The Undertaker Gives His Opinion Of Today’s Style Of Wrestling

During an appearance on Corey Graves’ After The Bell podcast, The Undertaker gave his thoughts on the current style of wrestling:

“There are positives and negatives,” Taker said. “I think on the grand scale of everyone, the athletes of today are like comic book stuff, super hero stuff on what they can do. But, I think they rely too much on that aspect of their performance and not enough on their character and their willingness to sell and to make things mean something. Prime example, last night at Backlash. Edge and Randy, honestly, it almost brought a tear to my eye because I haven’t seen that type of wrestling match in so long. That is what professional wrestling is, or what it’s supposed to be, in my opinion. It’s great being able to be as athletic as all these guys are. But, at the end of the day, it doesn’t mean anything because when you rely on all that athleticism and rely only on that athleticism, you continually push the envelope on our audience. They are going to get desensitized to the double backflip off the top to somebody on the floor. They are going to see it a couple times and then go, ok, I’ve seen that, now what do you have for me. So now you have to continually push the envelope athletically and it puts you at a higher risk for injury. It’s self preservation. You have to work smart to make this last. That doesn’t mean you take the day off. You can work hard, and you should work hard every night. But, you have to work smart. I think the guys right now are relying too much on athleticism and not enough on storytelling.”