The Undertaker Recalls Telling Kane ‘You Got To Have Some A**hole In You’

The Brothers of Destruction tag team is the subject of the most recent episode of “Six Feet Under,” hosted by Mark Calaway (The Undertaker). When The Undertaker and Kane teamed up, they had one of WWE’s most memorable storylines, as well as memorable matches and feuds.

On working with Kane:

“If I was to start a wrestling company on my own and I had to pick my first guy, I would pick Kane. One, because of the talent. He can work with anybody. Two, he knows exactly what his gimmick is and he knows what his gimmick isn’t. Three, he’s going to do business. Four, he’s the human being that people wish their kids to be. I mean, so you have all of those things with him. You’ve got pretty much the total package and somebody that was durable and worked hurt and did everything that the company asked of him. He was a leader by example. He’s not gonna be up in somebody’s face. He’s the kind of guy that’s going to pull you aside and say, ‘Hey, maybe you might want to do it this way, or try this. He’s not going to be that loud, boisterous, he’s going to be a gentleman about whatever he does, but he’s also the quiet type, like he could probably rip your head off and take a pretty healthy crap down your neck if he wanted to. I mean, he was strong, just physically strong. Before I had picked out a Stone Cold or a Rock, I want that as my pillar.”

What Mark Calaway told Glen Jacobs when they were going to turn him into the Kane character:

“Vince ended up having to talk with him, kind of before the Kane thing started. He (Kane) was such a nice guy. He didn’t want to ruffle feathers. He wanted to do his job and do everything. Sometimes when you’re like that, people take advantage. I told him, ‘You got to have some a**hole in you.’ Not an a**hole to be just an a**hole or a d*ck to somebody, but you have to have a**hole for the sake of the business. You have to understand what gifts you’ve been giving, what attributes you have, and you need to be able to stand up for yourself. If something doesn’t feel right, you need to voice your opinions on it and not just go with the flow. I said, ‘This is your last shot, man’, and it was. It was going to be his last shot at it. I believe Vince had a conversation with him that paralleled that, too, and he listened and, man, he showed up ready to go.”

On teaming with Kane against Shawn Michaels and Triple H at the 2018 Crown Jewel:

“It started in Australia. So that’s where it all got started was in Australia when I worked Triple H. So I worked Triple H. Shawn Michaels is in Triple H’s corner. Kane is in my corner. Triple H goes over. At the end we have, Hey, look at all us veterans. We’re all happy. Everybody’s happy, soaking it up, eating it up, and then Glenn and I choke slam them both and kicked their ass which sets up the Saudi Arabia show. Now we’ve talked Shawn Michaels, who said he was not ever going to wrestle again, and had no intentions of, and did not want to, we’re like, ‘Dude, you could do this in your sleep. It’s you and Triple H against us. How many years of ring time? We could all do this in our sleep. This is going to be easy money. We talked Shawn into it finally. Ain’t nobody sweating it. I don’t even think we started talking about anything until, like, intermission. There wasn’t any thought like anybody calling anybody, ‘Hey, what do you think about this or what do you think about that?’ We just rolled up into Saudi Arabia, like, man, we’re about to tear the roof off. This is going to be awesome. Oh my gosh.”

“It just started out bad and just completely went off of the rails. (After the match), we’re all pissed. Everybody’s pissed. Shawn is pissed because he came out of retirement. Paul is pissed. He had a WrestleMania match that year and he tears his pec. Glenn loses his mask. I lose my pride (he laughs) and I’m already filming Last Ride. That’s going to be part of the documentary. I remember them coming at me and I had to go sit by myself for a minute to process what we had just done or didn’t do and they’re coming up to me to get my thoughts on it . I’m just like, ‘No, just leave me alone. I need a minute. Just leave me alone.’ I don’t think we ever got an interview, It was awful. Everybody was apologizing for everybody else. It was just a complete disaster and train wreck. It was just another example of how difficult it becomes without reps.”

You can check out the complete podcast below:

(h/t to for the transcription)