NXT Review – June 6, 2023
Kicking off this week’s NXT with Baron Corbin says he never thought he would be back in NXT. He says he’s ascended to the top of Raw & Smackdown and saw hungry NXT talent rise to the top. He says something changed and now he sees superstars on their phone in the locker room. He says NXT talent is currently in the house he built as an original in FCW. He says he’ll make every NXT talent regret signing a contract and calls him soft before adding that none of them are as good as they say they are.
Corbin addresses Carmelo Hayes and says he got a taste of main roster reality last week after he laid him out and held up the NXT Title.
Ilja Dragunov’s music then hits and he makes his way down to the ring. He introduces himself to Corbin & Corbin asks him what he wants. Dragunov says he wanted to look Corbin straight in the eyes to tell him he’s not soft or weak. He says he’s the most animalistic man in NXT and has his sights on Hayes and the NXT Title. He says he’ll do whatever it takes to get a NXT Title shot.
Corbin tells Dragunov there’s a difference between what Dragunov wants and what he actually gets. He says he jumped the line for a NXT Title shot because he’s the biggest star and he therefore gets what he wants. Dragunov says he doesn’t make assumptions like Corbin does but rather challenges. Corbin says when he’s done with Dragunov, he’ll be covered in bruises and Dragunov says he welcomes challenges.
Dragunov then heads to the back and Corbin looks to do the same, but Trick Williams blindsides him and clotheslines him to the outside.
We head over to a video of a sore Thea Hail leaving the training facilities of Drew Gulak & Charlie Dempsey. Duke Hudson asks what she’s doing and Hail says she’s learning and improving. Hudson tells Hail that she can’t apply the techniques she’s learned from them in the Battle Royal later tonight but Hail assures Hudson she has things under control.
After the break we go backstage and see that Bron Breakker has laid out Ilja Dragunov.
6 Person Tag Team Match
The Schism (Jagger Reid, Rip Fowler & Ava) vs. Diamond Mine (Julius Creed, Brutus Creed & Ivy Nile)
Rip Fowler & Julius Creed lock up to get this match started then they go back & forth with submission holds before Jagger Reid tags in and delivers a right hand to Julius’ head. Brutus Creed tags in and Creed Brothers take turns delivering knees to Reid’s midsection.
Julius tags in and gets Reid up for a delayed vertical suplex. Brutus becomes legal and Julius hands Reid over to him. Julius tags back in and Brutus hands Reid back over to him. Julius then plants Reid.
Ava tags in and delivers a chop to Julius. Nile gets in the ring and dares Ava to come at her. Ava refuses and tags out to Fowler. Julius gets inside the ring and plants Fowler then delivers a knee to his midsection.
Brutus tags in and delivers a double ax handle from the apron then gets Fowler up on his shoulders and plants him. He then lands a standing Shooting Star Press and tags in Julius. Diamond Mine take turns planting one another on top of Fowler as a means of wearing him down that takes us to a break.
After the break Fowler delivers a knee to Brutus’ midsection. Reid tags in and lands an assisted Sliced Bread then goes for a pin but Brutus kicks out. Fowler tags in and wears down Brutus then tags Reid back in. Julius tags in and catches The Dyad with a series of belly 2 belly suplexes then delivers a moonsault out of the corner, and follows it up with a lariat to Reid. Reid responds with a superkick.
Nile & Ava become legal & they trade right hands with one another before Nile delivers a pair of kicks to Ava’s thigh and another one to her head then follows it up with an enziguri and sets Ava up for Diamond Chin Lock but Reid saves her. Ava then delivers a headbutt to Nile with the signature mask on while the referee is distracted by Reid for the win.
Winners: The Schism
We then head to a video of Stacks visiting Tony D’Angelo in jail. D’Angelo catches Stacks up on all the prison news including managing to get a Peacock subscription. He then asks Stacks for information on the rat and Stacks says his gut says it’s Gallus. D’Angelo tells Stacks to trust his gut and tells him to be smart. He says 3 on 1 won’t cut it but before he can give him any more advice the guard calls on D’Angelo and tells him his time is up.
After the break we see Von Wagner & Mr. Stone in the waiting room of a therapy office as well as some clips of how his previous sessions have gone so far. Wagner protests his presence there in the 1st place and is about to leave. His therapist then greets him and he decides to give her a chance but without the presence of Mr. Stone.
Blair Davenport vs. Dani Palmer
Match starts off with a lock up then Blair Davenport delivers a boot to Dani Palmer’s midsection then lands a kick that sends Palmer tumbling out of the ring. Davenport tosses her back inside then delivers a forearm to her spine and follows it up with a gutbuster.
Palmer lands a back elbow but Davenport responds with a forearm then Palmer delivers a boot to Davenport’s midsection then delivers the double knees to her face and ascends to the top rope.
Davenport pulls her down and delivers a knee to Palmer’s face then follows it up with a Falcon Arrow for the win.
Winner: Blair Davenport
We then head outside the Performance Center and see Dana Brooke pulling up & she announces herself as an entrant in the upcoming #1 Contenders Battle Royal.
Baron Corbin vs. Trick Williams
Baron Corbin delivers a knee to Trick Williams’ midsection then follows it up with a series of right hands then plants Williams. Williams fires back with several right hands of his own but Corbin knocks him down to the mat and whips him into the corner then lands a splash but Williams catches him with an uppercut as we go to a break.
After the break Williams sends Corbin’s head bouncing off the announce table then looks for a knee but Corbin ducks out of the way and Williams is sent crashing into the announce table. Corbin rains down right hands on Williams’ knee then sends him crashing into the ring steps and gets him back in the ring.
Corbin lands a spinebuster then locks in a single leg Boston Crab. Williams makes his way to the bottom rope to break the hold before hitting a dropkick and planting Corbin on the mat. Corbin responds with Deep Six and goes for a pin but Williams kicks out.
Williams sends Corbin crashing into the ring post shoulder first then looks for a discus lariat but his knee gives out & Corbin hits End Of Days for the win.
Winner: Baron Corbin
We then head over to the latest edition of Hard Hitting Home Truths with Nathan Frazer. Frazer reviews what happened at Battleground then introduces the new Senior International Global Correspondent: Dragon Lee. Lee rattles off names for the group of Noam Dar, Oro Mensah, Jakara Jackson & Lash Legend. Frazer then challenges Dar to a Heritage Cup match next week. Lee voices his support for the decision telling Frazer that he’ll be in his corner.
We then head backstage to McKenzie Mitchell is with Mustafa Ali then North American Champion Wes Lee walks in and offers Ali a North American Title match after overhearing that Ali intends to go for gold but Ali politely declines his offer and says he wants to earn his title shot then makes his way out to ringside.
Mustafa Ali vs. Joe Gacy
Mustafa Ali & Joe Gacy lock up to get this match started then Gacy sends Ali crashing into the mat then fires off right hands and whips him into the corner. Ali lands a hurricanrana and a shoulder to Gacy’s midsection before they end up on the top rope. Ali powerbombs Gacy off the top rope then climbs back up and delivers 450 Splash for the win.
Winner: Mustafa Ali
After the match The Dyad blindside Ali. Gacy grabs Ali’s leg as The Dyad beat down Ali but Wes Lee & Tyler Bate run down to make the save. They send The Dyad crashing to the outside leaving Gacy alone in the ring with them. They then beat down Gacy and send him to join Rip Fowler & Jagger Reid.
Eddy Thorpe vs. Damon Kemp
Match starts off with a lock up then they go back & forth with submission holds before Thorpe delivers a chop. Kemp gets him up on his shoulders and plants him then goes for a pin but Thorpe kicks out. Kemp lands an overhead belly 2 belly suplex then hits a backbreaker and locks in a submission hold.
Thorpe escapes and lands a chop, then follows it up with an elbow and his finisher. He goes for a pin but Kemp gets his foot on the bottom rope to break the fall. Thorpe then lands a German suplex to get the win.
Winner: Eddy Thorpe
Scrypts vs. Dabba Kato
Scrypts fires off right hands but Dabba Kato remains on his feet and lands a massive boot, then follows it up with a pair of bodyslams and locks in a Bear Hug. He releases it and sends Scrypts crashing to the outside then delivers a chop.
Axiom appears at ringside before Dabba Kato tosses Scrypts back in the ring then he teases going flying off the top rope but things backfire on him.
Scrypts takes advantage of a distracted Dabba Kato and rolls him up for the win.
Winner: Scrypts
After the match Dabba Kato lays out Scrypts & Axiom.
Women’s Title #1 Contenders 18 Woman Battle Royal
Brooklyn Barlow vs. Jakara Jackson vs. Lash Legend vs. Elektra Lopez vs. Lola Vice vs. Tatum Paxley vs. Kelani Jordan vs. Jacy Jayne vs. Kiana James vs. Cora Jade vs. Gigi Dolan vs. Lyra Valkyria vs. Roxanne Perez vs. Fallon Henley vs. Thea Hail vs. Valentina Feroz vs. Yulisa Leon vs. Dana Brooke
All 18 Woman waste no time going after one another. Roxanne Perez & Cora Jade battle it out as Jacy Jayne eliminates Brooklyn Barlow then Cora Jade eliminates Lola Vice.
Gigi Dolin goes at it with Kiana James. James sends Dolin onto the apron, but Dolin drags James out to join her. James gains the upper hand and sends Dolin crashing to the outside.
Lash Legend battles it out with Kelani Jordan and manages to send her over the top to eliminate her.
Fallon Henley jumps Lash Legend and sends her crashing onto the apron. Oro Mensah catches her but Thea Hail levels Mensah. Legend then sends Hail crashing into the ring steps. Jakara Jackson has been eliminated and Valentina Feroz works to eliminate Legend.
Yulisa Leon winds up on the apron and delivers a kick that sends Legend crashing to the floor. Feroz & Leon who went over the top rope when they landed on the apron are pull down by Legend & Jackson & they started brawling that takes us to a break.
After the break Blair Davenport appears at ringside to watch on as Perez delivers a side Russian leg sweep to Jade. Perez rolls under the bottom rope and jumps Davenport. She sends her into the ring apron and sets up for Pop Rox but Tatum Paxley goes over the top lands on the apron and catches Perez with a crossbody, eliminating herself in the process. This opens the window for Jayne to toss Perez over the top rope and take her out.
Lyra Valkyria then goes after Jayne. She then sets her sights on Henley and dumps her over the top but Henley lands on the apron. Jayne looks to eliminate Valkyria but Valkyria hangs on and delivers a hurricanrana that sends Jayne over the top and out of the ring. Cora Jade then lands a dropkick on Valkyria to eliminate her.
We are down to 5: Hail, Henley, Jade, James & Dana Brooke. Henley delivers a Sling Blade to Brooke then hits Jade with a blockbuster off the ropes. Henley looks to do the same to James but James sends her over the top. Henley hangs on and gets James over the top & dumps her out of the ring.
Brooke looks to take out Henley but Henley gets back in the ring and lands a right hand. Jade delivers a right hand of her own to Henley but Brooke catches both women with a double clothesline and a handspring elbow. Henley looks to eliminate Brooke but Jade comes up from behind and Henley is sent packing.
We are down to the final 3: Jade, Hail & Brooke. Both women level one another with clotheslines before Hail slides back in the ring and works with Brooke to take down Jade. Hail accidentally hits Brooke and Jade tries to take advantage by dumping Hail onto the apron. Hail hangs on before Jade delivers a knee and looks to eliminate Brooke. Hail sneaks up on both women and tosses them both over the top rope to get the victory.
Winner & #1 Contender To The Women’s Title: Thea Hail
After the match Duke Hudson, Drew Gulak, Charlie Dempsey, The Cavinder Twins & several Chase U students run down to celebrate with Hail.
We then head to Bron Breakker outside the arena. A cameraman asks Breakker why he attacked Ilja Dragunov and Breakker says it’s time that everyone be held accountable. He then calls out Seth Rollins and demands he show up on NXT to put the World Heavyweight Title on the line.