Scott D’Amore Talks About His Attempt To Buy TNA

(Photo Credit: TNA Wrestling)

Former TNA President and founder of the soon-to-be relaunched Maple Leaf Pro, Scott D’Amore, cleared up rumors regarding his attempted purchase of TNA during an appearance on the K100 podcast.

“It’s public record, I tried to buy the company, right,” D’Amore began. “To set the record straight — for those that say I tried to buy it and then I got let go, I mean, I had got let go and then I tried to buy it which was the more logical series of events.”

He added, “So it’s like, look, I think I know where I want this thing to go and I know where we can take it and I’m willing to put my money and others money where my mouth is and say, ‘Hey, let us acquire it and see what we can do with it.’ Ultimately, that was turned down so they continued to do their thing. Once the bitterness, the hurt feelings, and the anger subsides, just sit there and go, ‘Okay, what’s next?’”

For the complete interview, visit H/T to for transcribing the above quotes.