The Undertaker On The Only Thing That Worries Him About Wrestling’s Current Generation

(Photo Credit: WWE)

WWE Hall of Famer The Undertaker spoke with Demetrious Johnson on the MightyCast about today’s wrestlers.

“There’s nothing that I can say that like, ‘They should probably be doing this,’ Because they’re killing it. They’re killing it. The only thing that worries me, because I know the physical shape and condition that I’m in, and the things that I’ve had to do since I’ve been in the business, is I worry about their longevity, because of how much they continue to push the envelope.”

“What ends up happening a lot of times. You mentioned it a little bit earlier, about like the character development. There was a time period there, where the character development was really lacking and the athleticism part was there. So they would, they started doing these crazy moves to [compensate].

Then what they end up trying to do is like, okay, well, after two or three times of seeing a double backflip twist off the top rope to the floor, your audience gets desensitized to that, like ‘I’ve seen that. What do you got now?’ Now you have to push the envelope a little bit further, and there’s limitations to what the human body can do. But if you can get them invested in the character, you either gotta make them love you, or you gotta make them hate you.”

“What people really don’t realize is that within any given match, on any given night, you’re two inches away from something catastrophic happening. Regardless of how much training you’ve had. Then when you think about the number of dates per year that you’re working, that risk factor goes up exponentially. When you’re doing double back flips off of the top rope into a group of people, it only takes one time.”

You can check out the complete podcast below:

(quotes courtesy of