ROH TV Results – June 29, 2023
Tag Team Match
La Faccion Ingobernable (Preston Vance & Dralistico) vs. Mark Wheeler & Vikram Prashar
LFI attacks Mark Wheeler & Vikram Prashar before the bell & Preston Vance hits Wheeler with a spinebuster then Dralistico dove in with a springboard codebreaker on Prashar & Vance nails a Discus Lariat for the win.
Winners: La Faccion Ingobernable
Tag Team Match
The Righteous (Vincent & Dutch) vs. Dark Order (John Silver & Alex Reynolds)
Dark Order did not follow through with the Code Of Honor and attacked The Righteous before the bell. John Silver confronted Stu Stu Grayson on the floor and Vincent rams Silver into the ring apron & this led to a setup where Vincent brought a steel chair into the ring but when the ref turns around he saw Evil Uno holding it so Uno was ejected from the match. Dutch hits Silver with a Blackhole Slam to take control.
Silver reversed a suplex attempt from Dutch and made the tag to Alex Reynolds & Reynolds ran wild on Dutch and hit a charging knee in the corner. They fought to the floor and Reynolds sent Vincent into the ring barricade and took Dutch down with a tornado DDT.
Back in the ring Silver hits Vincent with a deadlift brainbuster then goes for the pin but Dutch pulls Silver out of the ring. Behind the ref’s back Grayson ran in and hits Reynolds with a running knee and Vincent rolls up Reynolds for the win.
Winners: The Righteous
After the match The Righteous beat down Silver & Reynolds. Evil Uno ran in with a chair to break it up but Stu Grayson got in Uno’s face. Uno wouldn’t hit Grayson with the chair.
Diamante vs. Leila Grey
Smart Mark Sterling distracted Diamante on the floor and Leila Grey got the advantage as she hits a suplex and controlled Diamante with a surfboard then transitioned to a chinlock when Diamante was about to escape. Diamante escaped with a jawbreaker and nails Grey with a series of clotheslines and a German suplex.
Grey came back with a sit out uranage for a near fall. Diamante hit a shotgun dropkick but Sterling broke up the pin attempt by putting Grey’s foot on the bottom ropes before she hits Grey with Cross Rhodes for the win.
Winner: Diamante
8 Man Tag Team Match
ROH World Tag Team Champions Lucha Bros (Pentagon Jr & Rey Fenix), Komander & El Hijo Del Vikingo vs. The Workhorsemen (JD Drake & Anthony Henry), Shane Taylor & Gringo Loco
Gringo Loco press slams Rey Fenix & Shane Taylor followed up with a splash for a near fall. Fenix caught Taylor with a superkick. Komander got the tag and was mowed down by a lariat from Taylor. Komander was triple teamed by The Workhorsemen & Taylor before Loco hits a twisting springboard moonsault on Komander for a near fall.
Komander caught JD Drake with an enziguri and made the tag to Vikingo & Vikingo hits an headscissors while standing on Loco’s shoulders then Lucha Bros double teamed Drake. Pentagon Jr went for the Fear Factor on Drake but Drake escapes and both guys were down following a double clothesline.
Fenix & Anthony Henry got the tags for their teams. Henry drops Fenix with a brainbuster for a near fall. Vikingo & Komander hit a pair of dives on the floor while in the ring Lucha Bros double teamed Henry as Lucha Bros hit a double superkick on Henry then the Assisted Fear Factor to get the win.
Winners: ROH World Tag Team Champions Lucha Bros, Komander & El Hijo Del Vikingo
Television Champion Samoa Joe’s promo was interrupted by Stokely Hathaway. Hathaway may run ROH, but Samoa Joe runs Hathaway.
Tag Team Match
Big Bill & Lee Moriarty vs. Tarik & Karu
Big Bill takes down Karu with a big boot and Tarik with a Black Hole Slam before Lee Moriarty caught Tarik in the Border City Stretch for the submission win
Winners By Submission: Big Bill & Lee Moriarty
6 Man Tag Team Titles Match
The Embassy (Brian Cage, Toa Liona & Kaun) (c) vs. Los Ingobernables De Japon (Hiromu Takahashi, Bushi & Shingo Takagi)
Toa Liona drops Hiromu Takahashi back first on the turnbuckles and Kaun hits him with a senton on the ring apron. Takahashi counters a slam attempt with a spinning DDT. Shingo Takagi got the tag and hits Khan with a lariat.
Takagi hit a flatliner/DDT combo on Kaun & Brian Cage then got a near fall on Khan after a DDT. Khan came back with a lung blower but Bushi got the tag and flew in with a top rope dropkick.
Kaun got triple teamed by LIJ. Bushi hits Twist & Shout for a near fall but Kaun came back with a clothesline. Cage floors Takahashi & Takagi with a double clothesline. Cage took out Shingo with a powerslam and Takahashi with a powerbomb at the same time.
Bushi sprayed black mist in Cage’s face but back in the ring Gates Of Agony hits Bushi with a double team face first slam for the win.
Winners & Still 6 Man Tag Team Champions: The Embassy (STILL CHAMPIONS!!!!!)
El Desperado vs. Willie Mack
Willie Mack connects with a leapfrog and flying leg lariat. Mack caught El Desperado with a fallaway slam then kips up and hit a standing moonsault for a near fall. Desperado caught Mack with a low dropkick and started working over Mack’s leg. Desperado tied up Mack with an Indian Death Lock which Mack escapes by grabbing the ropes.
Mack tried to come back but Desperado cuts him off by attacking the leg again. Mack finally caught Desperado with a pop up forearm. Mack hits a cannonball in the corner for a near fall. Mack went to the top for a splash but Desperado got out of the way. He went for Numero Dos but Mack countered into a cradle for a near fall.
Mack calls for brainbuster but Desperado escapes and dropkicks Mack’s leg again. Mack went for a powerbomb but Desperado escaped. Desperado pulls Mack into a backslide to then caught him with Pinche Loco for the win.
Winner: El Desperado
Tag Team Match
Roppongi Vice (Trent Beretta & Rocky Romero) vs. House Of Torture (Sho & Yujiro Takahashi)
House Of Torture did not adhere to the Code Of Honor to start this match off then Rocky Romero hit a place kick on Yujiro Takahashi & Trent Beretta followed up with a standing moonsault for a near fall. House Of Torture got the advantage when Sho caught Beretta with a clothesline on the floor. Sho hits a deadlift suplex for a near fall.
Beretta came back with a tornado DDT on Takahashi. Romero got the tag and chops away at Sho. Romero hits a step up rana on Sho. Romero hits Forever Clotheslines on House Of Torture in the corners then Beretta hit a sliding knee on Sho for a near fall.
Takahashi pushes Romeo off the top rope when he went for Strong Zero. Sho gave Beretta a powerbomb into a lung blower for a near fall. Takahashi hits a top rope fisherman’s buster on Beretta then goes for the cover but Romeo & Sho broke up the pin attempt. Romeo took Sho out with a dive then Roppongi Vice drill Takahashi to the mat with Strong Zero for the win.
Winners: Roppongi Vice
After the match House Of Torture attacks Roppongi Vice until Orange Cassidy walks in to make the save then all hug.
6 Man Tag Team Match
United Empire (TJP, Jeff Cobb & Kyle Fletcher) vs. Action Andretti, Darius Martin & Christopher Daniels
Jeff Cobb got a near fall on Christopher Daniels after a standing moonsault then he picks up Daniels for a suplex then made the tag to Kyle Fletcher and hands Daniels to Fletcher so he could finish the suplex. Daniels caught TJP with an exploder and made the tag to Darius Martin. Martin hit Fetcher with a spinning DDT then took down Cobb with a flatliner.
TJP caught Martin with a back suplex then Andretti hits TJP with an enziguri and a handspring back elbow. Andretti hits Falcon Arrow for a near fall. TJP came back with a spinning DDT. TJP hits Mamba Splash off the top for a near fall.
Daniels caught TJP with a forearm in the corner and Andretti & Martin gave TJP a double team slam to get the win for his team.
Winners: Action Andretti, Darius Martin & Christopher Daniels
Lexi Nair interviewed The Kingdom & Jerry Lynn. The Kingdom trashed ECW and tried to stir up trouble between Jerry Lynn & Stokely Hathaway. Lynn then made a match between The Kingdom & Maria Kanellis against The Infantry & Trish Adora.
Proving Ground Match
Women’s Champion Athena vs. KC Spinelli
Match comes to a close when Athena nails KC Spinelli with a forearm.
Winner: Women’s Champion Athena (2:41)
After the match Athena attacks Spinelli with a dropkick on the floor.
Proving Ground Match
ROH World Champion Claudio Castagnoli vs. Chuck Taylor
Chuck Taylor sends Claudio Castagnoli to the floor with a Soul Food then on the floor Castagnoli got the advantage and sent Taylor over the barricade with a forearm. Taylor tried to get back in the ring but a big boot from Castagnoli sent Taylor back to the floor.
Roppongi Vice came to ringside to encourage Taylor. Taylor came back with a flatliner and locked in a Koji Clutch but Castagnoli broke the hold by making the ropes. Taylor caught Castagnoli with a knee and a piledriver for a near fall.
Castagnoli hit a popup uppercut for a near fall then Taylor escaped a Neutralizer attempt but Castagnoli came back with a clothesline before Castagnoli follows it up with Riccola Bomb to put away Taylor.
Winner: ROH World Champion Claudio Castagnoli (5:28)