Steve Maclin On Who He Has Learned From The Most In TNA

TNA star Steve Maclin spoke with Fightful on a number of topics, including who he has most learned from since he arrived in the company.

Maclin said, “Frankie, E-Y, Josh Alexander, and then even my producers, Ace Steel and Lance Storm. Those are, those are guys I kind of go to where if I have an idea, I run it by them and I’m like, ‘Hey, what do you think of this?’ They’ll tweak it a little bit and it’s just always having another third party where if you and I are having a match, we have our producer there and even when it was a referee sometimes too, with ref Eddie Oregno in WWE, we’d have tag matches and I would love it because I’m like, ‘Hey Eddie, what do you think of this?’ Like, ‘Oh, you’re kind of doing this. Maybe like this, [if] you just eliminate this part and it’ll just simplify it.’ I’m like, ‘Oh, okay.’”

“It just, it dumbs it down and helps you make it simpler and the ‘Keep It Simple, Stupid’ method is very true to pro wrestling. It just resonates towards fans where you can sit there and go, ‘Oh, okay.’ Where you don’t want to bury a referee or you just don’t want to ruin a spot. I love to just try to make things simpler and that’s kind of how I try to work and navigate with producers and other talent as well when I go to them for advice.”

You can check out Maclin’s comments in the video below.

(H/T to Fightful for transcribing the above quotes)