WWE Hall of Famer The Undertaker took to an episode of his Six Feet Under podcast, where he discussed several topics including John Cena potentially breaking the World Title record.
Undertaker said, “Do I think it’s best for business? I don’t know that it’s best for business, but I do know it would be a very special moment. I think there would be a lot of people very pleased, and I personally don’t have a problem with it if it does happen. Again, I think sometimes you can — you know, just every once and while throw somebody a bone. Like Flair’s had that record for — although Ric will tell you that there were like two times that no one even knows that he dropped and got the strap back. Once I know for sure, because he wouldn’t have got out of the country if he hadn’t. It’s a great story. But — you know, I don’t know. I love this, and I’ve said this before, I love the fact that Cena is doing this farewell kind of tour. And I think it should probably — for people in that caliber, I think hopefully it’s the model moving forward. That you get to go and — although they don’t do many live events anymore, but to go out and kind of have this tour where people can know where they can see you and go and see you one last time, and you can address these audiences.”
On Cena potentially becoming an executive in WWE:
“I believe that, I do. So I like that model of things. By no means is it going to change his legacy in any bit. Not only does he gotta win, then he’s got to lose it.”
You can check out the complete podcast in the video below.
(H/T to 411Mania.com for transcribing the above quotes)