TNA iMPACT starts ….NOW!
Nic Nemeth comes out. He says he lost the TNA World Championship at Genesis and Joe Hendry is the new World Champion. He says this is not some sob story. Ryan Nemeth interrupts him and says his brother is not happy with what happened at Genesis. He says his brother got robbed. He says 2025 will be Nic’s year and Joe Hendry is a fraud. Nic Nemeth stopped him and says he earned it. Fir$t Cla$$ comes out. AJ Francis introduces himself and KC Navarro. AJ says Nic doesn’t deserve to go after the title because he lost to that bum Joe Hendry. AJ says to think back to 2024 at Final Resolution, Nic Nemeth vs. AJ Francis. He says that performance is why TNA smartened up and gave him the most lucrative deal in TNA history. He says he is sick and tired of all the old timers taking the spotlight from the TNAJ Francis era. Nic Nemeth says he is interrupting them. Ryan says they’ll face the both of them. Santino Marella’s music hits. Santino says tonight will be Fir$t Cla$$ vs. Nic and Ryan Nemeth.
Gia Miller is backstage with Arianna Grace. Tessa Blanchard walks up to her. Arianna introduces herself. She says they’re on the same team. Tessa says she got everything handed to her by her father unlike her who worked hard to get everything. Arianna Grace walks away and Tessa chases off Gia Miller.
Xia Brookside finds Cora Jade backstage. Cora says she needs Masha Slamovich and she’s not Masha. Xia says her dad helped trained her. Cora pushed her and security got involved before it turned into a brawl.
Match 1: Cora Jade vs. Hyan
Cora takes Hyan down with a clothesline and poses on the corner ropes. Cora hits a springboard double foot stomp on Hyan’s back and chokes her against the ropes followed by a running back elbow against her back. Cora ties her up against the ropes and hits a dropkick. Cora chokes her against the ropes and rushes towards Hyan but Hyan moves out of the way. Jade hits Jaded for the win.
Result: Cora Jade def. Hyan by pinfall
Cora Jade attacks Hyan after the match and Xia Brookside’s music hits and Hyan exits the ring but Jade attacks Xia from behind when she isn’t looking. Masha runs out and Cora leaves the ring.
Gia Miller is backstage with Wes Lee and Tyriek and Tyson. Wes Lee says the way that Wentz and Miguel are going after the NXT Tag Team Championship shows that they are not aligned. He says he is going after the NXT Championship and the tag team Championships is reserved for the other two individuals. He says he is going to take out Ace Austin tonight.
Santino is backstage and the Personal Concierge and Ash and Heather walk up to them. The Concierge says Ash and Heather were robbed at Genesis and says the legal member of Spitfire did not get the win. He says Ash got the win over Dani Luna so they should be the Knockouts World Championship. Santino says next week there will be a Knockouts Battle Royal and both of them will be in the match. Spitfire come in and Santino says they’re in the match too. Ash and Heather get into a shouting match with Spitfire and Santino tells them to save it for next week.
Match 3: Brian Myers vs. Leon Slater
Brian Myers locks a sleeper hold and Leon tries to fight out of it and runs the ropes but Brian trips him. Brian gets a headlock on Leon and hits a right hand and runs the ropes but Brian hits a back elbow and gets a chinlock on Leon. Leon hits a punch to the gut and Brian whips him into the corner but Leon leaps over it and hits a springboard crossbody. Leon hits a running single leg dropkick followed by a Blue Thunder Bomb for two. Leon goes to the top turnbuckle but Brian moves out of the way and Leon hits a leg lariat for two. Brian hits an enzugiri followed by an Implant DDT for two. Brian looks for a Spear but Leon rolls him up for two. Brian goes to the apron and Leon hits a big boot. Leon goes for a suicide dive but Brian moves out of the way and Leon hits a running senton the outside. Leon takes out the rest of the System but Alisha hands Brian Myers a ring and Brian hits Leon with it followed by the Roster Cut for the win.
Result: Brian Myers def. Leon Slater by pinfall
Mance Warner is backstage with Mance with Steph de Lander and Steph says she’s happy he and here and she won the Digital Media title in the divorce. Mance says they’re here and this is their gold and no one is stopping them. Sami Callihan attacks Mance from behind and says he’ll kill him.
Leon Slater is backstage and Kazarian walks up to him and talks about Leon’s loss and says he once again offers him to be his mentor. Leon says he took the L because the System cheated just like Kazarian cheated. Moose says tonight was a test and he passed. He says no one wants to carry a trophy but he could carry their bags and maybe he can carry a ring. The Hardy Boys walk in and Matt Hardy says Leon has got star written on him from head to toe and next week they’ll gladly stand next to him.
Sami Callihan and Mance Warner are seen brawling in the crowd and Sami throws him in the ring and throws a chair in the ring and gets a bat. Sami smashes Mance in the back with a steel chair. Sami sits up the chair over Mance’s head and looks to hit it with his baseball bat but Steph de Lander walks out and distracts Sami before Mance attacks Sami with the Digital Media belt and kisses Steph de Lander.
Maclin walks up to Eric Young backstage. Eric tells Maclin to trust him Maclin says he trusts him but he knows what Josh is going to do and he’s not going to stick around for it. He tells Eric to be safe.
Match 4: Mustafa Ali vs. Laredo Kid
Laredo Kid takes down Mustafa with an arm drag and headscissors and Mustafa gets out of the ring. Mustafa gets back in the ring and kicks Laredo in the midsection and takes him in the corner. Mustafa goes for a chop but Laredo reverses it and chops him. Laredo goes to the top and goes for a crossbody but Mustafa hits a dropkick for two. Laredo Kid hits a Michinoku Driver for two. Mustafa Ali goes for a pin with a backslide with his feet on the ropes but the referee notices it. Rollup by Laredo for two. Mustafa Ali gets to the outside of the ring and Laredo Kid follows him with a suicide dive. Laredo slaps Mustafa and whips him towards the ring but Mustafa Ali slides through and hits a draping DDT to the floor. Mustafa throws Laredo back in the ring and hits a 450 Splash for the win.
Result: Mustafa Ali def. Laredo Kid by pinfall
Mustafa Ali is backstage and he says they started off this campaign with a victory. He says they love Mustafa Ali and this campaign is going to continue. Santana walks up to him and says they’ve got a problem. He says they could go out there and throw hands. Mustafa Ali says he just had a grueling match but he has a supporter that is always ready and walks away.
Match 5: Northern Armory vs. Eric Young and Josh Alexander
Josh Alexander takes Judas Icarus in the corner and hits a chop and whips him in the corner but Travis Williams protects Judas and tags himself in. Travis covers Josh for two and tags in Judas. They double team on Josh to attack his back and shoulder. They take Josh in their corner and hit stereo kicks across his head. Josh hits an overhead T-Bone suplex on Judas and tags to Eric Young. Eric Young punches Josh Alexander and the Northern Armory attack Josh Alexander. The referee calls for the bell. Afterwards, Young leaves Alexander laying with a leaping piledriver.
Result: Northern Armory vs. Eric Young and Josh Alexander is a no contest
Match 6: Wes Lee vs. Ace Austin
When the show returns, Wes Lee’s theme hits and out comes the WWE NXT Superstar for the second NXT vs. TNA crossover match of the evening. The ABC entrance music hits next and out comes Ace Austin, as the commentators do a live read for TNA’s new deal with BLCKSMTH.
Austin snatches up a side head-lock off the initial lock-up. Lee cartwheels his way out of it and isolates the arm of Austin, cranking on the limb until Austin reverses and brings Lee down to the mat, controlling his arm.
The slow-paced action speeds up from here, with each guy running the ropes, hitting the match and flipping to avoid move-attempts from the other, all while ultimately doing nothing but landing one up-kick each.
At this point, fans chant “NXT! NXT” but they are eventually overtaken by a “TNA! TNA!” chant. Interestingly enough, the chants continue to out-shine the slow action in the ring, with a loud single “Boring!” chant being heard as Lee throws nothing-happening kicks at Austin.
Austin starts to fight back, and things begin to pick up once again. Austin hits a big leaping forearm to Lee from the apron. He looks for a springboard kick, but Lee avoids it. Austin hits a side-Russian leg-sweep, and quickly pops back to his feet for a fancy leg-drop.
The crowd comes to life in the background as Austin works over Lee in the corner. Austin comes off the ropes with a big kick to the back of the neck of Lee. He follows up with a cover, but only gets two. Austin muscles Lee up with a gut-wrench seated powerbomb for another two-count.
Austin calls for his finisher, but as he waits for Lee to get up, Tyson and Tyriek run out. Austin sees them coming and meets them at the end of the ramp from the apron. He hits a couple of kicks and then builds up a head of steam for a turning dive, where he almost landed on his head.
Back in the ring, Austin looks to springboard off the ropes from the apron, when Tyson and Tyriek get involved again from the floor. The distraction allows Lee to blast an unsuspecting Austin with his finisher for the win.
The NXT trio attack Austin afterwards. The Rascalz run out to make the save, and then the show heads into another commercial break, with the main event waiting on the other side.
Match Result: Wes Lee def. Ace Austin via pinfall
When the show returns, a commercial airs for TNA at Full Sail University. We then shoot to TNA World Champion Joe Hendry in a blue room. “Say his name, and he appears,” Hendry begins, as always. He talks about how he’s unsure who will emerge as his first title challenger. In the meanwhile, next week, on TNA iMPACT, you’re going to see Joe Hendry in concert. He tells us we’ll be treated to a form of entertainment like no other.
Match 7: The Nemeth Brothers (Nic Nemeth & Ryan Nemeth) vs. First Class (AJ Francis & KC Navarro)
After Hannifan and Rehwoldt run down the advertised lineup for next week’s TNA iMPACT on February 6 (see lineup below), the show returns inside the Impact Zone where First Class duo KC Navarro and AJ Francis make their way out for the main event of the evening. The obligatory unzip and moan precedes the theme for the former top dog in TNA, as Nic Nemeth makes his way out accompanied by the man proud to be his little brother, Ryan Nemeth. The Nemeth Brothers head in the ring, with Ryan wearing a jacket to match his big brother. After the bell sounds, Francis and Ryan Nemeth kick things off for their respective teams. Francis kicks Ryan down to one knee and demands he tag in “big bro.” Ryan obliges, and “The Wanted Man” hits the ring, shifting the offensive momentum in his team’s favor. Nic lands a big leaping forearm that gets Francis second-guessing himself enough to voluntarily head over and tag out. Navarro comes in, but doesn’t fare much better in the initial exchanges. Navarro mocks Nemeth’s hip-swivel taunt, but it backfires as Nic blasts him upon turning around. Nic and Ryan team up for some double-team spots, which culminates with Francis and Navarro both on the floor upset and re-grouping. On that note, the show heads into a mid-match commercial break as the main event of the evening continues. When the show returns, the First Class duo of Francis and Navarro are in a comfortable offensive lead, utilizing frequent tags to keep a fresh man on the beaten down Ryan at all times, all-the-while taunting Nic on the apron. Eventually, Ryan makes the much-needed hot tag to Nic, who comes in the ring with a ton of energy off the hot tag, immediately shifting the offensive momentum back in his team’s favor. He hits the Jerry Lawler Heart Attack special rapid-fire elbow spot on Navarro, which brings Francis in. Ryan also hits the ring and takes care of Francis, while Navarro surprises Nic with a roll-up in the ring for a close two-count. Navarro blasts Nic with a big super kick for another close pin attempt seconds later. Nic fights back and hits a FameAsser on Navarro. Ryan tags himself in, just as Nic hits Danger Zone. Ryan steals the pin and over-celebrates as Nic watches in disbelief, before ultimately hesitantly celebrating with his little brother. Francis carries Navarro like a baby to the back as Hannifan and Rehwoldt wrap things up.
Match Result: The Nemeth Brothers def. First Class via pinfall
(H/T to Himanshu Doi of 411Mania.com and Matt Boone of F4WOnline.com for the above report.)