Piper Niven, formerly known as Doudrop, recently spoke with My San Antonio for an interview covering all things pro wrestling.
During the discussion, the women’s wrestling star spoke about being given the Doudrop character in WWE, as well as the move from the NXT U.K. brand to the WWE main roster.
Featured below are some of the highlights from the interview where she touches on these topics with her thoughts.
On being given the Doudrop character: > “When I was given Doudrop, it really took me a minute to figure out who she was supposed to be, and I felt I had just started to get into the swing of things with her. I am a plus-sized JoJo Siwa. And I was like, ‘I can do that.’ Then they were like, ‘Hey, I need you to be a heel.’ And I was like, ‘What?’ So, it was kind of difficult to change up that character. With the time away, something I didn’t realize is quite common is that when athletes get injured, they go kind of crazy, because you are sitting at home, and you don’t have your outlet. So, it really did a number on me mentally and made me do some therapy work and delving into my past to help me realize some things. It’s been an interesting few months, and I am looking forward to bringing the real-life experience I had and making it a part of my storyline. And I hope it raises awareness with a lot of people, because I think it is something a lot of people go through.”
On the jump from NXT UK to the main roster: “It was crazy, because no one has ever gone straight from NXT UK to the main roster before. So, I was literally delving into the unknown. Even things like moving were difficult because when you move from NXT UK to NXT there are a lot of people there that have been through the same thing and process so they can advise and help you in what you need to do. But I was going from NXT UK to the main roster, and not everyone is based in Florida, and they have never been in my shoes. So, I felt like I was going at it alone. It was the pandemic, so my husband couldn’t come with me, and I was living on my own in Florida for six months, just literally winging it. It was a lot, but it was cool. It was cool to feel a little bit like a pioneer.”
Check out the complete Piper Niven interview at MySanAntonio.com.