Impact Wrestling taped their February 9 episode from Osceola Heritage Park in Kissimmee, Florida on Friday night. There has been no word on whether these spoilers will air in the order they were taped. The February 2 spoilers from Friday night can be found by clicking here. On Saturday night, two more episodes of Impact will be taped. Full spoilers from the New Year’s Revolution taping, which will air on February 9:
* Matt Rehwoldt and Tom Hannifan provided commentary
* David Penzer did the ring announcements
* Brian Myers defeated Dirty Dango to qualify for the No Surrender #1 Contender Fatal 4 Way
* Steph De Lander (fka Persia Pirotta in WWE NXT) entered the ring and cut a promo about how she has the rest of the Knockouts division shaking in their boots, and how Jordynne Grace has fallen from grace
* Jordynne Grace defeated Steph De Lander
* Knockouts World Tag Team Champions Rosemary and Taya Valkyrie defeated Killer Kelly and Taylor Wilde in a non-title match. Taya pinned Kelly to win, and Wilde gave Kelley a tarot card before deciding not to save her. Father James Mitchell came out to greet The Death Dollz. Jessicka, he says, reminds him of someone from his past. He also mentioned that his boss is upset with Rosemary because she has gone too long without showing respect to the boss, and that if the boss isn’t happy, no one is. Mitchell casts a curse on Rosemary. NWA’s Allysin Kay and Marti Belle, dubbed “The Hex,” then stormed the ring and left The Death Dollz for dead. As Kay and Belle posed over the champions, Mitchell let out a maniacal laugh from the stage.
* PCO defeated Mahabali Shera to qualify for the No Surrender #1 Contender Fatal 4 Way.
* Knockouts World Champion Mickie James and Tommy Dreamer defeated Jason Hotch and John Skyler. Hotch was pinned for the finish by James. After the match, Bully Ray came out and attacked Dreamer. Ray locked his gaze on James, but Masha Slamovich emerged from the crowd and delivered her finisher. Ray nodded to Slamovich, but she left on her own.
* Impact Digital Media Champion Joe Hendry retained over Matt Cardona. At one point, Brian Myers attempted to intervene, but his attempt backfired, and he accidentally hit Cardona with the belt. Moose attempted to hit Hendry with a Spear after the match, but instead hit Cardona.
* NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Champions The Motor City Machine Guns retained their Impact World Tag Team Titles over X Division Champion Trey Miguel and Eddie Edwards