Ronda Rousey thinks the WWE women’s division is taking steps forward with Vince McMahon gone and Paul “Triple H” Levesque at the helm.
During a recent interview with Scott Fishman of TV Insider, the UFC Hall of Fame legend and former WWE Women’s Champion spoke about this topic, as well as the landscape of women in combat sports in UFC and boxing.
Featured below are some of the highlights from the interview where she touches on these topics with her thoughts.
On her thoughts on the landscape of women in combat sports in WWE, UFC, and beyond: “I think women in combat sports everywhere are succeeding more than ever before because people are taking them seriously. I think that being able to prove that women can fight and be exciting and dynamic. There has been this ripple effect on boxing, UFC, pro wrestling, and even Olympic wrestling. Women’s combat sports are exploding everywhere. Where fighting like a girl was an insult, and it’s not that anymore. I’ve been running around doing the mom thing and doing all these things that I haven’t been able to watch wrestlng as much as I used to. I saw a post from Nattie the other day that they had a card or half of the matches on the card were women. That was the last real hurdle for us to get to. To have equal representation in the programming time.”
On how the WWE women’s division is taking steps forward with Vince McMahon gone and Paul Levesque running things: “I’m sure the matches themselves didn’t get the time the men got for the most part, but all these steps forward make it so much easier for those after us to continue to start where we left off rather than all the way to the back. We can keep pushing farther and farther and help the next generations. There was a point after we had the main event of WrestleMania that I feel like WWE took several steps back, but now that Vince McMahon is gone and Triple H is at the helm, I feel we are taking steps forward again. I’m extremely encouraged by what is happening across the entire industry.”
Check out the complete interview at TVInsider.com.