Paige and Sonya Deville Address Podcaster’s Comments Towards Alexa Bliss

As previously reported, Alexa Bliss responded to critical remarks from podcast host JDFromNY. Here is what JD said about Bliss:

“Can you imagine being in bed with Alexa Bliss and she performs the same way she does in the ring? Awful. All look and no substance whatsoever.”

Paige and Sonya Deville also commented on the matter:

JD issued a response to what has been said about him:

“Ah, the pattern. Big ‘pro wrestler’ plays victim, claims bullying & all the anti bully SJW’s proceed to bully who she tweeted about but please pretend your ‘anti bully’. You, and the show you’re performing on is terrible TV. I do what I do for people to laugh & understand that. You are a woman of power, and do nothing with it to make you, the act or the division better. You’re a selfish individual who doesn’t cares who succeeds around them but you and who you like. Instead of an IG selfie that will net 100K likes, be better at your PROFESSION. In closing, thanks for the shout out on Memorial Day. The fact you know who I am and what I do is thumbs up in my book. Maybe one day I’ll say, ‘Guys Alexa Bliss had a great match and is making a difference in the division being better’

Until then…no wonder Sasha is better
Winking face”