Scott Steiner Reveals How He And Rick Steiner Staged Food Fights To Get Released From WWE

WWE Hall of Famer Scott Steiner appeared on Talk Is Jericho, where he discussed a number of topics, including how he and his brother, fellow WWE Hall of Famer Rick Steiner, tried to get fired from the company by starting food fights.

Scott Steiner said, “We weren’t getting paid…so then we start getting frustrated, so then we started trying to get fired. The first thing, we were in an overseas tour, we’re in Italy, and my brother said, you know, in the cafeteria, you know; food fight!”

On starting another food fight:

“Then we did it again the next night at the building, there’s just a bunch of food at the building, and the same thing: food fight again. After all that, I don’t think – if they didn’t catch then, they caught on when I requested a meeting with Vince [McMahon] which was a pretty touchy thing because that was after Nailz had choked him out.”

You can check out the complete podcast below.