NJPW Wrestling World Results – April 14, 2024
Location: Taipei Taiwan
Venue: Zepp New Taipei
Touyuu vs. Axe Wang (Pre Show)
Match starts off with some reversals and they switched to forearm strikes.
Axe Wang grounded him with a rear naked choke and he hits a dropkick for a near fall.
Touyuu hits a superkick and a stunner for a near fall before Wang hits a top rope crossbody for a near fall.
Touyuu hits an enzuigiri then Wang hits a German suplex with a bridge for a near fall.
He missed a top rope elbow drop before Touyuu hits Modified Schwein for the win.
Winner: Touyuu (8:53)
Rate: 5
Semi Final Match Of The NEVER Openweight 6 Man Tag Team Titles Tournament
Be Bop Tag Team (Hiroshi Tanahashi & Toru Yano) & Boltin Oleg vs. United Empire (KOPW 2024 Champion Great O Khan, Francesco Akira & Callum Newman)
Hiroshi Tanahashi & Callum Newman starts this match with Tanahashi hits a 2nd rope crossbody before Toru Yano & Francesco Akira enters.
Boltin Oleg tags in and hits a double shoulder tackle before Great O Khan hits a belly 2 belly slam on Oleg and hits Mongolian Chops.
Newman hits a dropkick on Oleg & Akira hits an assisted moonsault then Oleg hits a dropkick on O Khan.
Tanahashi made the hot tag and he hits dragon screw on United Empire.
Newman hits a running Mafia Kick on Yano before United Empire took turns hitting moves on Yano in a corner. Tanahashi hit a basement dropkick on Newman.
Oleg whips Akira around in his arms as Yano got a Schoolboy on Newman out of nowhere for the win.
Winners: Be Bop Tag Team & Boltin Oleg (11:04)
Rate: 6
Semi Final Match Of The NEVER Openweight 6 Man Tag Team Titles Tournament
Los Ingobernables De Japon (NEVER Openweight Champion Shingo Takagi, Hiromu Takahashi & Bushi) vs. House Of Torture (Junior Heavyweight Champion Sho, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Evil)
Both teams brawled at the bell before Yota Tsuji hits some forearms on Yoshinobu Kanemaru then House Of Torture works over Tsuji in their corner.
Shingo Takagi got a hot tag but he missed a senton on Evil before he hits a double clothesline on the Kanemaru & Sho.
He hit some elbow strikes to the side of Evil’s head and a DDT on Sho.
Bushi got a hot tag and hit a DDT on Sho for a near fall.
Bushi locks in a modified Figure 4 on Sho but Kanemaru sprayed whiskey in Bushi’s eyes.
It allows Sho to hit Shock Arrow for the win.
Winners: House Of Torture (9:50) (They will face Be Bop Tag Team & Oleg in the Finals)
Rate: 4
Tag Team Match
Tiger Mask IV & Satoshi Kojima vs. El Desperado & Shoma Kato
Tiger Mask IV & El Desperado starts this match before Satoshi Kojima hit a standing neckbreaker on Shoma Kato and a bodyslam.
Tiger Mask re enters and tied Kato in a Camel Clutch and they kept Kato in their corner.
Kato hits a dropkick on Kojima before Desperado got the hot tag and hits some shoulder tackles on Kojima. Kojima hits Machine Gun Chops on Desperado.
Tiger Mask hits some Yes Kicks on Desperado but he couldn’t hit a Tiger Driver.
Desperado hits a spinebuster on Tiger Mask before Kato applied a Boston Crab on Tiger Mask. Kato hits a dropkick and a flying forearm for a near fall.
Tiger Mask hits a butterfly suplex for a near fall then hits a Buzzsaw Kick for a near fall.
He then hits Tiger Driver for the win.
Winners: Tiger Mask IV & Satoshi Kojima (11:11)
Rate: 5
Starlight Kid vs. Hanako
Starlight Kid & Hanako brawled on the floor early on then back in the ring Starlight Kid kept her grounded.
Hanako hit a bodyslam for a near fall then puts Starlight Kid in a Torture Rack.
Starlight Kid hits a dropkick then a top rope crossbody then a standing moonsault for a near fall. She applied a Stretch Muffler but Hanako reached the ropes.
Starlight Kid hits some forearms and a chop that dropped Hanako.
She went back to the Stretch Muffler but Hanako again reached the ropes.
Starlight Kid hits a top rope twisting frog splash for a near fall but she missed a moonsault.
Hanako hits a kick to the chest then a delayed vertical suplex for a near fall then a German suplex for a near fall.
Starlight Kid drills Hanako to the mat with Momo Clutch to get the win.
Winner: Starlight Kid (11:08)
Rate: 6
Junior Heavyweight Title #1 Contenders Match
Douki vs. Kosei Fujita
Kosei Fujita hits a flip dive to the floor and a slingshot senton for a near fall.
Douki hits a DDT on the floor then in the ring Douki hits a standing neckbreaker for a near fall. Fujita hit a suplex for a near fall.
Douki locks in Douki Chokey then Douki tied Fujita along his back and he again locks in Douki Chokey.
Fujita hits a German suplex and they were both down before Douki hits an enzuigiri.
Fujita hits a roundhouse kick to the jaw.
He hit a running kick to the back of the head and another German suplex for a near fall.
Douki tied him in a Gory Special and got a backslide for a near fall.
Douki then hits Suplex De La Luna for the win.
Winner & #1 Contender To The Junior Heavyweight Title: Douki (12:11)
Rate: 6
After the match Sho attacks Douki from behind and they brawled before Douki left with Sho’s Junior Heavyweight Title.
IWGP Tag Team Titles Match
Bishamon (Hirooki Goto & Yoshi Hashi) (c) vs. Just 5 Guys (Yuya Uemura & Sanada)
Yoshi Hashi & Yuya Uemura starts this match before Bishamon hits some double team moves on Sanada.
Yoshi Hashi & Uemura traded chops on the floor right along the edge of the stage.
In the ring Yoshi Hashi hits Headhunter on Sanada.
Hirooki Goto finally got a hot tag and hits running clotheslines in the corner on Just 5 Guys.
Uemura tags in and hits a back suplex on Goto for a near fall.
Goto hits a clothesline and they were both before Goto hits a neckbreaker over his knee on Uemura then they set up for Shoto but Sanada made the save.
Yoshi Hashi hits a superkick on Sanada before Sanada hits a Shining Wizard.
Uemura hits a top rope flying crossbody on Yoshi Hashi for a near fall.
Uemura hits a Pele Kick on Yoshi Hashi then they traded forearm strikes and punches.
Goto hit a clothesline on Umeura then Yoshi Hashi hits Uemura with GOH to get the win.
Winners & IWGP Tag Team Champions: Bishamon (20:04) (STILL CHAMPIONS!!!)
Rate: 7
Finals Of The NEVER Openweight 6 Man Tag Team Titles Tournament
Be Bop Tag Team (Hiroshi Tanahashi & Toru Yano) & Boltin Oleg vs. House Of Torture (Junior Heavyweight Champion Sho, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Evil)
House Of Torture attacks Be Bop Tag Team & Boltin Oleg at the bell and they hog tied Toru Yano on the floor. They stomped on Tanahashi in the ring.
Evil chokes Yano in the ring and got a near fall and they worked over Yano.
Oleg got a hot tag and hits a double suplex then tossed Kanemaru around in his arms before hitting a gutwrench suplex.
He hit a belly 2 belly suplex on Evil for a near fall then Evil hits a low blow on Oleg.
Hiroshi Tanahashi enters and hits a flying forearm then a 2nd rope summersault senton on Evil for a near fall. Sho grabs his wrench but Tanahashi avoided being hit by it.
Yano hits double low blow uppercuts before Tanahashi hits a Sling Blade on Sho.
Oleg hits Kamikaze then Tanahashi then hits High Fly Flow for the win.
Winners & New NEVER Openweight 6 Man Tag Team Champions: Be Bop Tag Team & Boltin Oleg (15:32) (NEW CHAMPIONS!!!)
Rate: 4