prove themselves as the best, they can face the Time Splitters.
Joe Hendry vs. Aj Francis
Before the match promo:
There’s video footage of Aj Francis at a charity basketball event! Hendry snatches the mic and says, on paper he should be afraid of AJ because he is a giant. He said AJ is also an artist and did the song “We Outside”. Joe said on the inside “we sensitive.” He brings up how AJ gets sensitive when people say things like “AJ sucks” (the fans started chanting it). He said you could turn the frown upside down by chanting “We believe!”. AJ attacks Hendry in the middle of saying his name. Fans chanted AJ sucks.
RESULTS: Aj Francis defeats Joe Hendry via pinfall with a Chokeslam. During the match, Hendry accidentally charged into the referee. Francis then brought a chair into the ring, but Hendry dropped kicked the chair into Aj. Both men then went for the chair, but Rich Swann ran down stepped on the chair. Swann teased hitting AJ but hit Hendry with it instead. Swann hit Hendry again with the chair.
Sound Check segment with Alan Angels and special guests Ash By Elegance and her assistant:
George Iceman is upset about the set not being at all what they were promised. Ash agrees to participate anyway and announces she will have her third match next week.
Beaa Moss & Vanna Black vs. Spitfire (Dani Luna and Jodi Threat)
RESULTS: Spitfire defeats Beaa Moss & Vanna Black via pinfall with a Sit-Out Powerbomb.
Tasha Steelz walked to the announcer’s desk at ringside. She challenged Jordynne Grace to a Knockouts Title match next week.
Steve Maclin & The Rascalz vs. Nic Nemeth & Speedball Mountain (Trent Seven and Mike “Speedball” Bailey)
RESULTS: Nic Nemeth & Speedball Mountain defeats Steve Maclin & The Rascalz via pinfall when Bailey hits a moonsault and then a spin kick. Nemeth hits Danger Zone on Maclin.
After the match, Nic & Speedball Mountain were celebrating when The System comes out to attack. Nemeth superkicks Moose until Alisha pulls his foot. This gives Moose time to fire back with a title shot across the face of Nemeth, Bailey, and then Seven. The System is standing tall!
Next week on TNA Impact, GYV vs. Time Splitters, Steve vs. PCO for the Digital Media title, Ash by Elegance in action, plus Grace vs. Steelz for the Knockouts title.