Your new AAA World Mixed Tag Team Champions are Abismo Negro Jr. and Flammer.
At tonight’s AAA Noche de Campeones (Night of Champions) event, AEW’s Sammy Guevara and Tay Melo were scheduled to defend their titles in a Triple Threat against Octagón Jr. and Lady Shani, as well as the team of Komander and Sexy Star II. AEW announced Melo and Anna Jay vs. Willow Nightingale and Ruby Soho for tonight’s New Year’s Smash edition of Dynamite after AAA’s original announcement, and the couple did not appear in Mexico for AAA.
Before the match, Konnan appeared and announced that the titles had been declared vacant due to Guevara and Melo’s absence. The vacant titles were won by Abismo and Flammer, who were added to the match to replace Guevara and Melo.
Guevara and Melo had missed the previous three AAA shows. On a recent episode of Wrestling Observer Radio, it was mentioned that AAA was looking to strip the AEW stars of their titles due to repeated issues with their inability to make the AAA dates. It was noted that Guevara and Melo missed their last title defense due to visa issues, but those issues were resolved, and another issue prevented them from working tonight’s event. Due to a wrestler being ill, AEW changed plans for tonight’s women’s tag team match at Dynamite, and Melo was booked as the replacement, despite AAA already announcing her for tonight’s TV taping.
This is Abismo and Flammer’s first title reign. Guevara and Melo won the titles on April 30 at Triplemania XXX: Monterrey in a Four-Way match against Komander and Sexy Star II, Maravilla and Látigo, and former champions Los Vipers. Melo and Guevara held the titles for 241 days.
Despite their lengthy reigns, Guevara and Melo only defended their titles twice. They won over Dante Martin and Skye Blue on the August 12 Rampage show, then Ortiz and Ruby Soho on the September 4 AEW All Out pre-show.
As of this writing, Guevara and Melo had not publicly commented on the loss of their AAA titles.
Here are some shots from Wednesday night’s title match at Acapulco’s Arena GNP Seguros:
¡ @Konnan5150 ha hablado!
Tendremos nuevos campeones de parejas mixtas de #LuchaLibreAAA en #NocheDeCampeonesAAA
EN VIVO | @FiteTV pic.twitter.com/FYsH5K6Ifa
— Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (@luchalibreaaa) December 29, 2022
Sexy Star II tijeras attemp was cool #LuchaLibreAAA #NocheDeCampeonesAAA pic.twitter.com/f6E7i1dYZ8
— Donal オビエド (@D_Wrestlingifs) December 29, 2022
.@KomandercrMX crazy tijeras(props to Abismo negro jr) #LuchaLibreAAA #NocheDeCampeonesAAA pic.twitter.com/JNYCIkjnXu
— Donal オビエド (@D_Wrestlingifs) December 29, 2022
.@Octagon_AAA1 moonsault #LuchaLibreAAA #NocheDeCampeonesAAA pic.twitter.com/futlGIYN2u
— Donal オビエド (@D_Wrestlingifs) December 29, 2022
Flammer driver #LuchaLibreAAA #NocheDeCampeonesAAA pic.twitter.com/KhLURWllZt
— Donal オビエド (@D_Wrestlingifs) December 29, 2022
#NocheDeCampeonesAAA: Abismo Negro Jr. y Flammer son los nuevos Campeones de Parejas Mixtas tras vencer a Komander y Sexy Star, además de Octagón Jr. y Lady Shani pic.twitter.com/FD3RE4bEC2
— Más Lucha (@mas_lucha) December 29, 2022
¡Tenemos nuevos campeones de parejas mixtas de #LuchaLibreAAA!
Flammer y @AbismoJunior lo consiguen en #NocheDeCampeonesAAA
EN VIVO | @FiteTV pic.twitter.com/2pIojFTWzV
— Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (@luchalibreaaa) December 29, 2022
Abismo Negro Jr y Flammer, quienes fueron los últimos invitados a la lucha, son los NUEVOS Campeones de Parejas Mixtas de @luchalibreaaa tras quedar vacantes por la ausencia de Sammy Guevara y Tay Conti@record_mexico pic.twitter.com/iNRSoIxoFm
— Saúl Cano (@Saul_oCano) December 29, 2022
Flammer y Abismo Negro Jr se convierten en los nuevos Campeones de Parejas Mixtas de #LuchaLibreAAA #NocheDeCampeonesAAA pic.twitter.com/QrWzHSiFwR
— Tampico Lucha Fan (@tampicoluchafan) December 29, 2022
¡ #AbismoNegroJr y @LadyFlammer se Convierten en los Nuevos Campeones Mixtos de AAA , Gran año para la toxica! #NocheDeCampeonesAAA pic.twitter.com/qNZh6jvYHI
— Héroe Del Distrito (@HeroeDelDistrit) December 29, 2022