Rey Mysterio Comments On His Daughter Aalyah’s Status With WWE

During an interview with Alex McCarthy of, Rey Mysterio commented on his daughter Aalyah’s appearances in WWE and her possibly having a future with the company:

“She enjoyed it very much, even as a little girl when she would appear on TV. We can’t forget the CM Punk Happy Birthday (Laughs). That was incredible. She’s been getting a feel of this business at certain times. She hasn’t asked the question, but it’s funny you asked me that because my wife, she asked me a couple of days ago, she goes, ‘What would you say if your daughter came at you and said, Dad, I want to become a wrestler?’ I said, ‘I would be the first one to train her, just like I did with Dom!’ She said ‘No you wouldn’t’ (Laughs). I would! I would back her up 100 percent.’ She would still have to continue with her school because she wants to be a part of the medical field so she’s working really hard at that right now.”