The Undertaker Recalls Getting Stuck In An Elevator With Roddy Piper

WWE Hall of Famer The Undertaker recently appeared on his Six Feet Under podcast episode. He discussed several topics, including getting stuck on an elevator with fellow WWE Hall of Famer Roddy Piper.

Undertaker said, “Piper was a wild card, right? He was — I remember, I was just getting hot. The Undertaker thing was really starting to take off. I tell you exactly where it was at. It was in the hotel, the Marriott Hotel in San Antonio, Texas. And he was letting me know, he’s like, ‘You need to make your play right now.’ He goes, ‘You’re the hottest thing in the company right now. You need to hold Vince up for money.’ And I’m like — I’m thinking to myself, like, ‘Dude, I’m still in debt from getting in this business. ‘ And he goes, ‘I’m telling you right now, you get anything you want.’ He said, ‘You’re the hottest thing in the company.’ And I forgot to leave one important part out, that there was probably some white substance involved in his thinking, and we’re stuck on an elevator. We’re stuck on an elevator, just me and him. So there’s nowhere I can go. And it’s Roddy Piper, and I’m f**king, again, still a greenhorn. He’s telling me, and he’s in an uncomfortable space, my space. He’s very close, because he’s really passionate about what he’s saying to me. And he’s basically telling me, yeah. He’s like, ‘I’m telling you, man, I’m telling you.’ You know, it’s like, ‘You got all the power right now, man! You got it. You got it, man, you got it.’ I’m like, ‘I don’t feel like it. I don’t feel like I do.’”

On Piper’s significance to wrestling:

“Incredible heel. I think people forget. I think there’s just certain people, guys that were so significant to the business that people kinda — they think more about maybe the guys that they worked with. But man, his contributions were crazy. And what a good, good heel.”

You can check out the complete podcast in the video below.

(H/T to for transcribing the above quotes)