NJPW Super Juniors Tag League Night 8 Results – December 7, 2022
Location: Nagasaki Japan
Venue: Sasebo City General Ground Gymnasium
Tag Team Match
Ryohei Oiwa & Yuto Nakashima vs. Oskar Leube & Kosei Fujita
End of the match happens when Kosei Fujita applied the Boston Crab and Ryohei Oiwa taps out.
Winners By Submission: Oskar Leube & Kosei Fujita (7:12)
Rate: 6
6 Man Tag Team Match
Bullet Club (Junior Heavyweight Champion Taiji Ishimori, Gedo & Bad Luck Fale) vs. Suzuki Gun (El Desperado,Minoru Suzuki & Lance Archer)
Taiji Ishimori & El Desperado traded some offense then Gedo gets tags in but when Lance Archer tagged in Gedo turned and ran to his corner to tag to Bad Luck Fale.
Fale & Archer traded big man blows and brawled to the floor before Suzuki hits Gotch Style Piledriver on Gedo for the win.
Winners: Suzuki Gun (8:46)
Rate: 5
8 Man Tag Team Match
Los Ingobnrables De Japon (KOPW 2022 Champion Shingo Takagi,Sanada,Tetsuya Naito & Hiromu Takahashi) vs. Be Bop Tag Team,Tomoaki Honma & Master Wato
Everyone kept tagging in and out quickly before the end of the match is when Shingo Takagi nails Tomoaki Honma with Pumping Bomber to get LIJ the win.
Winners: Los Ingobnrables De Japon (6:57)
Rate: 6
Non Title 2022 Super Juniors Tag League Match
Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions Catch 22 (10) vs. Kushida & Kevin Knight (2)
Kevin Knight & TJP start this match off before TJP snapped Knight’s left arm. Kushida & Knight began working over Francesco Akira’s left arm. Catch 22 began working over Knight. Knight hits a dropkick and made the hot tag. Kushida entered and hit a series of kicks and was fired up. He applied a cross armbreaker on Akira, who scrambled to reach the ropes.
Knight hit his jump up Frankensteiner in the corner. TJP hits a double bulldog. Akira hit a German suplex on Kushida, and suddenly, everyone was down. Knight hit another dropkick to TJP’s jaw. TJP responded with a tornado DDT for a near fall. TJP nails the Mamba Splash but Kushida made the save. Catch 22 hits Leaning Tower on Kushida and rolled him to the floor. They then connect with 2×2 to get the win.
Winners: Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions Catch 22 (12) (13:27)
Rate: 7
2022 Super Juniors Tag League Match
Wild Hips (6) vs. Chaos (10)
Lio Rush & Clark Connors started this match off with fast paced mat reversals. Ryusuke Taguchi entered and hits butt bumps on Chaos then Yoh slams Rush onto Connors and they worked over Connors as Taguchi was literally tied up on the bottom rope in a Paradise Lock. Rush hits a back suplex. Connors nailed Jeep Flip on Rush that sends him flying into Yoh before Taguchi made the hot tag and he hit more flying butt bumps.
Rush hopped in the ring and offered Taguchi a beer, and the action momentarily stopped. before Rush hits a Stunner, with Taguchi spewing beer everywhere. Connors nailed a spear on Lio that cut him in half. Taguchi pulled down his green pants to reveal his red underwear and hit a butt bump on Rush for a near fall but Yoh made the save. Taguchi locks Oh My & Garankle on Yoh who scrambled to a corner and picked up a can of beer then Yoh dumps it down Taguchi’s throat to break the hold before Chaos connects with 3K for the win.
Winners: Chaos (12) (11:28)
Rate: 5
2022 Super Juniors Tag League Match
Suzuki Gun (Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Douki) (4) vs. House Of Torture (2)
Dick Togo & Yoshinobu Kanemaru kicks this match off. Sho & Douki brawled onto a stage, far from ringside. In the ring House Of Torture works over Douki. Kanemaru made the hot tag and hit a basement dropkick on Sho’s left knee, and he immediately applied a Figure 4.
Douki hit a top rope crossbody block on Togo then a springboard back elbow and a double stomp for a near fall. Togo applied a Crippler Crossface on Douki, who teased tapping out. Douki was able to escape and apply the Douki Chokey but then the ref got pulled to the floor before Togo could tap out. Everyone started cheating with the ref down choking each other with weapons and hitting low blows, and suddenly everyone was down.
The referee recovered and got back in the ring and looked confused at where al the weapons suddenly came from. Douki hit a thrust strike to Togo’s throat, and he again locks in the Douki Chokey & Togo has no choice but to tap out.
Winners By Submission: Suzuki Gun (6) (12:16)
Rate: 3
2022 Super Juniors Tag League Match
Los Ingobnrables De Japon (Bushi & Titan) (10) vs. Flying Tigers (4)
Match starts off with Titan & Robbie Eagles do some fast reversals. Bushi entered and hit a standing neckbreaker on Tiger Mask then he started to untie Tiger Mask’s mask. Los Ingobnrables De Japon began working over Tiger Mask. Eagles hits a hurricanrana. Tiger Mask hit a top rope crossbody then a backbreaker over his knee on Bushi for a 2 count.
Eagles hit a mid ring Sliced Bread, and Tiger Mask immediately hit a Tiger Driver for a near fall. Titan made the hot tag and hit a springboard missile dropkick on Tiger Mask. Eagles applied Ron Miller Special. Tiger Mask hits a top rope butterfly suplex on Titan and he ties up Titan on the mat but Bushi made the save. Bushi nailed a dive to the floor on Eagles. Titan hits Cradle Shock on Tiger Mask that gets a 2 count.
Titan awkwardly slipped on the top rope as he went for Angel Immortal so he tried again hitting a springboard missile dropkick on Tiger Mask to get the win for LIJ.
Winners: Los Ingobnrables De Japon (12) (11:11)
Rate: 6
2022 Super Juniors Tag League Match
Bullet Club (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) (12) vs. SauceHearts (10)
Alex Zayne & Chris Bey started with some basic standing switches. El Lindaman entered and hit a DDT on Ace Austin. Bullet Club began working over Lindaman before Austin hit a gutwrench suplex then a northern lights suplex for a near fall. Bullet Club hits their double team leg drop and standing moonsault combo for a near fall.
Bey hits 3 Amigos but he missed a top rope moonsault. Zayne finally made the hot tag and he traded blows with Austin. He hit a double hurricanrana on Bullet Club then his summersault kick to the back of their heads. Zayne went for an ankle lock but Bey helped yank Austin out of the ring. Lindaman immediately hit a flip dive to the floor on Bullet Club. Bey hit a flip dive through the ropes on Zayne. Ace then nailed Soar To Glory to the floor on Zayne.
In the ring, Zayne hit a German suplex, dropping Bey onto Austin. Bey hit a top rope double stomp on Zayne’s chest as Alex was tied in the ropes. They did a tower spot out of the corner, with Lindaman on top and crashing hard to the mat, and everyone was down. Zayne & Austin traded hard forearm shots, and Ace hits The Fold out of nowhere then goes for a cover but Lindaman makes the save then Lindaman hit a German Suplex with Zayne getting a jackknife cover to pin Austin to get the victory.
Winners: SauceHearts (12) (18:37)
Rate: 8 (Recommend)
Super Juniors Tag League Standings After Night 8
1st Place- Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions Catch 22, SauceHearts, Chaos, Los Ingobnrables De Japon & Bullet Club (12 Points) (6-2)
2nd Place- Suzuki Gun & Wild Hips (6 Points) (3-5)
3rd Place- Flying Tigers (4 Points) (2-6)
Last Place- House Of Torture & Kushida & Kevin Knight (2 Points) (1-7)
Super Juniors Tag League Senecios
SauceHearts Los Ingobnrables De Japon & Bullet Club win- Bullet Club vs SauceHeart Finals
SauceHearts,Chaos & Bullet Club win- SauceHearts vs Chaos Finals
SauceHearts,Los Ingobnrables De Japon & Catch 22 win – Triple Threat Finals
SauceHearts,Chaos & Catch 22 win- Chaos vs Catch 22 Finals
Suzuki Gun,Los Ingobnrables De Japon & Bullet Club – Los Ingobnrables De Japon vs Bullet Club Finals
Suzuki Gun,Chaos & Bullet Club – Chaos vs Bullet Club Finals
Suzuki Gun,Los Ingobnrables De Japon & Catch 22 – Los Ingobnrables De Japon vs Catch 22 Finals
Suzuki Gun,Chaos & Catch 22 – Chaos vs Catch 22 Finals