NXT Spring Breakin Review (4/25/2023)

NXT Spring Breakin’ Review – April 25, 2023

Kicking off Spring Breakin’ with several NXT Superstars celebrating Spring Breakin’ with a picnic as they discuss all the matches scheduled for tonight’s show.

Tag Team Trunk Match
Pretty Deadly (Kit Wilson & Elton Prince) vs. The Family (Tony D’Angelo & Stacks)

The Family wastes no time as they go straight after Pretty Deadly then Kit Wilson sends Tony D’Angelo into the ring apron spine first then focuses on Stacks as Elton Prince grabs a chain. D’Angelo wrestles the chain away from Prince before himself & Stacks deliver a series of right hands to Pretty Deadly. D’Angelo sends Wilson crashing to the outside then tosses Stacks on top of Prince in the corner.

The action spills to the backstage area where Wilson beats down The Family then joins Prince back at ringside and grabs the lid of a garbage can. Stacks grabs the lid then tosses it over to Prince and delivers a dropkick while D’Angelo hits Wilson in his midsection with the other lid. Prince sends Stacks colliding with the ring post then helps Wilson move a table to the backstage area.

D’Angelo hits Prince with the wheelbarrow as Stacks hits Wilson with a boogie board. D’Angelo then hits Wilson’s hand with a chain and tosses him into a ball pit where Prince has ended up. Stacks executes a senton that takes us to a break.

After the break Pretty Deadly tosses Stacks to the outside. Wilson delivers a right hand to his spine as Prince grabs a football. He hands it over to Wilson and delivers a running knee. D’Angelo delivers a double clothesline to Pretty Deadly before The Family toss them back in the ring. The Family then each grab a chair and crack them across Pretty Deadly’s spine.

D’Angelo tosses Stacks on Wilson but Wilson recovers and delivers a right hand to Stacks. Prince joins in and Pretty Deadly hangs Stacks off the top turnbuckle. Wilson grabs a chair and hits D’Angelo with it a couple of times. Prince sets up a garbage can in the center of the ring and plants D’Angelo on top of it. They then toss Stacks to the outside and plant him with Spilled Milk.

Pretty Deadly gets Stacks into the trunk of the car and closes it. Wilson grabs D’Angelo as Prince opens the trunk. Stacks sprays a fire extinguisher into Prince’s face before D’Angelo hits Wilson with a crowbar and gets him in the trunk. He then helps Stacks send Prince through a table of food and they get Prince into the trunk and slam it shut for the win.

Winners: The Family (12:31)
Rate: 6

We then head to a video from Tiffany Stratton putting herself over ahead of the Women’s Title Triple Threat Match.

We head backstage to Andre Chase sitting in his classroom. Hudson walks in and asks Chase what he’s doing and Chase says he’s collecting his thoughts. Hudson gives Chase a pep talk and hypes him up.

Andre Chase vs. Bron Breakker

Andre Chase wastes no time as he delivers a chop and several stomps but Bron Breakker shoves him into the corner and delivers a series of shoulders to his midsection then follows it up with a modified back body drop then looks for another shoulder to his midsection. Chase ducks it, and Breakker crashes into the ring post shoulder first.

Chase then delivers a kick to Breakker’s head and follows it up with a Russian leg sweep then looks for the Chase U Stomps but Breakker catches his foot and plants him with a Military Press Powerslam then locks in the Steiner Recliner for the win.

Winner By Submission: Bron Breakker (2:19)
Rate: 4

After the match Breakker stares down Hudson.

We then go backstage to McKenzie Mitchell in the location where The Family defeated Pretty Deadly. Dijak & Ilja Dragunov appear out of nowhere brawling with each other. Dijak eventually gains the upper hand and crushes Dragunov under the garage door that’s nearby.

Lyra Valkyria vs. Cora Jade

Match starts off with Lyra Valkyria delivers a boot to Cora Jade’s midsection then she delivers a knee to her jaw and follows it up with an arm drag before landing a crossbody off the ropes that takes us to a break.

After the break Valkyria executes an arm drag before Jade delivers a running knee to Valkyria in the corner. Valkyria then delivers a pair of suplexes but Jade catches her with a knee. Valkyria dumps Jade to the outside then tosses her back in the ring and ascends to the top rope.

She lands a missile dropkick and follows it up with a suplex but Jade manages to roll her up. Valkyria kicks out and Jade sets up for a DDT but Valkyria escapes and lands a kick on her jaw then she sets up for a spinning back heel kick but Jade ducks it and rolls to the outside.

Jade grabs her bat but the referee wrestles it away from her. Valkyria looks for a kick but Jade manages to take advantage of the distracted referee and executes a chop block on Valkyria then she follows it up with a DDT for the win.

Winner: Cora Jade (8:19)
Rate: 5

We are back from the break we see The Family driving the car with Pretty Deadly in the trunk.

NXT Title Match
Carmelo Hayes (c) vs. Grayson Waller

Match starts off with a lock up then Carmelo Hayes delivers a dropkick before locking in a Crossface. Grayson Waller manages to grab the bottom rope to break the hold before Hayes delivers a clothesline off the ropes. He follows it up with a suplex and a kick to his head but Waller rolls to the outside and tosses a chair into the ring. Hayes catches it while Waller grabs a 2nd chair from under the ring and hits Trick Williams with it while the referee is distracted by Hayes that takes us to a break.

After the break Hayes delivers kicks to Waller’s head. Waller fires back with a forearm before they level one another. Hayes begins to target Waller’s leg then delivers a series of chops and kicks. He lands a modified DDT off the ropes and goes for a pin but Waller kicks out. Hayes ascends to the top and looks for Nothing But Net but Waller rolls to the other side of the ring. Hayes climbs back down and Waller meets him there with a knee and a modified powerbomb.

Hayes looks for Fade Away but Waller catches him with a rolling Stunner. He looks to pin Hayes but Hayes rolls out of the ring before he can do so. Waller clears the announce table and places Hayes on top of it then ascends to the top rope and delivers an elbow drop. He gets Hayes back in the ring and goes for a pin but Hayes somehow manages to kick out. Hayes then delivers a kick and ascends to the top before hitting Nothing But Net for the win.

Winner & Still NXT Champion: Carmelo Hayes (12:03) (STILL CHAMPION!!!!)
Rate: 7

After the match Williams heads out to ringside once again to congratulate Hayes. Hayes grabs a mic and offers Bron Breakker a shot at the NXT Title at Battleground. He calls him out to the ring and Breakker attacks Williams from behind. He then delivers a Military Press Powerslam to Hayes and locks in the Steiner Recliner on Williams. He relinquishes it and delivers a Spear to Hayes through part of the Spring Breakin’ set.

We then head to a video from Roxanne Perez discussing her journey to WWE ahead of the Women’s Title Triple Threat Match later on tonight.

We head to another video of a confrontation between Brooks Jensen, Kiana James, Fallon Henley & Josh Briggs at Henley’s family bar.

We come back from the break we go backstage and see Joe Gacy & Ava confront Joe Coffey. Ava requests a NXT Tag Team Titles match for The Dyad & Gacy proposes that if he beats Coffey then The Dyad gets their match. Coffey asks what’s in it for them and Ava says that if he wins then The Dyad never gets another NXT Tag Team Title shot as long as Gallus are champions. Coffey accepts the challenge.

Mixed Tag Team Match
Josh Briggs & Fallon Henley vs. Brooks Jansen & Kiana James

Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen lock up to kick this match off then Jensen fires off right hands across Briggs’ spine then slaps him and shoves him. Briggs delivers a shoulder tackle and an atomic drop but Jensen responds with a forearm and a splash in the corner. Briggs dumps Jensen to the outside but Jensen gets inside to beat the 10 count.

Kiana James tags herself in and Fallon Henley delivers a Thesz press. James delivers a knee to Henley’s midsection, then whips her into the corner and executes several shoulders to her midsection. Henley delivers a kick to James’ head then delivers a right hand to her face as we go to a break.

After the break Jensen delivers a forearm to Briggs’ head. Briggs returns the favor and they go back & forth. Jensen & Briggs hits one another with big boots before Henley & James tag in. Henley delivers a chop and a kick to James’ midsection then follows it up with an enziguri. James executes a jawbreaker. Jensen & Briggs tag in. Jensen considers going to war with Henley but Briggs knocks him to the mat and delivers a standing splash.

Jensen & Briggs go back & forth with one another. Jensen delivers a lariat to the back of Briggs’ neck then plants Briggs. James tosses Jensen her bag and Jensen looks to hit Briggs but Briggs ducks out of the way and hits James by accident. James loses it allowing Briggs to deliver a lariat to Jensen for the win.

Winners: Josh Briggs & Fallon Henley (11:43)
Rate: 5

After the match Jensen looks to confront James but James goes to slap him. Jensen catches it and says he thought James loved him but James says she never loved him and heads to the back. Briggs then comforts Jensen and hugs him as he begins to cry.

After the break we head to a video of Women’s Champion Indi Hartwell discussing her journey to capturing the Women’s Title ahead of the Triple Threat match.

We then head to a video of Sol Ruca being attacked in a glass room by an unseen assailant posted to the NXT Anonymous account.

Oba Femi vs. Oro Mensah

Oro Mensah delivers a chop and a forearm then Oba Femi whips Mensah into the corner and tosses him across the ring then delivers a running uppercut and a series of shoulder blocks. He then delivers a shoulder tackle and tosses Mensah to the outside after sitting him on the top turnbuckle and delivering an uppercut.

Femi drags Mensah back in the ring and Mensah lands a pair of running forearms and a kick to his head. He ascends to the top and delivers a kick then goes for a pin but Femi kicks out then Femi lands a forearm and a powerbomb for the win.

Winner: Oba Femi (3:35)
Rate: 4

Gigi Dolin has taken Vic Joseph’s commentary set and addresses Jacy Jayne. She expresses her anger regarding Jayne’s previous comments then says she will spend everyday making her life a living hell. She challenges Jayne to a match next week and says her brother will be at ringside to watch.

After the break we go backstage to North American Champion Wes Lee then Tyler Bate walks in and proposes a partnership but Lee declines. Bate then offers to be in his corner next week during his North American Title Match with Drew Gulak & Lee accepts.

Women’s Title Triple Threat Match
Indi Hartwell (c) vs. Roxanne Perez vs. Tiffany Stratton

Match starts off with Tiffany Stratton gets in Indi Hartwell & Roxanne Perez’s faces. Hartwell & Perez take turns hitting Stratton before all 3 women roll one another up as we go to a break.

After the break Perez is beating down Stratton in the middle of the ring. She goes for a pin but Stratton kicks out. Stratton delivers a knee to Perez’s midsection but Perez fires back with a hurricanrana. Stratton lands on her feet before Hartwell wipes both Stratton & Perez out with a double clothesline. Hartwell delivers a body slam to Stratton and gets Perez on her shoulders but Perez rolls her up.

Perez kicks out and delivers a chop to Hartwell. She then delivers a kick to Stratton’s midsection, then levels both women. Perez rains down right hands on Hartwell, then dumps Stratton to the outside. Hartwell rolls to the outside and Perez catches her with a tope suicida before delivering one to Stratton.

She hits Hartwell with a 2nd tope suicida then tosses her back into the ring and ascends to the top. She executes a high crossbody and locks in a bear hug but Hartwell tries overpowering her. Perez instead rolls her up but Hartwell kicks out.

Hartwell delivers a pair of clotheslines to Perez but Stratton delivers a dropkick that sends her to the outside. She ascends to the top and delivers a Swanton Bomb to both Perez & Hartwell on the outside. Medical personnel check on Hartwell as she clutches her ankle while Stratton tosses Perez in the ring and delivers a clothesline in the corner.

Stratton then wears down Perez in the ring but Perez catches her with several forearms and a right hand. She ascends to the top and delivers a crossbody but Stratton rolls through and gets Perez on her shoulders. Perez rolls her up but Stratton kicks out.

Perez and Stratton teeter on the top rope. Perez fires off several chops and delivers a hurricanrana. She goes for a pin but Stratton kicks out. Perez and Stratton then go back and forth with forearms before Perez goes for a pin but Hartwell makes her way back to the ringside and breaks the fall.

Hartwell delivers an uppercut and a boot to Perez then delivers a spinebuster to Stratton. She goes for a pin, but Perez kicks out. Stratton hits Perez with a body slam then ascends to the top and delivers a moonsault. She goes for a pin but Hartwell pulls her out of the ring. She then delivers a lariat to Perez for the win.

Winner & Still Women’s Champion: Indi Hartwell (15:12) (STILL CHAMPION!!!!)
Rate: 6

After the match we then see Tony D’Angelo & Stacks with the car they put Pretty Deadly in the trunk of earlier tonight. They are at a lake, and trunk is empty. They discuss how they’ve taken care of business before they drive off.

Next Week’s NXT

Joe Gacy vs. Joe Coffey

If Gacy wins The Dyad gets a NXT Tag Team Titles Match

If Coffey wins The Dyad can’t challenge for the NXT Tag Team Titles as long as Gallus are the NXT Tag Team Champions

Gigi Dolan vs. Jacy Jayne

North American Title Match
Wes Lee (c) vs. Drew Gulak

Axiom vs. Scrypts

Dani Palmer vs. TBD

Eddy Thorpe vs. Damon Kemp

Battleground Card So Far (May 28th)

NXT Title Match
Carmelo Hayes (c) vs. Bron Breakker