The Most Memorable Pay-per-views in WWE History

World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) has crafted numerous iconic pay-per-view (PPV) events that have not only defined the wrestling industry but have also left an indelible mark on pop culture. These events, packed with unforgettable moments and legendary matches, have transcended the wrestling ring. Here are some of the most memorable WWE PPVs that have captivated fans worldwide.

WrestleMania 23

Often hailed as the greatest WrestleMania of all time with 1.2 million buys, WrestleMania 23 delivered unbelievable comedic scenes. Big wins included WWE Champion John Cena defeating Shawn Michaels and Mr McMahon’s head being shaved by Donald Trump after he lost the battle of the billionaires. The success of WrestleMania and this fighting entertainment franchise can be seen in its influence on the gaming industry, with iconic bouts from this event featured in various WWE video games and even slot games. For example, WWE Legends is a popular slot machine which can be found at any top online casino site who is serious about offering the best games to their members. 


SummerSlam 1992, held at Wembley Stadium in London, had its main event as the Intercontinental Championship between Bret “The Hitman” Hart and the British Bulldog. The event was one for the books, given that it was the first of its kind to have such a colossal record attendance. Not to forget, it was to remember for its electrifying main event when the British Bulldog came out on top in his home country. The event’s huge popularity has arguably inspired games celebrating WWE’s rich past, such as the WWE Legends slot machine.

Royal Rumble 

The Royal Rumble 2000 stands out for brutal but very entertaining matches, especially the Street Fight between Triple H and Cactus Jack. Madison Square Garden provided an electric atmosphere, welcoming the high stakes and intensity of the drama in the Rumble match. The success of the PPV set a new benchmark for future Royal Rumble events and paved the way for the wrestling-themed slot machines and video games that are favoured by fans today.

Money in the Bank 

Money in the Bank 2011 is best remembered for the electrifying bout between CM Punk and John Cena. That, together with his infamous “pipe bomb” promo leading up to the event, made this PPV an instant classic. Being remembered as a historic event, the cultural impact of Money in the Bank 2011 has been enormous, revitalising fan interest in WWE.

Survivor Series 

Survivor Series 2002 was the first introduction of the Elimination Chamber, a match type that has become a staple in WWE. In the inaugural Elimination Chamber match, Shawn Michaels emerged victorious in an exciting contest that cemented his legacy as the World Heavyweight Champion. It was an event to behold, 40 minutes of pure violent action.

The huge success of these matches has inspired games that have found a place not only on traditional gaming consoles but also in the best casinos in Vegas and online. WWE Legends, one of the most popular slot machines in any online casino, is a testament to the power of these legendary PPVs. These events continue to echo in the hearts of fans, and they ensure that WWE’s legacy remains alive across multiple platforms of entertainment.