Rob Van Dam Says His Ric Flair Dark Side Of The Ring Comments Were Taken Out Of Context

(Photo Credit: WWE)

WWE Hall of Famer Rob Van Dam (RVD) recently took to an episode of his “1 Of A Kind” podcast, where he talked about a number of topics including his comments being taken out of context on the Dark Side of the Ring episode on fellow WWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair.

RVD said, “I had no idea that they were going to edit it to make it appear as if I said that I saw Ric trying to make a girl touch his d**k. Like if you watch it, so that’s the way it comes across. I didn’t see that. I didn’t say that I saw that, and I was coaxed or coached into those words. Which, I didn’t realize why at the time. I didn’t have a problem with it, because it also described what I did see, which wasn’t nearly that bad. I was just saying, you know, ‘He was all like, up on her, like crowding her space.’ And he’s like, ‘Like trying to make her touch him?’ And he’s like, ‘Well like, you know, she couldn’t get around him without having to touch him.’ And, ‘Was he trying to make her touch him?’ ‘Well I mean, you know, like she would have had to touch, like with his whole–‘ ‘Can you say that?’ ‘Say what?’ ‘Can you say, I saw him trying to make her touch–‘ Yeah, like he was trying to make her touch him.’ Boom.”

On never telling anyone:

“First time ever told, I’ve never told that to anybody. Because you know why? Because I’m still responsible for what came out of my mouth. So I don’t want to blame them for me being a f***ing puppet, being stupid enough to say their words. But it did also fit my words. I was like, ‘Yeah, he was trying to make her touch him. She’s like backed up against the wall, and he’s like, you know, crowding her.’ But I couldn’t tell if she was enjoying it or playing or what. And I definitely didn’t see his d**k in the equation. I had no idea they were going to put that in there like they did.”

You can check out the complete podcast below.

(H/T to for transcribing the above quotes)