Indie star Shaul Guerrero recently appeared on Developmentally Speaking, where she talked about a number of topics including the struggles she faced during her time in FCW such as her eating disorder.
Guerrero said, “I had a lot of demons in my younger life and I still do now. We were still the ‘let me up’ match, we were still doing bikini contests instead of wrestling, we were still doing dance contests instead of wrestling… I think, with having an eating disorder — pre-existing eating disorder — I think just fanned the flames.”
On learning a lot about herself during her time in developmental:
“So, I’m happy how it happened. I grew up; I think WWE had me grow up in a lot of ways.”
On seeing other people get called up:
“It would be hard when, sometimes like, you know, somebody that’s maybe been there for three months and barely has any training and you have people there for years, that have been cutting their teeth for years, and they still haven’t been called up. Sometimes you’re not the look, and sometimes you’re not what they’re looking for and that’s just like, ‘Eh, c’est la vie, it’s showbusiness, baby.’”
On not fitting WWE’s mold for female stars at the time:
“You know, you’re not thin enough –- or for me, like a mid-size person, who — I’m not particularly very thin, and I’m also not so like tall or super, super buff or fit. You were either the model or you were the monster… I wasn’t feminine enough — AKA I wasn’t losing enough weight. And also, I wasn’t Latina enough for what they wanted.”
On not having ambitions to fill her dad’s shoes:
“I know I’m no Eddie Guerrero, and that is okay because nobody’s Eddie Guerrero.”
On her eating disorder getting in the way in NXT:
“Because my eating disorder got so unruly, I did have to take a break, and that really took any momentum away from my main roster debut.”
You can check out Guerrero’s comments in the video below.