Speculation on Kevin Dunn’s WWE Career Coming To An End Soon

The aftermath of Vince McMahon’s retirement announcement on Friday is expected to have a significant impact on WWE.

The backstage reaction to Vince’s departure and what it might mean for the business was discussed in a story by Wade Keller at PWTorchVIP.com.

People at the company are speculating about who will be brought back, according to Keller. Vince is viewed as being less forgiving than Triple H. In fact, Triple H had a major role in the WWE Hall Of Fame’s decision to reinstate stars like Bruno Sammartino and The Ultimate Warrior.

Additionally, Triple H hired many of the wrestlers who were released in the past few years, so it stands to reason that he would want some of those names back, if they are still available.

Keller also mentioned that certain staff members are unsure as to whether or not some writers who were fired will return. For the foreseeable future, Bruce Prichard will serve as Raw and SmackDown’s main director and head of creative. On Friday’s SmackDown, he was in the Gorilla position with Stephanie McMahon overseeing him. Prichard is overseeing TV’s top writers, Ed Koskie on RAW and Ryan Callahan on SmackDown. Koskie and Callahan are likely to be secure under Stephanie.

Although Kevin Dunn is said to be expected to hold onto his post for some time, it appears unlikely that he will still be in place a year from now given that he has never been considered a “Triple H guy” and is not close to Stephanie. Since the 1980s, Dunn and Vince had been close, and it has always been thought that as long as Vince was alive, his job was secure.

According to Keller, there was a common belief that Triple H was preparing his successors while he was in charge of NXT, including Dunn’s replacement. It’s expected that WWE’s behind-the-scenes changes will happen gradually.

Stay tuned to PWMania.com for more.