Ted DiBiase On If It Was Disrespectful To Have Dusty Rhodes With Polka Dot Gear

WWE Hall of Famer “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase recently appeared on an episode of his “Everybody’s Got a Pod” podcast, where he discussed a number of topics including WWE changing Dusty Rhodes’ look.

DiBiase said, “I don’t know what Vince’s deal was. But you know, they put Dusty in this ridiculous-looking outfit… But I’m going to tell you what — and it’s to Dusty’s credit. Dusty said, ‘Okay, I’m going to take this ball and run with it.’ And he did. He got over. I mean, when you can work, you know how to get over. And so yeah, and I remember, he and I had some good matches.”

On the plumber’s vignettes for Dusty’s arrival:

“I don’t recall seeing any of the vignettes. Because it’s kind of like, we would do all the TVs, and it’s very rare that I go back, and ‘Okay, let me go watch myself. I didn’t see that vignette, no. But I knew that they had done those things with him.”

On whether it was disrespectful:

“You know what? And I don’t know if Vince did that to try and humiliate him. But Vince also knows that he got over. And the other thing you gotta remember about Vince: Vince was never a wrestler. Vince’s gift was marketing. And now he’s marketing all of these characters, and he’s marketing them to a younger audience. He’s trying to sell video games, action figures, and all that merchandise… I don’t know, it’s kind of like it may have been Vince’s way, I don’t know, of testing Dusty.”

You can check out the complete podcast in the video below.

(H/T to 411Mania.com for transcribing the above quotes)