That Tower of Doom spot at WrestleMania 39 in the men’s showcase match sure was something.
If things had gone the way they were originally planned, it might have been even cooler.
Otis of the Alpha Academy duo recently spoke with Ryan Satin for an interview, during which he revealed that WWE initially had plans for Otis to be on the top of the Tower of Doom spot that went viral from the Men’s Showcase match at WrestleMania Goes Hollywood, however he nixed it due to his fear of heights.
“They wanted me to go up top there and I’m like, ‘Well, I’m a little scared of heights there,'” Otis revealed. “That’s why you’re only going to see the Vader Bomb from Otis. Braun is like, ‘Why can’t you do it?’ We’re trying to put my leg up in the little stubs. ‘Guys, I’m willing to do it and try it and willing to fail, but we shouldn’t do it at WrestleMania.’ We switched it around a little bit. Putting [Ricochet] up top, Montez, make a sandwich.”
Chad Gable also appeared on the program and spoke about how such a Tower of Doom spot can only be pulled off in a match with the level of performers they had in the Men’s Showcase bout at WrestleMania.
Gable adds that spots like the Tower of Doom can only be pulled off in a match with such a variety of performers.
“That’s another testament to the different characters and dynamic to the guys in the match,” he said. “No other match could pull something like that off because of the hosses we had as a base. Ricochet, who is able to pull off what he did to finish it off. Then the technicians in the middle doing the other crazy stuff. Where else are you going to find that? It was like a circus in a match.”
Check out the complete interview via the YouTube player embedded below. H/T to Fightful.com for transcribing the above quotes.