Are The New Age Outlaws among the best pro wrestling tag-teams of all-time?
Road Dogg Brian James thinks so.
During the latest episode of his “Oh … You Didn’t Know?” podcast, the longtime WWE producer and former in-ring Hall of Fame performer spoke about New Age Outlaws being among the best pro wrestling tag-teams in history.
“You’re asking the wrong guy, because if I said anybody but me and Billy, I’d be lying to you. Because [if] I say me and Billy, I sound cocky and braggadocious, and that’s now how I mean that at all,” he said. “Look, if you’re talking about dollar figures or championship reigns, or stuff like that, I don’t know, man — I think the L.O.D. probably [are] the best in history.”
Road Dogg continued, “They probably made the most money. The Dudleyz have been crowned tag team champions a lot of different places, but me and Billy were a damn good tag team, and we could bump and go with the best of them. Anybody who was in there with [us] will tell you that. I’m more confident in Billy, but I could do stuff, too. I can talk before we wrestle.”
Check out the complete episode of the show at Spotify.com. H/T to WrestlingInc.com for transcribing the above quotes.