Steve Austin Explains Why He Didn’t Show Up At WrestleMania 40 Despite Being Invited

(Photo Credit: A&E)

WWE Hall of Fame legend “Stone Cold” Steve Austin was contacted by WWE to appear at WrestleMania XL, but ultimately opted against appearing on “The Grandest Stage of Them All.”

But why?

During a recent Unlikely interview with Adrian Hernandez, “The Texas Rattlesnake” revealed the answer to that question.

“It was close,” Austin said regarding how close he came to making a WrestleMania 40 appearance. “They certainly reached out to me. We had conversations.”

Austin continued, explaining why he ultimately couldn’t show up to “The Show of Shows.”

“My wife and I had some things going on and I didn’t need to go to Philly at that time,” he said. “I have said, I miss Mania and Philly was a good town for me back in the day and I appreciate those fans. Couldn’t make it down on that one.”

(H/T to for transcribing the above quotes.)