Orange Cassidy Wants To Compete In The NJPW Best Of Super Juniors Tournament

AEW star Orange Cassidy recently spoke with Phil Strum of Under The Ring about a number of topics, including his first memories of Japanese wrestling and his desire to compete in the Best of Super Juniors.

Cassidy said, “Probably Best of Super Juniors, can’t remember which year it was, but it had all your…I remember watching that and being like, ‘Oh, wow, this is a whole tournament based on the style of wrestling that I like.’ Seeing what they were doing in there was something that I really admired, and it is a goal of mine to be in the Best of Super Juniors if AEW will let me go for that long to do that. But that’s something I’ve always wanted to do. It’s something I would love to be a part of.”

On whether the fans would understand his gimmick:

“I would love to find out. I would love to see if they did or not. I seem to get good reactions from the Japanese wrestlers that come over, so if that’s any indication, I guess that’d be okay. But hey, how about this, let’s find out.”

You can check out Cassidy’s comments in the video below.

(H/T to Fightful for transcribing the above quotes)