TNA Impact Results – June 6, 2024

TNA Wrestling is back on AXSTV as they celebrate their 20th anniversary.

We will see Nic Nemeth vs. Frankie Kazarian and Jordynne Grace vs Allison Kay. Plus, Mustafa Ali & Campaign Singh vs. Discover Speedball Mountain and more. Continue below for the results.

Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt

Ring Announcer: Jade Chung

Kon vs. Jake Something

RESULTS: Jake Something defeats Kon with Into the Void!

Following the match, Kon launches an attack on Jake, attempting to snap his neck; OUT COMES ERIC YOUNG. Kon runs like a chicken and Eric grabs the mic.

Eric says, he was in the back celebrating something special and decided he wanted to come out and be with his people. Young reminisces of the 20 years of Impact and says the fans are the lifeblood that makes this company go.

Backstage with Gia Miller & Frankie Kazarian:

The System had other plans because they quickly interrupted! Brian Myers wanted to make friends with Frankie and possibly make a deal. Frankie offered to eliminate Matt Hardy in exchange for a chance at the World Title. Moose makes the deal!

Kazarian says that’s all well and good, but Moose has to beat Matt Hardy first. Moose reminds Kazarian of what he did to Hardy last week and says he doesn’t expect Hardy to show up at the pay-per-view.


Steph DeLander thinks PCO has a crush on her but says she hardly knows him. Xia Brookside interrupts. She says she saw what happened last week, and it was so sweet. De Lander says it was insane. Brookside says it was insanely sweet and advises De Lander to take her time before she makes her decision. Steph says she needs a week.

Shazza McKenzie vs. Gisele Shaw

RESULTS: Gisele Shaw defeats Shazza McKenzie via pinfall with a Cutter followed by a massive Knee Strike!

Rosemary promo:

She talked about being stripped of our family and allies. Rosemary talked about those who came to battle with her. She said for our sins, they are gone. Images of Havok and Father James Mitchell. flashed during the package. She said those responsible would pay.

Backstage with Steve Maclin & Mike Santana:

Steve says he comes in peace, not like The Rascalz. Maclin says they attacked them both last week! Now they need to team up to take care of them.

Santana says he’s not a tag team wrestler anymore. Maclin says it’s a one-and-done match at Against All Odds. Santana was hesitant but he agrees.

Mustafa Ali & Campaign Singh vs. Speedball Mountain (Mike Bailey & Trent Seven)

RESULTS: Speedball Mountain defeats Mustafa Ali & Campaign Singh via pinfall with the Burning Hammer.

TNA Knockouts World Championship Match – Allison Kay w/ Marty Belle vs. Jordynne Grace(c)

Before the match, The Concierge introduced Ash by Elegance, who he said recovered from her minor surgery. Ash makes her way to watch the match from ringside.

RESULTS: AND STILL KNOCKOUTS WORLD CHAMPION JORDYNNE GRACE! Jordynne Grace defeats Allison Kay via pinfall with the Juggernaut Driver! During the match, Marty Belle gets involved a few times, but it didn’t change the results.

DMTV segment:

Sami Callihan mentions Jonathan Gresham and said he felt like dogs**t after wrestling him. Sami challenged Gresham to a match at Against All Odds and said he was having sushi for lunch.

Digital Media Championship Match – Loredo Kid (c) vs. Aj Francis w/ Rich Swann

RESULTS: AND NEW DIGITAL MEDIA CHAMPION AJ FRANCIS! Aj Francis defeats Loredo Kid via pinfall with a Down Payment (Chokeslam)! During the match, Kid dives to the outside, taking out Rich Swann!


Frankie Kazarian vs. Nic Nemeth

RESULTS: Nic Nemeth defeats Frankie Kazarian via pinfall with a Danger Zone! After the match, Frankie attacks Nic. Then the rest of The System comes down to continue the beat down!

Out comes Ryan Nemeth but he’s taken out quickly! The System are beating down the Nemeth brothers but…. JOE HENDRY COMES OUT FOR THE SAVE!

He had the upper hand for a moment, but the numbers got to him. The System lays everyone out and is left standing tall.

The show ends with Broken Matt Hardy inviting The System to the Hardy Compound!

Next week Friday is Against All Odds. Jordynne Grace has an open challenge! Moose put his TNA World Championship on the line against Broken Matt Hardy! It’s going to be a can’t miss PLE!

Stay with pwmania for more wrestling news and results!