ROH World TV Championship Match Set For Friday’s CMLL Viernes Espectacular

CMLL announced that ROH World TV Champion Kyle Fletcher will put his title on the line this Friday at their Viernes Espectacular show against Atlantis Jr.

Other matches advertised to take place on the show include Mistico, Volador Jr. and Esfinge vs. Ángel de Oro and Los Infernales, Titan and Templario vs. Star Jr. and Ultimo Guerrero, Skadi, Lluvia and Tessa Blanchard vs. Zeuxis, Persephone and Stephanie Vaquer, Futuro and Max Star vs. Raider and Vegas and Micro Sagrado, Chamuel and KeMalito vs. Tengu, Micro Gemelo Diablo I and Micro Gemelo Diablo II.