NXT Level Up Results – June 23, 2023

(Image Credit: WWE)

NXT Level Up Results – June 23, 2023

Stacks vs. Kale Dixon

Stacks & Kale Dixon lock up to start this match off then Dixon pulls Stacks down by the hire and then catches him with a right hand. Stacks avoids a charge in the corner and hits some knees to the face. Stacks throws some jabs in the corner and goes to punt Dixon in the balls but the ref stops that. Dixon uses the opening to land a strike and gets a roll up for a two count. Stacks back with a double leg and he drops both legs onto Dixon’s groin.

Back in Dixon lands a punch and gets a gutwrench suplex for a two count then a running knee to the face gets another two count. Dixon avoids a roll up and gets a discus kick. He drops Stacks on his face and follows down with an elbow to the back for a two count. Dixon hooks an abdominal stretch but Stacks fights out and gets a knee to the head.

He catches Dixon charging with a boot and sidesteps a charge in the corner then a clothesline from Stacks followed by a shotgun dropkick to the side of the head. Stacks comes off the middle ropes with a European uppercut for two then a roll up gets two for Stacks.

Dixon throws a kick that gets caught and he tries an enziguiri but Stacks avoids and hits Cement Shoes for the win.

Winner: Stacks

Luca Crusifino vs. Tavion Heights

Match starts off with a lock up and Tavion Heights throws Luca Crusifino down on his face. Another go and Crusifino complains about a hair pull. Heights shoves him on his ass again and then controls with a side headlock. He switches to arm control and gets a fireman’s carry to take it to the ground.

Crusifino punches his way out and gets a side headlock briefly before getting shoved off. He gets a shoulder tackle but Heights catches him again and gets an armbar on the mat. Luca punches out again then gets a side headlock again and gets shoved off again & this time he catches Tavion with a shot and stomps away in the corner.

He sends Heights chest first into the corner and gets a scoop slam for a one count then gets mount and throws some strikes and gets an two count before going to a nerve hold. He transitions to a reverse chinlock then a modified neckbreaker gets a two count.

Crusifino fish hooks Tavion but breaks before the ref counts 5. Heights starts his comeback as Heights with a running clothesline in the corner and gets a overhead release belly 2 belly suplex then looks for Doctor Bomb but Crusifino holds onto the ropes and uses that to turn into a pin and he keeps hold of the ropes for extra leverage to get the win.

Winner: Luca Crusifino

Jacy Jayne vs. Ivy Nile

Ivy Nile controls early as she keeps Jacy Jayne on the mat. Jayne goes to the hair but gets run over by Nile then a flying headscissors from Nile and she catches Jayne with a back elbow. Nile goes to the middle rope but Jayne pulls her down. Jayne goes to a neck crank and gets a reverse neckbreaker for a two count.

Jayne throws some kicks to the back and lays the bad mouth on Nile then a reverse chinlock from Jayce as Jayce screams but misses a charge in the corner. Nile with some heavy kicks to the legs and then to the head then she runs wild with shoulder tackles and a kick to the face in the corner.

Gutwrench suplex gets a near fall then Jayne gets a back elbow and an roll up for a two count before Nile locks in Diamond Chin Lock but Jayne escapes as she couldn’t completely lock the hold then a head kick from Nile but she misses a clothesline and Jayne hits a discus forearm for the win.

Winner: Jacy Jayne