NJPW G1 Climax Night 10 Review – July 30, 2023
Location: Aichi Japan
Venue: Dolphins Arena
Non Title Block C Match Of The 2023 G1 Climax
NEVER Openweight Champion David Finlay (6) vs. Henare (2)
Henare must win or he’s mathematically eliminated.
Henare immediately hits a kick to the back and a senton before they brawled to the floor with Finlay slamming Henare against the guardrail then in the ring Finlay got a near fall then he grounds Henare with a rear naked choke and remains in control of the offence.
Henare hits a pop up Samoan Drop but clutched at a sore right shoulder then a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall before he nailed a running penalty kick for a near fall then he went for Rampage but Finlay turns it into a DDT and they were both down.
Finlay stood behind Henare and hit some crossface blows then a clothesline to the back of the head then they went to the floor where Finlay tossed Henare head first into the ring post. In the ring, Finlay hit his own Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall.
Henare hits a running knee to the collarbone then Henare nails a headbutt that drops Finlay then a knee strike in the corner and Rampage before Finlay nails Into Oblivion for the win.
Winner: NEVER Openweight Champion David Finlay (8) (11:54) (Since Henare lost he is mathematically eliminated)
Rate: 7
Block D Match Of The 2023 G1 Climax
Toru Yano (0) vs. Jeff Cobb (8)
Jeff Cobb pulls Toru Yano’s shirt open and several beer cans fell to the mat then Cobb hits Spin Cycle but he grabs a can of beer and drank from it then went for a standing moonsault but Yano got his knees up and got a near fall.
Yano hit a low blow and a backslide for another near fall then Yano grabs a canister and sprayed something in Cobb’s face then rolls him up to get the victory.
Winner: Toru Yano (2) (1:49)
Rate: 4
Non Title Block C Match Of The 2023 G1 Climax
Strong Openweight Champion Eddie Kingston (4) vs. Mikey Nicholls (2)
Nicholls must win or he’s mathematically eliminated.
We get a lock up to start this match off before Mikey Nicholls slaps Eddie Kingston in the face as they separated. Nicholls hit a back suplex that sent Kingston to the floor clutching his left shoulder then Nicholls hits a plancha.
In the ring Nicholls ties Kingston in the ropes and was in charge early on by hitting a vertical suplex for a near fall before Kingston hits a DDT then the rapid fire chops in the corner and a running facewash then a swinging fisherman’s suplex for a near fall.
Nicholls hit a DDT and they were both down. Nicholls hit a spinebuster for a near fall then a Death Valley Driver and a sliding forearm for a near fall before Kingston hits a pair of exploder suplexes then a half nelson suplex and a diving forearm for a near fall.
Nicholls hits an enzuigiri but Kingston immediately hits Backfist To The Future for the win.
Winner: Strong Openweight Champion Eddie Kingston (6) (8:33) (Since Nicholls lost he is mathematically eliminated)
Rate: 5
Block D Match Of The 2023 G1 Climax
Strong Openweight Champion Alex Coughlin (2) vs. Tetsuya Naito (4)
Coughlin must win or he’s mathematically eliminated.
Alex Coughlin hits a fallaway slam then on the floor Coughlin whips Naito into the guard rail then back in the ring Coughlin hits a suplex and remained in charge then Coughlin hits some chops and he spit in Naito’s face.
Naito hits a swinging neckbreaker before Coughlin hits a backbreaker over his knee then a pop up powerbomb for a near fall.
Coughlin hits Black Hole Slam and a clothesline for a near fall before Naito hits a Destino for a near fall then a 2nd Destino for the win.
Winner: Tetsuya Naito (6) (10:07) (Since Coughlin lost he is mathematically eliminated)
Rate: 6
Block C Match Of The 2023 G1 Climax
NEVER Openweight 6 Man Tag Team Champion Tomohiro Ishii (2) vs. Evil (6)
Ishii must win or he’s mathematically eliminated.
Evil attacks Tomohiro Ishii as he climbed through the ropes and he stomps on Ishii then on the floor Ishii whips Evil repeatedly in the guardrails then Evil slams Ishii into the guardrails before Evil puts a chair around Ishii’s neck and slams him headfirst into the ring post.
In the ring Evil remained in charge before Ishii hits a suplex and they were both down then Ishii hits a Saito suplex before Dick Togo hops in the ring as he shoves Ishii into the ref and the ref was down. Togo & Evil beat up on Ishii and they hit Magic Killer with Evil getting a near fall.
Ishii hits a German suplex and they were both down then Ishii hit some chops before Togo hops on the ring apron to distract the ref and Ishii so Evil accidentally hit Togo & Ishii hits Evil with a chair that Evil had brought into the ring.
They traded clotheslines before Evil hits Darkness Falls for a near fall but he couldn’t hit Everything Is Evil. Ishii hits Everything Is Evil and a sliding clothesline for a near fall and he was fired up before Evil grabs the ref allowing Togo to run in and hit a low blow & Evil immediately hits Everything Is Evil to put Ishii away.
Winner: Evil (8) (14:36) (Since Ishii lost he is mathematically eliminated)
Rate: 5
Non Title Block D Match Of The 2023 G1 Climax
Television Champion Zack Sabre Jr (6) vs. Shane Haste (4)
Match starts off with Zack Sabre Jr & Shane Haste do some mat reversals then Haste hit a kick before he hits a Mafia Kick then ZSJ hits his own kick and they traded European uppercuts then Haste hit a dropkick and he took control by twisting ZSJ’s arms.
ZSJ hits a dropkick and they were both down then he twisted Haste’s head between his legs. ZSJ hits a slap to the face and they traded slaps as they hit simultaneous Mafia Kicks and both went down before Haste hits an sit out powerbomb for a near fall.
ZSJ locks in a modified STF and he turns it into a Rings Of Saturn but Haste reached the ropes then ZSJ hits some running Penalty Kicks to the chest then Haste hits a clothesline and a back suplex then ZSJ locks in a Triangle Choke before connecting with European Clutch to get the win.
Winner: Television Champion Zack Sabre Jr (8) (13:23)
Rate: 7
Block C Match Of The 2023 G1 Climax
Tama Tonga (6) vs. Shingo Takagi (4)
Shingo Takagi clotheslines Tama Tonga to the floor then he drops Tonga face first on the ring apron then back in the ring Takagi was in charge by hitting a suplex and a running elbow drop to the chin then Tonga hits a dropkick and they were both down.
Tonga peels off his vest and hits a Stinger Splash in the corner then Tonga snaps Takagi’s throat across the top rope with Takagi falling to the floor and selling the injury.
In the ring Tonga hits a powerslam and was in control then he hits a snap suplex for a near fall then Takagi hits a DDT and they were both down then he hits a senton and was fired up then hits a top rope superplex and they were both down.
Tonga locks in Sharpshooter but Takagi reached the ropes then they got up and traded forearm shots before Tonga hits a rolling Death Valley Driver and he nails Supreme Flow for a near fall and he set up for the Gun Stun but Takagi avoids it.
Tonga avoids Pumping Bomber then Takagi nails a sit out powerbomb for a near fall before Takagi hits elbow strikes to the side of the head then Tonga hits Tongan Twist then Tonga nails a jumping DDT for a near fall.
Takagi hits a pop up stunner then Pumping Bomber connects for a near fall then Tonga hits a headbutt then Takagi hits a short arm clothesline then a Death Valley Driver with both men down then Tonga went for a jackknife cover as the time expired.
Winner: No One (Time Limit Draw) (20:00) (Both men get a point)
Rate: 7
Champion vs. Champion Block D Match Of The 2023 G1 Climax
NEVER Openweight 6 Man Tag Team Champion Hiroshi Tanahashi (4) vs. IWGP Tag Team Champion Hirooki Goto (4)
Hirooki Goto immediately hits some forearm shots before Hiroshi Tanahashi hits a punch to the gut and got an inside cradle for a near fall then Tanahashi kicks at Goto’s left leg before Goto hits a clothesline and they were both down.
They fought on the ropes in the corner and Tanahashi hits a dragon screw then a Sling Blade and they were both down then Tanahashi connects with a German suplex but he misses High Fly Flow.
Goto hit a neckbreaker over his knee then a headbutt while holding onto Tanahashi’s wrists. Goto hit a twisting Death Valley Driver for a near fall then Goto picks up Tanahashi but his legs buckled and Tanahashi lands on him before Tanahashi hits Aces High follow by High Fly Flow for the win.
Winner: NEVER Openweight 6 Man Tag Team Champion Hiroshi Tanahashi (6) (14:40)
Rate: 7
Block C & D Standings After Night 10
Block C
1st Place- NEVER Openweight Champion David Finlay & Evil (8 Points) (4-1)
2nd Place- Tama Tonga (7 Points) (3-1-1)
3rd Place- Strong Openweight Champion Eddie Kingston (6 Points) (3-2)
4th Place- Shingo Takagi (5 Points) (2-2-1)
Last Place- NEVER Openweight 6 Man Tag Team Champion Tomohiro Ishii, Mikey Nicholls & Henare (2 Points) (1-4) (Eliminated)
Block D
1st Place- Television Champion Zack Sabre Jr & Jeff Cobb (8 Points) (4-1)
2nd Place- NEVER Openweight 6 Man Tag Team Champion Hiroshi Tanahashi & Tetsuya Naito (6 Points) (3-2)
3rd Place- IWGP Tag Team Champion Hirooki Goto & Shane Haste (4 Points) (2-3)
Last Place- Strong Openweight Tag Team Champion Alex Coughlin & Toru Yano (2 Points) (1-4) (Eliminated)