The Undertaker On His Retirement: “It’s Been A Difficult Transition”

(Photo Credit: WWE)

WWE Hall of Famer The Undertaker recently did a new interview with Adrian Hernandez covering all things pro wrestling. During the discussion, Undertaker commented on the transition from wrestling to retirement:

“It’s been difficult. That character was such an important part of my life and my career. Just not being able to perform. Again, you know, that’s my passion, my mind, and my heart. There’s nothing that I’d rather do than be in the ring performing. I mean, that’s who I am. And that’s what I did for 30-plus years, you know, even long before WWE. So it’s been a difficult transition for me, but I understand that my time… I had a great run, but my time is done. And it is time to do something different. And that’s where the One Dead Man show comes in. This has been a really cool transition because I’m still out there in front of my fan base. I’m giving them something new. It’s putting me out there. I tell people this all the time: I haven’t woken up the next day sore one time; I haven’t taken any bumps yet.”

On the fan reaction to his WrestleMania streak ending:

“It was really cool. I knew that I had an impact on our industry. But in that moment, when you have 70,000 people almost dead quiet. That means this is a major event within our industry. This is something that you’ll never see again. And all that’s playing, you know, into my mind is like, and honestly, it was so humbling. Because again, there was the guy, you know, there were people crying, and there were people, like the guy with the huge eyes. That’s just 100% honest emotion right there. And to know that people are invested in what you do and what you’ve done through your body of work. It’s really cool to know that.”

You can check out the complete interview below:

(h/t to for the transcription)