NJPW G1 Climax Night 5 Results – July 21, 2023
Block B Match Of The 2023 G1 Climax
IWGP Tag Team Champion Yoshi Hashi (2) vs. Tanga Loa (2)
Yoshi Hashi with an early roll up almost got the win before he instantly focused on Tanga Loa’s knee before Loa tried to switch things up by baiting Yoshi Hashi into a chop battle then some chops and throat thrusts finally knocks Yoshi Hashi down but a neckbreaker quickly turns things back around.
Yoshi Hashi chops down Loa before he tries to go for Kumagoroshi but Loa blocks and turns into a jackhammer for a near fall before we go to some strikes as Yoshi Hashi hits Head Hunter before an attempt at Karma was block.
Loa resumes back & forth strikes only to get caught with a dragon suplex and a Western lariat then he pops up from that as he connects with a spear before Yoshi Hashi counters an Apeshit with a sleeper hold but Loa escaped again then headed up top to connect with a swandive headbutt that almost got the win.
Jado is yelling for Loa to finish things but Yoshi Hashi counters out into a crucifix bomb for the win.
Winner: IWGP Tag Team Champion Yoshi Hashi (4) (12:35)
Rate: 6
Block A Match Of The 2023 G1 Climax
Strong Openweight Tag Team Champion Gabriel Kidd (2) vs. Ren Narita (2)
Ren Narita was wise to Gabriel Kidd’s sneak attack as he drops him in the aisle before demanding Kidd start things off in the ring so they get in the ring & Narita with a running front kick wipes out Kidd before Kidd began to trade Saito suplexes with Narita.
Kidd looks to one up Narita with the suplex that took both men from the ring to the floor before he got Irish whipped into the guard rails.
Back in the ring Kidd removes a corner pad, but he quickly throws Narita head first into the exposed buckle so the ref stops Kidd & he get in his face before Kidd began to blister Narita with chops.
Kidd’s taken into the corner for some boot choking from Narita before he adds a spinning heel kick and a half hatch bridging suplex for a near fall. Kidd tries to get back in it but he’s caught with a knee bar then a Narita Special #3 which ends in the ropes.
Kidd pushes away a Cobra Twist almost causing a ref bump so Kidd mouths off at Katsuyori Shibata before hitting a headbutt as Narita almost won with a German suplex.
They trade front kicks, then chops before a knee curb stomp almost got Narita the win then Narita goes back to the Cobra Twist but Kidd grabs the referee and hits a low blow to Narita follows it up with a leg trap piledriver for the win.
Winner: Strong Openweight Tag Team Champion Gabriel Kidd (4) (10:05)
Rate: 7
Block B Match Of The 2023 G1 Climax
El Phantasmo (0) vs. Great O Khan (0)
El Phantasmo leaps over Great O Khan before he does some backslides and roll ups before a Tijeras takes O Khan outside ahead of a tornado DDT off the guard rails.
Back inside the ring ELP misses a springboard senton bomb which opened the door for O Khan to rip off the tape on ELP’s neck & focusing on the neck & shoulders as O Khan stays in control with Mongolian Chops.
Phantasmo goes for O Khan’s nipples but he liked it and ends up biting ELP’s as they headed into the corner. O Khan tries to sit on Phantasmo in the corner but gets taken outside for a tope then flew off the top rope into O Khan in the crowd.
Back inside the ring ELP pushes on with the Quebrada for a near fall before O Khan fought his way back in with the claw.
O Khan wraps up ELP with a cobra clutch but that ends in the ropes as they ended up trading shot. O Khan’s claw assisted sleeper suplex took Phantasmo down while a lariat saw ELP face plant into the mat by sending him outside for a dropkick off the apron.
Then O Khan with a Tenzan Tombstone Driver on the floor before an claw chokebreaker and grounded version of the Sheep Killer forces ELP to tap out.
Winner By Submission: Great O Khan (2) (12:46)
Rate: 6
Block A Match Of The 2023 G1 Climax
Hikuleo (0) vs. Chase Owens (2)
Chase Owens cowards to the corner as Hikuleo looks to bully him around by landing a front kick to take Owens to the outside. Owens dives under the ring for safety but appeared to crack Hikuleo with something.
Hikuleo has his fingers snapped as he tried to goozle Owens from the floor and then the right wrist of Hikuleo is being targeted as that’s thrown into the post then there’s more attacks to Hikuleo’s right arm back inside but Hikuleo overpowers him anyway and took down Owens with a clothesline.
A suplex gets Hikuleo a near fall but Owens clotheslines him over the top to the outside before a crossface back inside ended with Hikuleo clawing his way into the ropes as he fights out of a Package Piledriver, Hikuleo connects with a throat thrust then a powerslam before Owens grabs the rope to avoid a chokeslam.
A 2nd escape sees Owens jar his knee which prompts him to undo his knee brace and spat at Hikuleo doing so before Hikuleo shoves aside the ref and got hits with the knee brace for a near-fall before a C Trigger puts away Hikuleo.
Winner: Chase Owens (4) (11:02)
Rate: 5
Non Title Block B Match Of The 2023 G1 Climax
United States Champion Will Ospreay (2) vs. Kenta (2)
Kenta jumps Will Ospreay as he entered the ring then put on Ospreay’s entrance jacket so he could mock him before Ospreay fires back but misses a plancha and got sent into the guard rails for it and it gets worse for Ospreay as he’s sent into the crowd then kicks into the bleachers.
Back towards ringside Ospreay gets posted then met with a neckbreaker back inside as Kenta looked to keep control before Ospreay managed to force an opening by landing a springboard forearm for a two count only to run into a powerslam moments later.
Kenta hits a clothesline off the top rope keeps him in control & it leads to a Green Killer DDT to the floor after he swiveled Ospreay on the apron.
Ospreay beats the count out but he’s swarmed by Kenta before a Go 2 Sleep attempt suddenly turned things up a notch as they began to leather each other with strikes only for Kenta to charge into the corner to avoid a Storm Breaker & that causes a ref bump.
That’s the cue for some plunder as he began to wear down Ospreay with a kendo stick before Ospreay eventually caught the stick but a low blow stops him from using it.
Kenta hits Ospreay with his Defy Title then drags the referee back to count a delayed near fall then a hook kick counters a Go 2 Sleep attempt but Kenta sidesteps an OsCutter and pulls Ospreay into the Game Over which was bitten out of.
Ospreay deadlifts Kenta into a sit out powerbomb but an attempt at Leap Of Faith misses as Kenta hits Busaiku Knee for a 2 count then a superkick stops another Busaiku knee as Ospreay’s Hidden Blade to the face then a Storm Breaker gets the win.
Winner: United States Champion Will Ospreay (4) (14:02)
Rate: 5
Block A Match Of The 2023 G1 Climax
Shota Umino (1) vs. Kaito Kiyomiya (4)
We get some exchange of strikes lead to an armdrag from Shota Umino but Kaito Kiyomiya is quickly in control before Umino hits a facedrop and uppercut turns it back around.
Umino hits a fisherman suplex gets a two count for him but Kiyomiya swings right back into it by bouncing Umino with back elbows ahead of a springboard forearm out of the corner.
A missile dropkick gets Kiyomiya a two count as did a German suplex before Umino again cuts off Kiyomiya with a dropkick.
Umino misses an Ignition attempt but he’s able to push back with a pop up uppercut ahead of the Ignition for a near fall. Kiyomiya’s back with a knee strike but Umino ducks a Shining Wizard and catches him in a STF instead by wrenching back as Kiyomiya eventually made it to the ropes.
Kiyomiya gets measured up for a slingshot DDT which Umino hits before he tries to go for a Death Rider attempt was countered into a dragon screw then a another dragon screw followed as Umino was caught in the corner as Kiyomiya began to focus on the right leg and knee of Umino eventually setting up for a missile dropkick to the grounded Umino.
More Dragon screws lead to a Figure 4 on Umino as Umino almost made it to the ropes but Kiyomiya drags him back into the center of the ring by wrenching away on the hold.
Umino is literally grabbing onto the referee for help as Kiyomiya eventually relinquished the hold by opting instead to pull up Umino into a Tiger Suplex for a near fall.
Umino is forced to fight out of a 2nd Tiger Suplex but he’s shoved into the ropes ahead of a high knee before a half nelson’d Blue Thunder Bomb almost got the job done.
Umino hits a guillotine DDT to counter a Shining Wizard then as Umino crawls over to make the cover but it gets a near fall just as time ran out.
Winner: No One (Time Limit Draw) (20:00)
Rate: 8 (Recommend)
Champion vs. Champion Block B Match Of The 2023 G1 Climax
NEVER Openweight 6 Man Tag Team Champion Kazuchika Okada (4) vs. KOPW 2023 Champion Taichi (4)
Kazuchika Okada is teasing Taichi early on with the mocking clean break before a spinning tombstone and the spinning Rainmaker looks to get the job done but Taichi is fed up of being played with and hit back then heading outside, Okada plants Taichi with a DDT on the floor then locks in Money Clip when Taichi beat the count.
Taichi remained firmly on the defensive but was able to sidestep Okada into the corner and connect with a gamengiri in return then a hook kick sinks Okada as Taichi rips off the trousers then caught Okada with an enziguiri.
Okada backdrops his way out of a Last Ride attempt as he began a comeback by launching Taichi into the corner with a shotgun dropkick then down to the floor with another dropkick.
Okada marches Taichi into the aisle for another DDT before a Money Clip back in the ring had Taichi reaching for the ropes as he lets go of the hold Okada measures up for an elbow smash to down Taichi again following up with a slam before Taichi cut off Okada in the corner with another gamengiri.
That in turn sets up for an avalanche Dangerous Backdrop Driver but Okada fought free before his missile dropkick was deftly turns into a Taichi powerbomb.
A Buzzsaw Kick from Taichi wipes out Okada but Okada’s right back with a dropkick before a Dangerous Backdrop Driver countered a Rainmaker attempt. Taichi hurls Okada with a 2nd Dangerous Backdrop Driver before a 3rd one is block as Taichi went for the Baba chops to the head then an Axe Bomber.
Taichi with a bridging suplex but Okada counters a Black Mephisto then missed another dropkick as a Taichi Clutch nearly gets the win before they trade gamengiri before Okada threw away another Black Mephisto by sitting down on the cover to snatch the win.
Winner: NEVER Openweight 6 Man Tag Team Champion Kazuchika Okada (6) (16:20)
Rate: 8 (Recommend)
Non Title Block A Match Of The 2023 G1 Climax
IWGP World Heavyweight Champion Sanada (4) vs. Yota Tsuji (1)
Sanada & Yota Tsuji went hold for hold with wristlocks becoming the order of the day then Tsuji blocks a Shining Wizard attempt then backs Sanada into the ropes with a lock up then sneaks in some cheap shots on the break.
A Tijeras takes Sanada to the outside but he heads up the aisle to avoid a dive so Tsuji just gives chase and ended up having to defend a TKO on the entrance way before he lands a tilt a whirl backbreaker by the video screens.
Tsuji carries Sanada back down the aisle and popped him against the apron before the slam and Mount Tsuji splash drew a two count.
Sanada sidesteps a Stinger splash in the corner and returns with a back suplex then we head to the outside where Sanada lands a plancha then Tsuji one ups him with a tope suicida before Sanada fought back back inside by landing a Magic Screw in return.
Tsuji gets finally caught with a TKO for a near fall but he returns with a backbreaker and a Curb Stomp before he caught Sanada in his own Dragon Sleeper. Tsuji lets go of the hold and hitting a moonsault for a near fall before Sanada tried it himself before a backflip out of the corner lands in a Skull End on Tsuji but Tsuji slips out into a suplex/powerbomb for a near fall.
A reverse rana and a Shining Wizard got Sanada back in control but Tsuji cartwheels out of a Deadfall and nails Sanada with a headbutt before the push down stomp almost got the job done. Sanada hits a cutter to counter a spear then follows it up with a moonsault to keep the two counts going before Deadfall gets Sanada the victory.
Winner: IWGP World Heavyweight Champion Sanada (6) (18:36)
Rate: 7
Block A & B Standings After Night 5
Block A
1st Place- IWGP World Heavyweight Champion Sanada (6 Points) (3-0)
2nd Place- Kaito Kiyomiya (5 Points) (2-0-1)
3rd Place- Strong Openweight Tag Team Champion Gabriel Kidd & Chase Owens (4 Points) (2-1)
4th Place- Ren Narita (2 Points) (0-1-2)
5th Place- Shota Umino & Yota Tsuji (1 Point) (0-2-1)
Last Place- Hikuleo (0 Points) (0-3)
Block B
1st Place- NEVER Openweight 6 Man Tag Team Champion Kazuchika Okada (6 Points) (3-0)
2nd Place- IWGP Tag Team Champion Yoshi Hashi, United States Champion Will Ospreay & KOPW 2023 Champion Taichi (4 Points) (2-1)
3rd Place- Tanga Loa, Kenta & Great O Khan (2 Points) (1-2)
Last Place- El Phantasmo (0 Points) (0-3)