Randy Orton Comments On If He Will Leave WWE To Makes Movies

During an appearance on Kurt Angle’s podcast, Randy Orton talked about if he will leave WWE to make movies like John Cena…

“A lot of guys, I see them branching off and doing other things or making sure they have something lined up for when they can’t wrestle anymore. I don’t know if this is showing my cards or not, but I kid of see myself being with WWE for life. I don’t know why I would go anywhere else. Who knows what the future holds, but although I love movies and auditions – I don’t think acting is my passion. I’m not trying to move to Hollywood or New York and be a full-time actor. The way Batista and Cena did it is they used WWE as a jumping board to go into Hollywood and all that stuff. But I think I’m happy with my place in the WWE right now. The money’s good, the talent’s good, the locker room’s great, and I have a good relationship with all the people that are in charge. I don’t see why I would change that. I only see all of those different variables getting better over the coming years.”

“So, at 41, if I’m on a contract where I’m able to wrestle a handful of years in my late 40s and possibly even as a 50-year-old man, I would love to do it. My big thing, and my wife Kim has promised me – if she looks at me and thinks I’m becoming a parody of myself or if I’m unable to do the things the fans need to physically see me do to believe, she’s gonna let me know it’s time to hang up the boots. Until then, I’m just gonna enjoy what I do because I have five wonderful children, I’ve got a beautiful home, a beautiful wife, and life is really good. Although being the next Marvel superhero would be really awesome, the work that would go into that and the amount of time I would have to take away from WWE, I don’t know there’s a price tag that would make it worth it for me to step away from what I love for so much and for so long. That, first and foremost, being my wife and family. But also, WWE. I like showing up each week.”

(quotes courtesy of 411Mania.com)