Road Dogg Comments On His Favorite And Least Favorite WWE Championship Title Designs

WWE Senior Vice President of Live Events “Road Dogg” Brian James took to an episode of his “Oh… You Didn’t Know?” podcast, where he talked about a number of topics including his favorite championship title designs.

Road Dogg said, “So, I know this is going to really make people mad, but I don’t care [about title designs]. I don’t care what. Cena had one that was a spinner … that was cool. I loved it. The hemp one was the best one of all times because I was the writer of the story — who created it and got it passed through creative. That’s my favorite — the hemp title that Daniel Bryan had.”

Road Dogg also talked about how the Hardcore Title was his least favorite championship title design.

“It was broken, like just a plate that was cracked in a bunch of places, cut your hand every time you reached into your bag to pick it out. It was just horrible.”

You can check out the complete podcast in the video below.