NJPW Road To New Beginning In Osaka Night 2 Results – January 23, 2024
Location: Tokyo Japan
Venue: Korakuen Hall
Master Wato was announced to be out of action with a torn ACL on his left knee before Sho, (who was his opponent today) shows up and attacks Wato before El Desperado made the save.
Tag Team Match
Ryusuke Taguchi & Katsuya Murashima vs. Shoma Kato & Yoh
Ryusuke Taguchi & Shoma Kato starts this match with quick mat reversals before Yoh hits a bodyslam on Katsuya Murashima and Yoh applied a leglock around Murashima’s head.
Yoh hits a snap suplex before Kato & Yoh took turns hitting bodyslams on Taguchi then Taguchi hit a basement dropkick on Kato’s knee then locks in Oh My & Garankle for the win.
Winners By Submission: Ryusuke Taguchi & Katsuya Murashima (8:13)
Rate: 5
10 Man Tag Team Match
United Empire (Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions Francesco Akira & TJP, KOPW 2024 Champion Great O Khan, Callum Newman & Henare) vs. Bullet Club War Dogs (Global Champion David Finlay, Alex Coughlin, Gabe Kidd, Drilla Moloney & Clark Connors)
Henare & Gabe Kidd traded blows in the ring while everyone else brawled on the floor before Henare hits a senton then Bullet Club War Dogs began working over Callum Newman in their corner.
David Finlay hits a senton then TJP finally made the hot tag and hit a back suplex on Clark Connors then facewash kicks in the corner on Drilla Moloney then a top rope double stomp on Moloney’s chest as he was tied in the tree of woe.
Alex Coughlin & Great O Khan traded offense before Kidd hits a brainbuster on O Khan follow by Finlay hits a uranage over his knee on Henare then drops Newman throat first on the top rope.
Newman hits a mid ring Spanish Fly on Finlay then Moloney hits a superkick on TJP then Francesco Akira tags in and hits a flying forearm on Connors.
Connors hit a powerslam on Akira then a spear for a near fall then Connors set up for the No Chaser DDT but Akira blocks it.
Akira misses Fireball before he got a roll up on Connors out of nowhere for the win.
Winners: United Empire (11:34)
Rate: 6
6 Man Tag Team Match
Guerrillas Of Density (Strong Openweight & IWGP Tag Team Champions El Phantasmo & Hikuleo & Jado) vs. Bullet Club (Chase Owens, Kenta & Taiji Ishimori)
Kenta teased starting but tags out then Chase Owens & El Phantasmo lock up and ELP hits a dropkick to the face. Owens hit a backbreaker over his knee.
Hikuleo tags in and drops Owens with a shoulder tackle then hits a Stinger Splash on Taiji Ishimori then hits a double clothesline on both of them then suplexes Owens for a near fall.
Owens hits a chop block on the back of the knee before Kenta tags in and stomped on Hikuleo before Hikuleo hits a side slam.
Jado applied a crossface on Kenta before Kenta rolls up Jado for the win.
Winners: Bullet Club (9:42)
Rate: 5
8 Man Tag Team Match
NEVER Openweight 6 Man Tag Team Champions Television Champion Hiroshi Tanahashi & Chaos (Kazuchika Okada & Tomohiro Ishii) & Tomoaki Honma vs. TMDK (Zack Sabre Jr, Mikey Nicholls, Shane Haste & Kosei Fujita)
Hiroshi Tanahashi & Shane Haste starts this match and Tanahashi hits a 2nd rope crossbody before Tomohiro Ishii enters and drops Haste with a shoulder tackle.
TMDK began working over Ishii in their corner then Zack Sabre Jr & Kosei Fujita took turns hitting European uppercuts on Ishii with Fujita getting a near fall.
Ishii hits a back suplex on ZSJ and they were both down. Ishii dropped Kosei with a shoulder tackle then Kazuchika Okada tags in and hits a running back elbow on Fujita & a DDT on Mikey Nicholls.
Okada locks in Money Clip on Fujita but Nicholls eventually made the save then Fujita hits a springboard dropkick for a near fall on Okada then Okada hits a dropkick on ZSJ and they were both down.
Tomoaki Honma enters but he misses Kokeshi on ZSJ so ZSJ snaps Honman’s neck between his ankles and he locks in a leglock around Honma’s neck.
Tanahashi enters and he began hitting dragon screw before Honma hits a leaping headbutt on Sabre for a near fall but he missed a 2nd rope Kokeshi.
ZSJ hits Penalty Kick to the chest and he locks in a cross armbreaker & Honma has no choice but to tap out.
Winners By Submission: TMDK (13:40)
Rate: 6
6 Man Tag Team Match
House Of Torture (NEVER Openweight Champion Evil, Ren Narita & Yujiro Takahashi) vs. Tama Tonga, Shota Umino & Togi Makabe
Yujiro Takahashi & Togi Makabe traded offense to start this match before Takahashi drops Tama Tonga throat first on the top rope at.
Ren Narita & Shota Umino were brawling at ringside while Evil was beating up Makabe elsewhere on the floor.
House Of Torture kept Tonga in their corner before Umino got the hot tag and he traded quick offense with Narita then a shotgun dropkick on Takahashi.
Umino hits a fisherman’s suplex on Narita for a near fall then Narita hits a slingshot sending Umino’s throat across the bottom rope.
Makabe tags in & House Of Torture began hitting clotheslines on him in the corner and Dick Togo hits a knife edge chop to Makabe’s groin allowing Narita to get a near fall.
Makabe hits a clothesline for a near fall on Narita then Evil brought a chair into the ring but the ref confiscated it but Narita hits Makabe in the head with the workout bar to score the win.
Winners: House Of Torture (10:17)
Rate: 4
10 Man Tag Team Match
Los Ingobernables De Japon (IWGP World Heavyweight Champion Tetsuya Naito, Hiromu Takahashi, Shingo Takagi, Yota Tsuji & Bushi) vs. Just 5 Guys (Sanada, Yuya Uemura, Taichi, Douki & Taka Michinoku)
LIJ & Just 5 Guys brawled at the bell and the camera focused on Yota Tsuji & Yuya Uemura brawling at ringside then Shingo Takagi & Taichi traded kicks to the thighs in the ring.
Sanada tried to apply Paradise Lock on Tetsuya Naito but Naito shrugged it off so Sanada hits a dropkick to Naito’s chest.
Hiromu Takahashi tags in and he battled Douki & he hits a hurricanrana then a running clothesline in the corner on Taka Michinoku before Douki tied Takahashi in a Gory Special.
Uemura and Tsuji enters with Tsuji hitting a shoulder tackle before Uemura hits some arm drags and a back suplex and they were both down.
Bushi tags in and hits a missile dropkick on Michinoku then a DDT for a near fall then rolls up Taichi for a near fall.
Taichi hits a spin kick to the head then he locks in Seitei Jujiro but Takagi made the save then Sanada hits a dropkick on Naito.
Most of the Just 5 Guys hits planchas to the floor to take out LIJ leaving just Taichi & Bushi in the ring & he connects with Tensho Jujihou to get the win.
Winners: Just 5 Guys (11:30)
Rate: 6
Junior Heavyweight Title Match
El Desperado (c) vs. Yoshinobu Kanemaru
Match starts off with a lock up then they fought to the floor where Yoshinobu Kanemaru drops El Desperado throat first on the guardrail then in the ring Kanemaru hits a back body drop and remained in charge.
They went right back to the floor where he hit a bodyslam onto the mat at ringside then back in the ring Desperado hits a back suplex then Desperado hits a dragon screw and began targeting the left knee.
He locks in Numero Dos around the neck then hits a spinebuster and went right back to Numero Dos but Sho appeared at ringside to distract the ref then Ren Narita jumped in the ring and hits Desperado.
Hiroshi Tanahashi jogs to ringside as Shota Umino got in too and they chased House Of Torture to the back so the match continues 1 on 1.
Kanemaru hits a moonsault on Desperado’s back for a near fall and he locks in a Boston Crab before hitting Deep Impact for a near fall.
Desperado hits another spinebuster and a back suplex then a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall and he went back to cranking on the left knee. Evil & Dick Togo jumps in the ring and stomped on Desperado.
Tama Tonga ran in and beat up Evil as Kanemaru got his whiskey bottle but Desperado knocks it away then once again locks in Numero Dos and this time Kanemaru taps out.
Winner By Submission & Still Junior Heavyweight Champion: El Desperado (23:55) (STILL CHAMPION!!!!)
Rate: 4