Royce Isaacs, who makes up one-half of one of the best tag teams in the world the West Coast Wrecking Crew with Jorel Nelson was a recent guest on The Alliance Pro Wrestling Podcast Network.
Isaacs discussed numerous topics including his current contract status with NJPW, If he had any talks with IMPACT Wrestling and His upcoming Bloodsport 9 match with Johnny Bloodsport aka John Henngian.
Royce on his upcoming Bloodsport match against Johnny Bloodsport:
“I obviously have to respect Johnny. He has had a hell of a career. He’s been around a really long time. He is insane athlete. Like I think he’s one of the craziest athletes in pro wrestling, any organization, any country anywhere, the things that he’s able to do. And I really do appreciate him taking a matchup. I don’t think I’m the sexiest matchup on paper for him. I’m sure he could like, ask for a bigger name or someone that like, oh, wow, this would be really cool. But I’m a tough, tough fight. I’m a tough out especially at Bloodsport, it’s kind of like he has an away game and it’s a home game for me because blood sports one of my specialties. Obviously, he’s done it before and he’s an athlete, and he’s done well, at it. He was a college wrestler, he can fight. I’m not gonna take that away from him. But I do think this is definitely him kind of coming into my realm. And so I mean, I think he’s going to be kind of, I think he’s going to be surprised. I think a lot of the fans are going to be surprised. And it’s like, a good showcase. Like, it’s a kind of a lucky break if you want to say it that way for me that I’ve gotten like the biggest, it’s definitely the biggest name I’ve gotten at Bloodsport is Johnny. And I think I’m not gonna like act like, oh, it’s gonna be an easy fight or this or whatever. But I do think it’s going to be a really good showcase for me, and my skills. I think if he thinks he’s going to do 700 cartwheels around me and I’m just gonna stand there and he’s not going to just catch a blast double and some elbows to the face for his troubles, unfortunately, has another thing coming.”
On His Contract status with NJPW:
“No, not under contract, still a free agent still exploring my options. For sure. I mean, obviously, that would be a nice end goal. But realistically, I don’t know when that will be achieved. All my options are open WWE, Impact, AEW, all that kind of stuff. If any of them are interested, I’m all about doing business, Relly (Jorel Nelson) is all about doing business. I think West Coast Wrecking Crew is far too talented to not be on papers somewhere. I understand that I’m very biased as I’m part of the West Coast Wrecking Crew. But honestly, to me, it’s absolutely crazy, if you look out at the indie landscape and who else is going, I think we stand head and shoulders above pretty much any other team. And I think we should be in the mix for all these big promotions. So yeah, to answer your question, still definitely free agent. But I would really like to change that sometime soon. Because it would be nice to have a little bit of security. And I think I mean, ideally I’d love to sign a contract New Japan Pro Wrestling, but realistically, I have bills to pay. I think that I would flourish anywhere. I think that myself and Jorel would flourish anywhere. And hey, let’s get it.”
On if he had talks with IMPACT Wrestling:
“A little bit, I’ve met Scott (D’Amore) and we had a good chat at Battle in the Valley but like nothing very serious about like, oh, hey, we have these dates and what we’re trying to work out so like, I don’t know, I feel like that would be the next step because I would like to have some serious talks with some people about about working together because I do think that’s like a really good next step for us. Even if it’s like as a kind of like a freelance kind of thing and see how everything works out then great. I love to also just keep options open and see where we fit in.”
Here is the full Alliance Pro Wrestling Podcast Network Interview with Royce Isaacs:
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