There Have Been Talks Of Mina Shirakawa Defending Undisputed British Women’s Title In STARDOM

RevPro owner Andy Quildan appeared on Pep Talks to discuss a nuumber of topics, including how there have been talks of Mina Shirakawa potentially defending the Undisputed British Women’s Championship in her home company of STARDOM.

Quildan said, “Yeah, I mean, it’s certainly been discussed. The question came to us, would we be happy with those defenses happening in Stardom? And we’ve answered yes. So again, the idea is we’re very fluid, okay? So what we don’t want championship defenses for the sake of championship defenses. So we want everything to make sense and everything to have a bit of meaning behind it. So the championship is there. If someone were to pin her in a non-title match, in a tag team match, however we put it, then it makes sense for someone to get a shot at the championship. In my mind, I very much want to see that women’s championship defended around the world.”

You can check out Quildan’s comments in the video below.

(H/T to Fightful for transcribing the above quotes)