NJPW New Japan Strong (Autumn Action Episode 1) Results – October 8, 2022

NJPW New Japan Strong (Autumn Action Episode 1) Results – October 8, 2022

Location: Las Vegas Nevada
Venue: Sam’s Town Live
Attendance: 702

Shota Umino vs. QT Marshall

QT Marshall’s wristlock gets countered early, so he throws Shota Umino down by the hair prompting Umino to take QT into the ropes. There’s a cheapshot as the referee tries to separate them but Shota’s able to shake it off and take QT back into the corner. Forearms by the ropes earn Shota a big boot in return, before Shota’s ‘rana and running uppercut took QT to the outside.

Back inside the ring, QT scores with a neckbreaker, while a chinlock kept Shota down. A back elbow does the same trick, but Marshall takes his time making a cover as he proceeded to hit a slam and an elbow drop to Shota. Umino begins to fight back, but got wiped out with a dropkick from Marshall for a two count, before Shota mounted another comeback.

An elbow and a low dropkick gets Shota back in it, while a fisherman suplex almost led to the win. QT escapes a Death Rider and returned with a pop up forearm then a sit out Last Ride for a near fall. QT takes too long to follow up, and almost got caught with a tombstone which the pair reversed back & forth until Shota landed it for a near fall.

Umino absorbs then throws forearms back & forth with Marshall, ending with a discus forearm before Marshall rolled up out of a Death Rider. After Marshall kicks out, Shota goes for a backslide, before Marshall again escaped a backslide and hit a handspring enzuigiri. Marshall looks to hit the cutter but Shota counters it with 2 Roll The Dice before hitting a lifting reverse DDT then the Death Raider gets Umino the win.

Winner: Shota Umino (10:12)

Team Filthy’s JR Kratos & Danny Limelight is next, featuring shots at Local Sports Teams, and Danny being a little sour at how Aussie Open are the Strong Openweight Tag Team Champions. He’s annoyed that he & Kratos weren’t in the tournament, Kratos issues a challenge to Aussie Open for the Strong Openweight Tag Team Titles. Strong Openweight Tag Team Champions Aussie Open appear on the stage and accept the challenge.

No DQ Match
Ren Narita vs. Juice Robinson

Juice Robinson attacks Ren Narita through the curtain as a slam dropped Ren on the stage.

Narita’s bowled down the steps off the stage, then bounced off the guard rails before he’s taken into the ring. Juice demands the match start, as he chucks Narita outside and into the ring post for good measure. Going for the ring bell, Juice shoved down the referee before he cracked Narita in the head with the bell for the DQ.

Narita’s come up all bloody while Juice took the mic and offered to have the match restart under No DQ rules. In among all that, Juice had gotten hold of a kendo stick that he swung at Narita, but it’s ducked as a kick and a Figure 4 left Juice laying, at least until he got the kendo stick and used it to smash the hold apart.

Juice wrecks the Kendo stick against Narita’s sides, then headed outside to look for more weaponry, pulling a table out from under the ring. Picking up Narita, Juice hauls him up for a suplex, but it’s reversed as Narita continued to leak blood, before the pair returned to the ring where Juice bit the cut.

Juice removes his belt and blamed a fan for the belt whipping he prepared for Ren, before a Left Hand Of God with a belt nearly put Ren away. It’s back to the chair as Ren ducks a chair shot, as did Juice, who then had the chair dropkicked into his face. Right hands take Juice into the corner from there, but Juice fights out and removed a corner pad so he could wedge a chair into the corner.

It all backfires as Narita reversed a throw into the corner, with Juice goes into the chair then a suplex out of it. Narita sets up the chair and suplexed Juice into the open seat for a near fall. Juice struck back in with a low blow, A piledriver onto the remnants of the chair followed, but still Ren kicks out, before he was taken outside and he got powerbombed through the table.

Narita again kicks out & Juice hunted under the ring for another table. He couldn’t find one, so he yanks the timekeeper’s table into the ring, then took Ren up top for what looked like an avalanche gut buster through it but Ren breaks free and grabbed a rear naked choke on Juice, flipping the table over in the process before the old Zack Sabre Jr. Young Boy Killer finally forced the submission.

Winner By Submission: Ren Narita (19:58)

Tag Team Match
Bullet Club vs. Homicide & Wheeler Yuta

Karl Anderson & Homicide starting us off then a shoulder tackle has Anderson down, before the pair tried for cutters that got pushed off.

A headlock takedown from Anderson resets things as Homicide takes them into the corner for a clean break. We’ve an uppercut from Homicide after some jaw jacking, before a snapmare and a chinlock gaves Anderson something to fight out of as tags brought us to Wheeler Yuta & Jay White.

Jay uses the hair to take Yuta into the corner, before an attempted chop was ducked and met in kind. Headlock takedowns and escapes follow, before White took things to the corner as he whaled away on Yuta with right hands and chops. White’s been busted open by an earlier exchange, and he dives out to tag in Anderson, who’s quickly dropped for a Yuta back senton.

Homicide’s in to work over Anderson then take down White’s interference attempt, as the match spilled outside with Bullet Club & Homicide & Yuta brawl by the railings. We’ve a suplex attempt from Homicide but it’s broken up as Doc Gallows ends up charging Homicide into the commentary table, knocking over a monitor and some water onto Lawlor.

Homicide & Tom Lawlor had a mini brawl that the camera crew just about caught, as Homicide was taken back inside for an Anderson spinebuster. White’s neckbreaker gets a two count, but Anderson’s quickly back in, only to get taken to the corner as Homicide set up for a cravat superplex which was pushed off. Anderson lands a clothesline before chops from White took Homicide to his knees.

White demanded a too sweet from Homicide, but instead got his ear bitten. White broke free with a slam then a chinlock, Homicide’s jawbreaker allowed both men to tag out. Yuta hits a Manhattan Drop and an enzuigiri to Anderson, before a flying forearm off the top took Anderson down only for Anderson to try and come back with a Gun Stun.

Yuta countered that with an Angle Slam of sorts for a near fall before Anderson hit back with a fisherman over the knee brainbuster. White tagged in but walked into an inside cradle as Yuta brings Homicide back in for Manhattan Drops and a STF as Anderson eventually pushed Yuta into the pile to break it up. A snap DDT from Anderson sparks a parade of moves, featuring a Blade Runner countered into a German suplex by Yuta, before White escaped a Cop Killa only to turn around into a cutter.

White kicks out at two from that, before Doc Gallows got on the apron to cause a distraction. Tom Lawlor leaves commentary as things broke down, allowing White to hit the Blade Runner on Homicide for the win.

Winners: Bullet Club (14:35)

After the match Yuta makes the save as Lawlor was choking out Homicide then went after the rest of Bullet Club as West Coast Wrecking Crew joined to help Lawlor. Shota Umino comes out to keep the melee going, before Team Filthy & Bullet Club worked together to disarm Homicide from his fork. As Strong was ending with Jay White calling out Eddie Kingston for missing out on his chance to take on the single biggest Japanese wrestling legend.