Steve Maclin and Deonna Purrazzo are still very much focused on the pro wrestling business.
The IMPACT Wrestling star recently spoke with Darren Paltrowitz for an interview on The Paltrocast and spoke about he and his wife still being very much focused on their respective pro wrestling careers.
Featured below are some of the highlights from the interview where he touches on this topic with his thoughts.
On how he is looking into getting a psychology degree: “Yeah, if you don’t have 100% of the business, then it’s — with the schedule that we do have, it’s very relaxed in IMPACT, which is nice. I can do things on the outside. Right now, I’m finishing up my education. Getting a psychology degree like that’s for down the road, whether it is, but all my focus is on pro wrestling,” said Steve. “Even in this house, wrestling is on 24/7, or it’s talked about 24/7. [We talk about] stupid ideas. We’ll be randomly walking through the rooms and grab somebody and say, ‘Hey, what do you think of this? Can you do this? Or this?’ I don’t know. We’re weird.”
On how he and Deonna are still focused on wrestling: “That’s the one thing we do is we care. My wife [Deonna Purrazzo] as well. Just, we care deeply about making everything we do mean something. We want to put out the best match possible. Whether we win or lose, we want the fans to enjoy what we do, and that’s the one thing I take to heart is [making fans] suspend that disbelief and make fans believe in what I’m doing out there. Whether they know the outcome or not, or assume the outcome, I want to have those twists and turns where they don’t see something coming. That’s the fun part for me now to create that and try to change it.”
Check out the complete Steve Maclin interview via the YouTube player embedded below. H/T to Fightful.com for transcribing the above quotes.