NJPW Wrestle Kingdom 17 Results – January 4, 2023
Location: Tokyo Japan
Venue: Tokyo Dome
3 Min Exhibition Match
Ryohei Oiwa vs. Oleg Boltin (Pre Show)
Match begins with scrambles as Oleg Boltin eventually double legged Ryohei Oiwa before arm drags had Oiwa in the ropes. Standing switches saw Boltin take down Oiwa with a waist lock but there’s no follow up as we hit the final minute with Oiwa’s wristlock and takedown leading to a cross armbar that ended in the ropes.
A shoulder tackle from Oiwa dumps Boltin who returned with a nice leapfrog and hiptoss before a bodyslam picked up a two count at the bell.
Winner: No One (Time Limit Draw) (3:00)
Rate: 5
KOPW 2023 Title Qualifying 19 Man New Japan Rambo Match
NEVER Openweight 6 Man Tag Team Champion Sho vs. Hikuleo vs. NEVER Openweight 6 Man Tag Team Champion Evil vs. Tomohiro Ishii vs. Great O Khan vs. Douki vs. Rocky Romero vs. Kenta vs. Yoshinobu Kanemaru vs. Aaron Henare vs. Ryusuke Taguchi vs. Jeff Cobb vs. Shane Haste vs. Mikey Nicholls vs. NEVER Openweight 6 Man Tag Team Champion Yujiro Takahashi vs. Toru Yano vs. El Phantasmo vs. Taichi vs. Shingo Takagi (Pre Show)
#1 Sho & #2 Hikuleo started the New Japan Rambo & Hikuleo tries to slam Sho to the outside but then Hikuleo steps over the top rope to chase Sho but that’s not counted as #3 is Evil.
Evil avoids a chokeslam as he and Hikuleo trade finishers a full nelson slam drops Evil as Tomohiro Ishii joined the fray, at #4 aiming right for Hikuleo they opted to double team Sho instead, but a swerve sees Ishii & Sho suplex Hikuleo as the ticker resumed giving us Great O Khan as #5.
O Khan’s taking his time to parade his Rev Pro British Heavyweight Title so the ticker starts again with #6 is Douki wandering out. Douki goes after O Khan but they powder to the outside as Evil tried to eliminate Ishii. Dick Togo saves Evil and we get another entrant in the form of Rocky Romero enters at #7. Romero tries to pull Evil off the apron but instead sidesteps as Sho knocked Evil off the apron.
Forever Clotheslines from Romero follow, just for Sho as Kenta headed out at #8 & he went right for Ishii’s eyes, as we get Yoshinobu Kanemaru joining the match at #9.
Kanemaru guns for Kenta but little else happens as Aaron Henare enters the field at #10. Henare & Ishii trade shoulder tackles and elbows leading to a Blue Thunder Bomb that would have won but O Khan broke up the pin. Ryusuke Taguchi joins next at #11 as Ishii got lifted over the top rope by Henare then booted to the floor by Henare & O Khan.
Jeff Cobb is next at #12 & Douki saves Kanemaru from a chokeslam but they get suplexed instead before Hikuleo chucked out Douki then Kanemaru is out before Shane Haste entered the match at #13.
Haste plants Rocky Romero with a back suplex before Romero ‘rana’d out of a powerbomb seconds afterwards. Mikey Nicholls is in next at #14 as Romero gets eliminated. A Tagbuster eliminated Taguchi while Yujiro Takahashi came into play at #15. Cobb & O Khan target Hikuleo before O Khan clotheslined him out and here comes Toru Yano at #16.
Haste chucks Cobb as the cameras were focused on Yano before Henare took out Haste. O Khan & Henare take care of Nichollsas the counter popped up again for El Phantasmo at #17 to join the match. ELP goes to town with back rakes, before he low bridged Henare onto the apron then tweaked the nipples to eliminate Henare.
Taichi in next at #18 but the ring clears as everyone opted to fight on the floor instead. O Khan slides intro the ring to go all sumo with Taichi, but he gets thrown down as Shingo Takagi joined the match as the 19th & final entrant.
Takagi & Taichi trade clotheslines before another sumo takedown from Taichi had Takagi on the deck. Bullet Club swarm Taichi and lift him out ahead of the elimination. Takagi wipes out Takahashi & Kenta throwing out Takahashi then Kenta before ELP went for a hug from Takagi.
Takagi avoids a dick punch then threw ELP over the top rope Phantasmo’s knocked off onto the guard rails, so he’s still in as Takahashi & Kenta carried him back to the apron. A low bridge brings Takagi onto the apron before Sho accidentally charged ELP off the apron for the win.
Winners & Gets Into The KOPW 2023 Title Match At New Years Dash: NEVER Openweight 6 Man Tag Team Champion Sho,Great O Khan,Toru Yano & Shingo Takagi (30:37) (They will face off tmr at New Years Dash for the KOPW 2023 Title)
Rate: 6
Antonio Inoki Memorial 6 Man Tag Team Match
Yuji Nagata,Satoshi Kojima & Togi Makabe vs. Tatsumi Fujinami,Tiger Mask IV & Minoru Suzuki
Yuji Nagata & Tatsumi Fujinami start off the match locking up into the ropes, before they traded wristlocks. Kicks from Nagata led to him taking a Dragon screw from Fujinami, as Minoru Suzuki tags in They went back to that here with Suzuki kicking down Nagata ahead of some chops in the corner, while Tiger Mask came in to add some kicks.
Fujinami’s back to trade slaps with Nagata who just couldn’t get out of the corner before Suzuki decided to clonk him with elbows. Nagata fired back though, eventually landing an Exploder before tagging in Satoshi Kojima & he connects with the Machine Gun chops.
Suzuki roars off those chops, so Kojima fired away some more before he & Suzuki traded elbows & down goes Suzuki, as Tiger Mask came in to help double team Kojima ahead of a Tiger Driver for a near fall then a Koji Cutter bought Kojima time as Togi Makabe tagged in to corner Tiger Mask for some mounted punches only for Fujinami to come back in with dragon screws as the ring filled and cleared.
A hattrick of submission attempts have Makabe’s crew on the back foot, before Tiger Mask tried a crucifix on Makabe for a near fall. Makabe’s back with a clothesline before he went up top for a King Kong Knee Drop which Suzuki cut off as Tiger Mask tried and whiffed on a victory roll. Eventually he tried a roll up but Makabe sat down on it to get the win for his team.
Winners: Yuji Nagata,Satoshi Kojima & Togi Makabe (9:10)
Rate: 6
Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Title Match
Catch 22 (c) vs. 2022 Super Juniors Tag League Winners Chaos
Yoh leaps onto Catch 22 before the bell as Chaos looked to make light work of things here. A Asai moonsault from Lio Rush keeps Catch 22 down on the outside as both teams brawled around the outside with Rush teasing a suplex on the ramp before he ate a pop up facebuster on the ramp instead.
In the ring Catch 22 pepper Yoh with kicks before Francesco Akira hung up Yoh in a tree of woe for a rope walk dropkick into the corner. Yoh’s kicked to the outside as Catch 22 added a elevated dropkick from Akira off of TJP’s shoulders.
Back inside Yoh’s cornered by TJP before a bloodied Lio Rush came in to break things up. YOH’s dropkick bought him time to tag in Rush but Rush lit the touch paper and burst into life cracking TJP with an enziguiri ahead of a handspring double back elbow to the champions. A low PK wipes out TJP then Akira before a Tomahawk from Rush nearly gets the win.
Yoh’s back in but Rush slips on a Rush Hour and that almost allowed Catch 22 back in. Especially once Yoh’s attempt at an avalanche Direct Drive was blocked he’s able to break out though hitting an over the knee brainbuster before a Final Hour from Rush almost got the job done.
From there, the 3K wipes out Akira, but TJP cleared house from a blind tag, laying out Yoh with a Detonation Kick for a near fall. Catch 22 goes for Leaning Tower again but a reverse ‘rana from Yoh breaks it up as Rush ran in for a one man Spanish Fly to Akira then the 3K to TJP as Akira narrowly saved the titles once more.
Rush finally lands a Rush Hour to Akira but Akira spills outside as Yoh went for Direct Drive it’s countered into an inside cradle gets the win.
Winners & Still Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions: Catch 22 (10:29) (STILL CHAMPIONS!!!!)
Rate: 8 (Recommend)
Women’s Title Match
Kairi (c) vs. Tam Nakano
Match starts off with a lock up then Kairi took Tam Nakano into the ropes for a mocking pat on the head then a gut punch on the break. Nakano cartwheels over Kairi but couldn’t avoid an armdrag before a low dropkick had Kairi down. Rapid fire forearms from Nakano led to a spear from Kairi then a sliding forearm into the corner and a flying punch off the top for a two count.
Nakano took Kairi outside, following up with a crossbody to the floor, then a bridging German suplex back inside for a two count before a Screwdriver almost got the win then cutlass backfist from Kairi strikes down Nakano moments after for a near fall before another cutlass left Nakano laying for an Insane Elbow scores the victory.
Winner & Still Women’s Champion: Kairi (5:56) (STILL CHAMPION!!!!)
Rate: 6
After the match the lights go out a video of a familiar figure, and the debut of the CEO Mercedes Moné the former Sasha Banks. Moné squares up to Kairi who held her Women’s Title aloft only to get caught with a spin out Gory Bomb.
Moné introduces herself on the mic afterwards, ending with her new catchphrase you can bank on Moné but Moné vs. Kairi was confirmed for Battle In The Valley in San Jose next month
IWGP Tag Team Title Match
FTR (c) vs. 2022 World Tag League Winners Bishamon
Yoshi Hashi & Cash Wheeler starts this match off before we get a feeling out process had Bishamon ahead. Dax Harwood & Hirooki Goto tag in, with those two trading right hands up until Yoshi Hashi came in to charge down Harwood leading to an early crack at Shoto, which Wheeler broke up.
A tope from Wheeler clears out Bishamon in the aisle before a Power Plex from FTR laid out Goto for a two count. Goto’s sandwiched by clotheslines afterwards before Goto fought away from Big Rig and returned fire with an ushigoroshi. Bishamon went for Shoto again only to get caught with a Big Rig the cover’s broken up as Yoshi Hashi & Wheeler get suplex the ring to the floor.
Harwood gets thrown aside twice by Goto then headbutted before a suplex bought Goto time. Yoshi Hashi is back on the apron and tags in as Harwood eats a superkick only to escape Karma and finally hits a piledriver for a near fall. A spike piledriver follows but Goto breaks the pin.
Goto’s chucked outside as Yoshi Hashi has to block another Big Rig Goto’s back to clothesline Wheeler to the outside before Harwood took another superkick and finally Shoto for the win.
Winners & New IWGP Tag Team Champions: Bishamon (10:10) (NEW CHAMPIONS!!!)
Rate: 8 (Recommend)
Finals Of The Television Title Tournament
Zack Sabre Jr vs. Ren Narita
Match kicks off with Ren Narita & Zack Sabre Jr going for armbars before a front kick took ZSJ down. Sabre blocked a half hatch suplex and dumps Narita with an arm whip following up with a stomp to the elbow before Narita caught ZSJ with an overhead belly 2 belly off the ropes.
ZSJ’s caught in the corner ahead of a bridging half hatch suplex for a two count before they battled over a Cobra Twist. Snapmares and kicks to the back followed instead with both men asking and receiving them before they traded front kicks which led to them both knocking each other down.
ZSJ back up quickly to go for a PK before he peppered Narita with uppercuts until Narita caught him with a bridging Exploder for a near fall. More kicks from Narita are countered into a leg lock which ends quickly in the ropes allowing ZSJ to just torment Narita with kicks to the chest.
Narita returns the favour though, following with a northern lights suplex for another two count, only for ZSJ to leap in with a guillotine and a triangle armbar. Narita stomps the hold apart, only to get caught with an overhead kick to the arm before he knocked Zack down. A rear naked choke’s next out of Narita before see saw pins almost saw ZSJ win with a European Clutch.
Narita’s back with a German suplex but misses a spinning heel kick as ZSJ punts his way back in, then nearly snatched the win as he countered a Narita Special #3 into a pin. We’re back to the Cobra Twist but ZSJ pulls Narita down into an armbar for the rapid submission win.
Winner By Submission & 1st Ever Television Champion: Zack Sabre Jr (10:32) (NEW CHAMPION!!!)
Rate: 8 (Recommend)
After the match TMDK’s Shane Haste & Mikey Nicholls hit the ring and offer ZSJ a spot in the group ZSJ takes the t shirt.
NEVER Openweight Title Match
Karl Anderson (c) vs. Tama Tonga
Karl Anderson clocks Tama Tonga with the NEVER Openweight Title before the bell, as the match headed outside with Tonga getting suplexed neck first over the guard rails. Breaking the count, Anderson heads outside and takes Tonga into the aisle and dumps him with the Bernard Driver on the ramp.
A Gun Stun follows but Tonga pushes it away as Anderson crashed and burned on the ramp. Back on the ring Anderson & Tonga trade blows on the apron, leading to a blocked Tonga Gun Stun then a big boot from Anderson. They resume strikes, with Anderson landing an uppercut before Tonga charged out of the corner with a clothesline.
Tonga adds a Stinger splash in the corner as he boxed away on the champion. A second Stinger splash comes up short as Anderson came back out of the corner with a TKO for a two count before Tonga fought back with the SRC rolling Death Valley Driver. Heading up top, Tonga looked for a Supreme Flow but got cut off by Anderson’s avalanche brainbuster attempt he shoves it off though then crashed down with a crossbody before Tonga went back up for the Supreme Flow.
Anderson kicks out at two from that then blocked another Gun Stun only to have his own one blocked seconds later after a whole lotta misdirection. Tonga launches out of the corner with a Gun Stun off the middle rope before another Gun Stun puts away Anderson.
Winner & New NEVER Openweight Champion: Tama Tonga (9:35) (NEW CHAMPION!!!)
Rate: 6
6 Man Tag Team Match
Los Ingobnrables De Japon vs. Keiji Muto,Hiroshi Tanahashi & Shota Umino
Sanada & Keiji Muto start us off with Sanada going right for the knees with a low dropkick. A backbreaker led to Sanada going up top for a moonsault but Muto kicks out.
Muto returns with a low dropkick and a Shining Wizard before he went up top for a moonsault of his own but Hiroshi Tanahashi talks him out of it as Muto instead hit an elbow drop. Tanahashi tags in and clears the Los Ingobnrables De Japon apron ahead of a springboard crossbody out of the corner before a turnaround saw Sanada clear the way. Bushi tags in to hit a neckbreaker on Tanahashi for a two count while Tetsuya Naito tagged in to keep it going, only to get caught with a grounded dragon screw after a missed enziguiri.
Shota Umino tagged in next drilling through Naito with a missile dropkick then took Sanada outside with a tijeras. Bushi’s slammed and met with a running uppercut as a fisherman suplex almost put Naito away. A STF followed from Umino as Bushi & Sanada wandered in to make a save but got caught in a Muto Figure 4 and a Tanahashi Cloverleaf before Naito got to the ropes to break up the hold that mattered here.
Naito recovers with an inverted atomic drop, then a neckbreaker to Umino before Bushi came in for a missile dropkick to Umino. Bushi escaped a reverse DDT as a parade of moves broke out leading to a Shining Wizard from Muto before a Death Rider from Umino gets the win.
Winners: Keiji Muto,Hiroshi Tanahashi & Shota Umino (9:20)
Rate: 6
Junior Heavyweight Title Fatal 4 Way Match
Taiji Ishimori (c) vs. El Desperado vs. Hiromu Takahashi vs. Master Wato
Taiji Ishimori powders to the outside at the bell as this one started out hot, quickly breaking down into a series of battling roll ups then Ishimori headed onto the walkway, baiting in El Desperado,Master Wato & Hiromu Takahashi as they crashed and burned on the ramp. Ishimori runs back to the ring to try and take a 3 way count out but that led to all 3 diving back in at 19. We’re back in with duelling submissions as Takahashi locks Wato in D while Desperado tried to make Ishimori tap to Numero Dos but Ishimori broke free and prevented anyone from tapping.
Kicks from Wato have Takahashi in the ropes ahead of a tijeras but Ishimori trips up Wato to prevent a dive, only to get caught with a tope con giro from Desperado as we’re all back on the outside. Wato adds a flip senton, while Takahashi’s back senton off the top completes the set. That starts another count out tease, but Takahashi & Wato make it back inside as Wato’s drilled into the corner, sparking a parade of moves ending with Takahashi escaping a TTD and countering back with a pop up powerbomb.
Ishimori picks it up again with a reverse DDT to Takahashi before a Guitarra De Angel from Desperado took out Ishimori. Wato stops a Pinche Loco, wiping out Desperado with a head kick before he got punched out instead. All 4 men are left laying, but they beat the standing 10 count as Wato caught Ishimori with a Recientemente but he lets go.
Wato heads up top to go for the RPP, but Desperado blocks it as we now built to a tower of doom, sparked by Takahashi who nearly won with the powerbomb on Ishimori. Desperado broke that up, then punched out Takahashi ahead of a Pinche Loco a 2nd one’s countered into a Time Bomb for a near fall before Wato came back for Recientemente with Ishimori pulling out the referee to save the match.
With no referee Ishimori lays out Wato with a chairshot to the back before he threw the ref back into the ring. Wato escapes a Bloody Cross, as Takahashi this time broke up the cover on another Recientemente then a bridging German suplex gets Wato closer to the win before some headscissors from Wato were caught and turned into Time Bomb II gets Takahashi the win.
Winner & New Junior Heavyweight Champion: Hiromu Takahashi (16:43) (NEW CHAMPION!!!)
Rate: 9 (Recommend)
United States Title Match
Will Ospreay (c) vs. Kenny Omega
Kenny Omega sidestepped a charging Will Ospreay at the bell as things looked to settle down early on with a side headlock on the mat from Omega. Ospreay’s out, and kipped up from a shoulder tackle, before a cartwheel and a dropkick took Omega outside for a plancha. Omega’s hurled into the guard rails, before Omega got some retribution as he shoved Ospreay off the apron and into the bars.
Back inside a Finlay roll from Omega led to the moonsault out of the corner for a two count before he hurled Ospreay into the corner pad. Omega removes a corner pad behind the ref’s back then put the boots to Ospreay including one that sent Ospreay back first into the exposed corner. There’s the target for Omega, as a backbreaker gets a two count while knees to the ribs led to Ospreay cutting off Omega with a Cobra Twist.
Ospreay’s hiptossed away by Omega, but came back with a running kick and a Stundog Millionaire. Staying in control Ospreay’s springboard forearm adds a two count as they began to trade chops, leading to a step up enziguiri from Ospreay. Things head onto the apron as Ospreay teased a Storm Breaker but they trade strikes instead, leading to an Ospreay superkick before Omega grabbed the ropes to avoid an OsCutter onto the edge of the ring.
Omega drops down and begins to look under the ring quickly pulling out a table, which he threw onto Ospreay’s back ahead of a double stomp literally through the table to the back. Fighting back, Ospreay throws Omega into the guard rails, then suplexed him onto the back of the still folded table, ahead of a corkscrew moonsault off the top to Kenny on the floor.
Back inside, a flying forearm to the back of Omega’s head gets Ospreay a two count while an OsCutter’s blocked like it was a Gun Stun, allowing Omega to crack Ospreay with a V Trigger and a reverse ‘rana. An over the knee fisherman brainbuster earned a near fall for Omega who kept his focus on Ospreay’s lower back and kidneys with forearms.
On the top rope Omega elbowed away at Ospreay’s neck as he teed up for an avalanche dragon suplex but Ospreay flips out and landed a corkscrew kick instead. An OsCutter followed seconds later for a near fall with Ospreay then adding a Cheeky Nando’s as Omega was stuffed into the corner. They fight in the corner some more, with Ospreay chopping Omega down to the apron before an attempted one man Spanish Fly ended with Omega instead countering with a DDT off the top rope to the exposed corner.
Ospreay’s come up red from that, having laid in a puddle of blood as his bid to beat the count out was stopped by Omega’s dropkick through the ropes. That sends Ospreay to the barriers, with Omega following up with a tope con giro to boot. Ospreay’s marked up on his sides as well from that top rope DDT, as Omega proceeded to throw Ospreay through the remnants of that table from earlier.
Back inside, a spike piledriver then the snap dragon suplex followed, as Omega continued to rain down blows on Ospreay, leading to a leaping Jay Driller that would have won it, had Ospreay not gotten a foot on the ropes. Ospreay’s again sent through the remnants of the table, before something off the top rope was stopped as Ospreay staggered and crotched Omega in the ropes.
Ospreay tries for a top rope rana but Omega pulled him down into the same exposed corner following with a diving V Trigger to the back of Ospreay’s head, before they went back up top with Omega teasing an avalanche One Winged Angel which turned into an avalanche Croyt’s Wrath.
A V Trigger is next for a near fall, before Omega eventually fired up Ospreay into responding with Kawada kicks. A snap V Trigger lands but Ospreay flips out into a sit out powerbomb for another two count. The Chelsea Grin’s next from Ospreay, then a Hidden Blade and an Obvious Blade before the OsCutter out of the corner planted Omega for a near fall.
Omega blocks a Storm Breaker, but a One Winged Angel’s countered into a roll-up then a Styles Clash before a running Hidden Blade to the face got another two count. A Storm Breaker is next, but Omega slips out and countered with a V Trigger only for a short Hidden Blade to the face to take Omega down but Omega’s got Ospreay’s wrist, as Ospreay & Omega tee off on each other with strikes.
Omega changes the pace with a German suplex, bridging for a near fall before he measured up for one more V Trigger. Ospreay spits at Omega but gets the knee anyway before a One Winged Angel got the win.
Winner & New United States Champion: Kenny Omega (34:38) (NEW CHAMPION!!!)
Rate: 11 (Recommend)
IWGP World Heavyweight Title Match
Jay White (c) vs. 2022 G1 Climax Winner Kazuchika Okada
Match starts off with Jay White melting into the ropes before things inevitably headed outside, with Kazuchika Okada looking to chase away Gedo at ringside. The distraction sorta worked with White able to hit a back suplex as Okada returned to the ring before White went to the eyes of Okada.
Heading outside White charges Okada into the guard rails, then bounced him off the side of the ring with a Gourdbuster. Back inside, Okada’s hung up in the ropes as White followed up with a half-hatch suplex into the corner pad for a two count. Chops follow as White kept shouting too for something that never caught on, ahead of a back body drop from Okada.
A snap DDT followed as Okada bought himself some breathing room, following up with a flapjack after White was taken into the ropes. White sidesteps a leaping back elbow into the corner and keeps Okada there with some shoulder charges, before a switcheroo from Okada saw him lift White up top and dropkick him down to the floor.
Heading towards the aisle, Gedo tries to distract Okada but instead took his half of a double DDT, before Okada added a lofty missile dropkick back in the ring. White snapped back into things with a complete shot, then a deadlift German suplex and a Blade Buster for a two count. Retaining control, White hits a Kiwi Krusher then looked to pull Okada up for a sleeper suplex only to get backed into the corner so he charged back out with a chop block to Okada’s knee.
White teases a Tanahashi Tap Out but Okada pushes free before he just walked through a series of chops from White. A dropkick in response dumps White before they teased finishers leading to a Money Clip from Okada. That leads to a tombstone from Okada, then a spinning Rainmaker before Okada moved back to the Money Clip.
Frothing at the mouth White’s checked by the referee before he dove to the ropes to force the break. Gedo gets up on the apron to stop a dive from Okada then Okada then knocked him down and hit a flip senton off the top rope into them anyway. Back inside, Okada gets into gear as he slammed White, then headed up top for an elbow drop only for White to sink to his ass to avoid a Rainmaker.
Okada pulls White up and trades elbows, which knocked White back down. Gedo gets into the ring to create a distraction, but White’s low blow is avoided as Okada got spat at. It makes him lose focus, allowing White to hit a uranage instead, before a sleeper suplex was switched up, with White lifting Okada up over the top rope for a throw to the outside.
A quick return to the ring allowed White to plant Okada with the sleeper suplex, before a Regalplex almost led to the win. White goes for a Blade Runner, but Okada slips out for a German suplex, before he backslid White in for a series of Rainmakers. Another Okada dropkick sets up for a landslide tombstone only for a Rainmaker to get snapped into a Blade Runner as White came achingly close to retaining.
Okada’s pulled up for another Blade Runner, but White fights off Okada’s attempt to escape, landing his Jaymaker clothesline before a ripcord Blade Runner got countered into a Rainmaker for a near fall for Okada. Both men are on their knees but it’s Okada who seems to have a little more in his strikes as White finding his second wind when it came to chopping Okada down to the mat.
Almost in panicked tears, White told Okada he’s not going to take this from me but Okada knocks him back into the ropes then cut off White’s attempted counter with an enziguiri. White slips out of a Cobra Flowsion, but couldn’t avoid an Okada Blade Runner. Cobra Flowsion followed, before one more Rainmaker gets the win.
Winner & New IWGP World Heavyweight Champion: Kazuchika Okada (33:03) (NEW CHAMPION!!!!)
Rate: 10 (Recommend)
After the match after Jay White had exited stage left Shingo Takagi heads out to challenge Okada for the IWGP World Heavyweight Title Takagi reckoned winning the KOPW 2022 Title last year is more than enough to qualify him for a shot before he left and allowed Okada to celebrate his newly won IWGP World Heavyweight Title before they closed out the show with one more ichi, ni, san, DA!