During an interview with Alex McCarthy of TalkSport.com, Rey Mysterio commented on his daughter Aalyah’s appearances in WWE and her possibly having a future with the company:
“She enjoyed it very much, even as a little girl when she would appear on TV. We can’t forget the CM Punk Happy Birthday (Laughs). That was incredible. She’s been getting a feel of this business at certain times. She hasn’t asked the question, but it’s funny you asked me that because my wife, she asked me a couple of days ago, she goes, ‘What would you say if your daughter came at you and said, Dad, I want to become a wrestler?’ I said, ‘I would be the first one to train her, just like I did with Dom!’ She said ‘No you wouldn’t’ (Laughs). I would! I would back her up 100 percent.’ She would still have to continue with her school because she wants to be a part of the medical field so she’s working really hard at that right now.”