Former WWE star Rene Dupree appeared on an episode of his Cafe De Rene podcast, where he discussed a number of topics, including how WWE had plans for ECW Tag Team Titles that would have gone to him and Sylvain Grenier, formerly known as La Resistance.
Dupree said, “Yeah, just debuted on ECW the night before. The plan was, this is a shoot, because I heard from Pat [Patterson], that they were gonna make ECW tag titles and give it to us. But I had started developing a substance abuse problem, and my lower back was hurting, so I decided to take a couple muscle relaxers. I took a couple more, a couple more, a couple more, and then me and Sly [Sylvain Grenier] were facing you and Kofi Kingston. Sly had gotten me these brand-new pair of tights because Vince didn’t like the loose tights because I would flop around the midsection area. So Sly gets these extra small pair of tights that don’t fit, but I was also not in the frame of mind. So we have the match, I’ve never seen the match back, and I don’t want to see it back because that was like a rock bottom for me. I was having the match, I’m like celebrating, and my scrotum is sticking out of my f***ing tights. Sorry again, Harry.”
You can check out the complete podcast in the video below.
(H/T to Fightful for transcribing the above quotes)