NJPW Road To Power Struggle/Super Junior Tag League Night 5 Results – October 28, 2023
6 Man Tag Team Match
Great Bash Heel (Togi Makabe & Tomoaki Honma) & Hiroyoshi Tenzan vs. Yuto Nakashima, Oskar Leube & Boltin Oleg
Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Boltin Oleg starts this match before Oskar Leube works over Togi Makabe then Yuto Nakashima made the hot tag & Oleg hits a double shoulder tackle.
Great Bash Heel & Tenzan hits a triple clothesline on Nakashima for a near fall before Tomoaki Honma locks in a Boston Crab and Nakashima taps out.
Winners By Submission: Great Bash Heel & Hiroyoshi Tenzan (7:47)
Rate: 6
Tag Team Match
United Empire (Great O Khan & Callum Newman) vs. Ren Narita & Shota Umino
Callum Newman & Ren Narita starts this match and Narita immediately ties him up on the mat before Narita hits a dragon suplex and he locks in a cross armbreaker.
Great O Khan enters and hits Mongolian Chops on Narita before Shota Umino made the hot tag and hit a basement dropkick on Newman then a fisherman’s suplex on O Khan for a near fall.
Umino sets up for Death Rider but O Khan blocks it and hits a back suplex on Umino then Newman got some roll ups on Umino. Umino fired back with a European Uppercut then Blaze Blade for the win.
Winners: Ren Narita & Shota Umino (10:45)
Rate: 6
6 Man Tag Team Match
Chaos (NEVER Openweight 6 Man Tag Team Champion Tomohiro Ishii, IWGP Tag Team Champion Yoshi Hashi & Toru Yano) vs. House Of Torture (Yujiro Takahashi, Dick Togo & Evil)
House Of Torture attacks Chaos at the bell then Evil backs Yoshi Hashi into the corner and hit some chops then Dick Togo whips Tomohiro Ishii into rows of empty chairs at ringside before House Of Torture continued to take turns working over Yoshi Hashi in the ring.
Ishii enters and hits some shoulder tackles before Yujiro Takahashi hits a fisherman’s brainbuster on Ishii and stomps on him.
Toru Yano enters but Togo hits a knife edge chop to Yano’s groin and chokes Yano with his metal wire then Yano hit low blows on House Of Torture then he rolls up Togo for the win.
Winners: Chaos (8:58)
Rate: 4
2023 Super Junior Tag League Match
Catch 22 (Francesco Akira & TJP (4) vs. Ryusuke Taguchi & The DKC (4)
Francesco Akira & The DKC starts this match and Akira hits a dropkick before The DKC hits a senton on TJP for a near fall.
The DKC & Ryusuke Taguchi hit a series of knife edge chops on TJP’s chest before TJP hits a tornado DDT on The DKC.
Akira got the hot tag and hits an enzuigiri then a top rope crossbody for a near fall. TJP hits a Thesz Press on Taguchi and he ties him in an Octopus but Taguchi escapes and locks in Oh My & Garankle.
TJP locks his own Ankle Lock but The DKC made the save then Taguchi hits a butt bump on Akira then a springboard flying butt bump on TJP.
Taguchi & The DKC hit front & back butt bumps on TJP then a cover but Akira made the save.
Catch 22 hits a double team X Factor then Akira hits a double stomp on The DKC’s chest then they nail 2/2 to get the win.
Winners: Catch 22 (6) (12:39)
Rate: 5
2023 Super Junior Tag League Match
Just 2 Guys (Taka Michinoku & Douki) (0) vs. Musashi & Yoh (4)
Douki & Yoh starts this match then Taka Michinoku ties up Musashi on the mat then Yoh tags back in and hits a flying forearm then a plancha to the floor on Michinoku then in the ring Yoh hits a Vader Bomb style elbow drop on Michinoku then a dragon screw.
Michinoku nails a Mafia Kick on Musashi and he made the hot tag to Douki & he hits a flying headscissors takedown on Musashi then Henkei Doton No Juts before Musashi avoids Daybreak.
Douki locks in Douki Chokey but Musashi reached the ropes then Yoh & Musashi hit stereo superkicks on Douki then Musashi hits a Frog Splash then goes for the cover but Michinoku made the save.
Musashi hits Falcon Arrow for a near fall then Douki hits a clothesline before Michinoku hits Michinoku Driver on Yoh then Douki nails Daybreak on Musashi for a near fall. Michinoku hits a superkick as Douki nails Suplex De La Luna to score the victory.
Winners: Just 2 Guys (2) (11:13)
Rate: 6
2023 Super Junior Tag League Match
House Of Torture (KOPW 2023 Champion Sho & Yoshinobu Kanemaru) (6) vs. TMDK (Robbie Eagles & Kosei Fujita) (2)
House Of Torture attacks at the bell and Yoshinobu Kanemaru battles Kosei Fujita early on before they all brawled to the floor and into the crowd then back in the ring House Of Torture kept working over Fujita in their corner.
Kanemaru tied him in a Boston Crab but Fujita reached the ropes then Robbie Eagles finally enters and hits a leg lariat and some Yes Kicks to Sho’s chest before he hits a springboard dropkick onto Sho’s left knee.
Sho kicks Eagles into the ref and the ref was down then Eagles blocks a low blow attempt and he hit a series of kicks.
Eagles locks Sho in Ron Miller Special and Sho taps out but we had no ref so Evil, Yujiro Takahashi & Dick Togo ran in from the back and stomps on TMDK then Togo hits knife edge chop to Eagles’ groin before Fujita hits a dropkick on Evil & Takahashi.
Kosei did a dive to the floor but crashes onto the floor then Kanemaru accidentally sprayed alcohol in Sho’s eyes so Eagles immediately rolls up Sho for the win.
Winners: TMDK (4) (11:27)
Rate: 3
2023 Super Junior Tag League Match
Los Ingobernables De Japon (Bushi & Titan) (2) vs. Jett Setters (Kushida & Kevin Knight) (6)
Titan & Kevin Knight starts this match with some fast lucha reversals then Knight hits a backbreaker over his knee before LIJ began working over Kushida’s left arm before Knight bodyslams Titan onto Bushi then he nails a leaping press onto LIJ.
Knight hit a swinging powerbomb on Titan for a near fall then LIJ drapes Knight over the top rope and they hit missile dropkicks on him coming from opposite corners before Knight hits a double Pele Kick then Kushida hit a basement dropkick on Bushi.
Knight nails a jump up Frankensteiner on Titan then Kushida kicks at Bushi’s left elbow but he couldn’t get the Hoverboard Lock in place then Bushi hits Lungblower on Kushida.
Titan dove through the ropes and dives onto Knight before Titan nails Angel Immortal for the win.
Winners: Los Ingobernables De Japon (4) (10:43)
Rate: 7
Non Title 2023 Super Junior Tag League Match
Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions Bullet Club War Dogs (Drilla Moloney & Clark Connors) (6) vs. El Desperado & Master Wato (6)
Drilla Moloney & Master Wato starts this match before they all brawled on the floor as Wato pairs off with Clark Connors then back in the ring Connors hits Pounce on Wato then Bullet Club War Dogs works Wato over.
Wato hit some roundhouse kicks to Drilla Moloney’s chest then El Desperado got the hot tag and he spears Connors then hits a back suplex for a near fall. Connors hits his own spear on Desperado then he rips at Desperado’s mask. Moloney hit an enzuigiri on Wato.
Bullet Club War Dogs hit their front & back spears on Wato then goes for the cover but Desperado made the save then Moloney hits a double stomp on Wato’s chest for a near fall.
Desperado & Connors traded mid ring forearm strikes before Desperado nails a spinebuster and a brainbuster for a near fall then Connors nails his powerslam for a near fall.
Desperado locks Connors in Numero Dos as he is twisting Connors’ leg behind his neck but Moloney got chairs and threw them in the ring as the ref was bumped.
Connors completely rips Desperado’s mask open then Desperado’s head was placed on an open chair, and Connors hit that chair with another chair for a near fall before the ref was bumped again.
Bullet Club War Dogs got their Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Titles but Wato hits a springboard missile dropkick on them before they could hit Desperado.
Wato hit a flip dive to the floor on Moloney then in the ring Desperado set up for Pinche Loco but Connors blocks it before Desperado nails Pinche Loco onto the Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Title to get the win.
Winners: El Desperado & Master Wato (8) (17:51)
Rate: 8 (Recommend)
Standings After Night 5
1st Place- El Desperado & Master Wato (8 Points) (4-1)
2nd Place- Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions Bullet Club War Dogs, House Of Torture, Jett Setters & Catch 22 (6 Points) (3-2)
3rd Place- Musashi & Yoh, Ryusuke Taguchi & The DKC, Los Ingobernables De Japon & TMDK (4 Points) (2-3)
Last Place- Just 2 Guys (2 Points) (1-4)