ROH TV Results – October 12, 2023
Kicking off this week’s ROH with Dasha Gonzalez is with Serpentico & he said that he didn’t have to beat Eddie Kingston tonight he just had to survive the 10 minute time limit to get a future ROH World Title match.
Proving Ground Match
ROH World Champion Eddie Kingston vs. Serpentico
Serpentico chops at Eddie Kingston then hits own Machine Gun Chops in the corner before Serpentico caught Kingston with a hurricanrana and a facebuster for a near fall.
Serpentico went to the top rope but Kingston caught him with a t bone suplex before Kingston hits a Saito suplex for a near fall then locks in Stretch Plum for the win.
Winner By Submission: ROH World Champion Eddie Kingston (1:49)
After the match Angelico wouldn’t let Kingston shake Serpentico’s hand. Kingston got in his face asking if Angelico would stab him in the back. Angelico said that when it came to hold for hold wrestling no one scared him. They agreed to a future ROH World Title match.
Tag Team Match
Gates Of Agony (Toa Liona & Kaun) vs. Lights Camera Faction (Fresco & Watson)
Match ends when Gates Of Agony hits a double clothesline to Fresco.
Winners: Gates Of Agony
Backstage Dasha is with Daga & he said that he was a former AAA Latin American Champion and he wanted the title back.
Proving Ground Match
Women’s Champion Athena vs. Mazzerati
Mazzerati got the better of an opening exchange before Athena nails her with a dropkick. Athena avoids a low bridge to the outside before dropping Mazzerati to the floor with a gordbuster. Mazzerati kicked Athena’s feet out on the apron and went for a hurricanrana but Athena hit her with a thudding powerbomb on the floor.
Athena flung Mazzerati into the barricade before working on her in the ring then Mazzerati caught Athena with a back kick but Athena cartwheeled out of a headscissors and drills her with a forearm for a near fall.
Athena locks Mazzerati in the tree of woe then nails her with boots to the back. Mazzerati avoided a corner charge and fought back but Athena booted her out of the air on a springboard. Athena locked on an armbar & forcing Mazzerati to tap out
Winner By Submission: Women’s Champion Athena (5:17)
After the match Starkz waits for Athena to turn her back before hiding Mazzerati under the ring to save her from a further beatdown.
Backstage Lexy Nair is with Lee Johnson but was immediately interrupted by Shane Taylor Promotions & they offered him a spot in the group with that sounding better than the moral victories Johnson had been racking up.
Before the match QT Marshall introduced himself to Daga before calling himself the greatest luchador of all time. Marshall said that lucha crowds would chant culero at him, and asked Daga to translate that for him. Daga told him they were calling him an asshole before hitting him with a punch.
AAA Latin American Title Match
QT Marshall (c) vs. Daga
Marshall clobbered on Daga as he drops him with a dropkick before posing to boos then Daga fired up by hitting Marshall with a pop up German suplex. Dropkicks in the corner before a brainbuster got a near fall for Daga.
Daga cuts off a Marshall springboard by hitting a backstabber with Marshall tied in the ropes for a near fall. Marshall hit a satellite DDT then put his feet on the ropes for the cover but referee Aubrey Edwards caught him and stops her count.
Daga caught Marshall with a pair of flash pins before hitting a thrust kick and a gutwrench powerbomb for a near fall.
Daga went to the top rope but Marshall caught him with a Diamond Cutter. Marshall hits Dirt Sheet Driver before applying the La Casita to get the win.
Winner & Still AAA Latin American Champion: QT Marshall (STILL CHAMPION!!!!!)
We get a Dalton Castle video package.
Tag Team Match
Shane Taylor Promotions (Shane Taylor & Lee Moriarty) vs. The Infantry (Carlie Bravo & Shawn Dean)
The Infantry got the early advantage by hitting double teams on Shane Taylor Promotions then Lee Moriarty cuts off Shawn Dean and tags in Shane Taylor.
Dean got beat down before slipping out of the way of a corner charge and tagging in Carlie Bravo. Bravo ran wild on both guys by hitting a slingshot facebuster on Moriarty for a near fall.
They went for the Boot Camp on Moriarty but Taylor cuts off Bravo from the floor. Taylor broke Dean’s cover off of a backbreaker. Bravo hits Bravo Crossover but Taylor caught Bravo with a big punch for the win.
Winners: Shane Taylor Promotions
Backstage Lexy Nair is with Billie Starkz but she was quickly interrupted by Mercedes Martinez & Diamante. They told her that Athena would turn on her before taking her fanny pack.
Angelico vs. Marty Casaus
After some dancing shenanigans Angelico sends Marty Casaus into the buckles but Casaus wasn’t impressed so he sent his own head into the turnbuckles before Angelico rolls him up for a near fall. Casaus hit a half & half slam for a near fall.
Casaus hit a northern lights suplex for a near fall before Angelico hits a capoeira kick for a near fall then he traps Casaus in a leg lock before tapping Casaus out with an ankle lock.
Winner By Submission: Angelico
Mercedes Martinez vs. Lady Frost
Mercedes Martinez quickly took down Lady Frost and laid in stomps and forearms before Frost came back with a forearm of her own before Martinez boots Frost on a handspring headscissors attempt.
Martinez clobbers Frost in the corner with Diamante sneaking in a shot behind the referee’s back. Frost came back by cartwheeling over Martinez’s back and hit a backstabber.
Martinez ducked a charge and took control of Frost again but Frost came back with a back kick. Frost hit tackles in the corner before hitting a rising kick.
Frost hits a tornado Vader Bomb for a near fall then Frost went to the top again but Diamante distracted her and the referee.
Martinez took Frost off the top and hits Razor’s Edge Dominator for the win.
Winner: Mercedes Martinez
Smart Mark Sterling is backstage with Josh Woods. Sterling decided to give Woods a new coach in Pat Buck. Woods believed that he was beyond a coach and an insulted Buck decided to challenge Woods for a match next week.
Willow Nightingale vs. Leyla Hirsch
Willow Nightingale overpowers Leyla Hirsch to start this match then Nightingale clobbers on Hirsch in the corner before Hirsch slips into a choke.
Nightingale went to the top rope but Hirsch ripped her out and bounced Nightingale’s head off the turnbuckles before Hirsch counters a uranage with an armdrag before locking on a double wristlock.
Nightingale fought out of the submission with a suplex then Nightingale fired up by hitting a big spinebuster for a near fall. Hirsch came back with a German suplex and a lariat for a near fall.
Nightingale hit a uranage for a near fall before Hirsch ducks out of the way of a cannonball but Nightingale boots Hirsch on the triangle dropkick then Nightingale hits Pounce and Babe With The Powerbomb for the win.
Winner: Willow Nightingale
After the match Hirsch jumps Nightingale before Skye Blue ran her off.
Action Andretti vs. Gringo Loco
Gringo Loco & Action Andretti had a fast paced opening by trading arm drags and flash pins. Loco cartwheels out of a hurricanrana attempt before they had a standoff.
Loco caught Andretti with a pop up flapjack for a near fall then Loco locks in a submission before posing on Andretti. Andretti got out but Loco pokes him in the eye and hits a wacky slam on him for a near fall.
Andretti fired up by hitting a pop up dropkick before poking Loco in the eye then Andretti sends Loco to the floor before hitting a springboard moonsault to the floor.
Loco moves out of the way of a springboard 450 but walked into a Spanish Fly for a near fall then Loco shoves Andretti away and hits a step up cutter for a near fall.
Loco went to the top rope but Andretti kicks him and hit a super Frankensteiner then Andretti hits a shotgun dropkick and a split legged moonsault for the win.
Winner: Action Andretti
Backstage Dasha is with Ethan Page. He said he would show respect to Christopher Daniels tonight but would do what he needed to do to get in line for a ROH World Title shot against Eddie Kingston.
Billie Starkz vs. Rachelle Riveter
Billie Starks hits Rachelle Riveter with Star 10 then locks in Crossface for the submission win.
Winner By Submission: Billie Starkz
After the match Starkz & Athena were laid out by Mercedez Martinez & Diamante.
Kip Sabian vs. Anthony Henry
Kip Sabian & Anthony Henry traded positioning on a knuckle lock until Henry caught Sabian in an armbar that forced Sabian to the ropes then Sabian sends Henry to the floor but JD Drake took the bullet on a moonsault to the floor.
Henry hit an around the world kick to Sabian on the outside but Sabian hit a shotgun dropkick in the ring then Sabian hits a cannonball for a near fall before Sabian hits a double stomp for a near fall.
Sabian locks in an octopus hold that forced Henry to the ropes then Henry hits a series of kicks before flooring Sabian with a Penalty Kick. Henry hit a twisting Michinoku Driver for a near fall.
Penelope Ford distracted Henry on the double stomp attempt allowing Sabian to hit Deathly Hallows for the win.
Winner: Kip Sabian
We go backstage where Dasha is with Griff Garrison & he was worried about things not working out for him. Cole Karter & Maria Kanellis-Bennett walked in telling Garrison that he should have followed their lead. Bennett told them that they have a common goal and that they need to work out their problems. They agreed to give the team another shot.
Ethan Page vs. Christopher Daniels
Christopher Daniels drops Ethan Page with some shots to the gut to take control. Daniels sent Page into the turnbuckles sternum first before hitting a running knee to the chest.
Daniels caught Page in an Octopus Hold, then drops Page with an STO before Page drops Daniels with a big boot before firing up. Page hits a big powerslam for a near fall.
They got into a pinning predicament before Daniels low bridges Page to the apron. Page went for Headshot but Daniels caught him in a backslide for a near fall. Page fought out of Angel’s Wings and hits Ego’s Edge to score the win.
Winner: Ethan Page
After the match Mark Sterling & Tony Nese interrupted Page’s celebration. Sterling offers Page a spot in the Premier Athlete Brand noting that Page couldn’t quit on this as he had quit on everything else. Page polled the crowd before rejecting the offer. Nese said that Page didn’t deserve a spot in the Premier Athlete Brand nor did he belong in a ring. Page rejects the offer to join Nese for group training then challenges him to a match for next week.
Scoripo Sky vs. Darius Martin
Scoripo Sky picks Darius Martin’s ankle to take him down and take control then Sky hits a back suplex for a near fall. Sky clobbers on Martin until Martin countered a rising knee with a dropkick. Martin hits a bulldog into the ropes before hitting a slingshot facebuster for a near fall.
Martin caught Sky with a German suplex but Sky came back with Sky High for a near fall then Martin slips to the apron and hit a high kick but Sky got his knees up on a splash attempt then hits TKO for the win.
Winner: Scoripo Sky