NJPW Best Of The Super Juniors Night 4 Results – May 16, 2023
Location: Akita Japan
Venue: Akita Prefectural Budokan
Block B Match Of The 2023 Best Of The Super Juniors
Yoh (2) vs. Clark Connors (4)
Clark Connors attempts at hitting Trophy Kill but Yoh leaps over then Connors swats Yoh with the corner pad before he sends Yoh into the ring then Yoh recovers by hitting a Tijeras to take things back outside for a cannonball off the apron then Yoh hits Connors with 5 Star Cradle for the win.
Winner: Yoh (4) (6:44)
Rate: 5
After the match Connors hits No Chaser before delivering conchairto to Yoh.
Block A Match Of The 2023 Best Of The Super Juniors
Ryusuke Taguchi (0) vs. Titan (4)
Titan tries to wear out Ryusuke Taguchi with some rope running but Taguchi is able to find a way in with a step over toe hold follow by a modified stump puller but Titan got to the ropes to force a break before he connects with a springboard crossbody into the ring. A dropkick takes Taguchi outside for a tope suicida only for Taguchi to grab hold of Oh My & Garankle back inside the ring.
Taguchi goes back to the ankle before he hits Titan with Dodon then Taguchi tries to hit Vertebreaker but Titan escapes but jarred his leg after leaping off the top rope and Taguchi takes advantage by connecting with Bummer Ye but only got a 2 count then Titan traps Taguchi in a Muta Lock for the submission win.
Winner: Titan (6) (9:21)
Rate: 5
Block B Match Of The 2023 Best Of The Super Juniors
Bushi (0) vs. Robbie Eagles (4)
Robbie Eagles hits Bushi with a tope then back inside the ring Bushi is able to chip away at Eagles before Eagles scores a diving kick for a two count. Eagles with running knees into the corner to Bushi gets a two-count before a Ron Miller Special was blocked by the ropes.
Eagles connects with Tiger Feint Kick to the knee but Bushi hits a dropkick before a MX attempt was countered into Ron Miller Special but Bushi gets to the ropes then Eagles pops up from a DDT but gets hit with fisherman neckbreaker for a near fall.
Eagles gets sent into the side of the ring with a see saw DDT before Eagles escaped a Code Red then a backslide before another Trigger puts away Bushi.
Winner: Robbie Eagles (6) (9:20)
Rate: 5
Block A Match Of The 2023 Best Of The Super Juniors
Douki (2) vs. TJP (2)
TJP surprises Douki at the bell by connecting with Mamba Splash & it only gets a 2 count before taking things outside then inside the ring TJP goes for the 2nd Mamba splash but lands into Douki Chokey but TJP gets to the ropes but he goes outside and into the path of a tope as they head up the aisle with TJP throwing Douki into the entry way.
Douki blocks and throws TJP into the entry way’s frame before he got suplex on the ramp then back inside the ring Douki scores with a stomp off the top for a two count then a Daybreak DDT before TJP avoided Suplex De La Luna then face washing kicks before he got caught in Douki Chokey once more.
TJP tries to escape and turn it into a Pinoy Stretch before he turned another Suplex De La Luna attempt into the Final Cut then he finally hits a 3rd Mamba Splash gets the win.
Winner: TJP (4) (8:22)
Rate: 7
Block B Match Of The 2023 Best Of The Super Juniors
Francesco Akira (4) vs. Dan Moloney (4)
Dan Moloney hits Francesco Akira dropkick then a suplex gets Moloney a two count as did a series of chops before Akira comes back with a wheelbarrow stomp.
A Tijeras from Akira takes Moloney outside for a plancha while a crossbody back inside the ring gets a near fall before a spear from Moloney gets a near fall as Akira escapes a Drilla Killa only to get chopped back down then a fisherman buster gets Moloney a 2 count.
Moloney attempts for a another Drilla Killa but Akira escapes & nails Fireball for the win.
Winner: Francesco Akira (6) (8:27)
Rate: 6
Block A Match Of The 2023 Best Of The Super Juniors
Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion Kushida (0) vs. Mike Bailey (6)
Kushida locks Mike Bailey in a leg lock before they roll onto the apron then to the floor as Kushida looks to be neutralizing Bailey’s left leg as Bailey was forced to scoot towards the ropes but he is able to find enough to fire off a series of Scissor Kicks before Kushida went to the arm, forcing Bailey to grab the ropes. Bailey returns with a head kick to lay out Kushida then the ref starts the 10 count but he got back up but he gets taken down into a cross armbreaker.
Bailey hits moonsault knees to Kushida then went back to the cross armbreaker but Kushida makes it to the ropes before Kushida locks in a Cobra Twist but a roundhouse kick into the corner looked to lead to an Ultima Weapon but he misses allowing Kushida to go to the arm with a Hoverboard Lock before he switched it up with a cross legged heel hook & Bailey taps out.
Winner By Submission : Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion Kushida (2) (9:26)
Rate: 8 (Recommend)
Block B Match Of The 2023 Best Of The Super Juniors
Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion Kevin Knight (2) vs. El Desperado (4)
Match starts off with Kevin Knight & El Desperado doing leapfrogs and Lucha roll throughs before they head to the outside as Knight leapfrogs onto the apron for a slingshot plancha before Desperado accidentally sends himself into the ring post as he swung with a chop.
Back inside the ring Knight gets caught as Desperado began to work over the knee with a leg lock then Knight dropkicks Desperado off the top rope to the floor then follows up with a tope con giro then a springboard crossbody back in but gets a two count.
Knight with a Sky High but Desperado catches him with Numero Dos but Knight gets to the ropes but Desperado connects with Guitarra De Angel before see saw pins take us back to Numero Dos but Knight cradles Desperado for a near fall then Pinche Loco gets the win.
Winner: El Desperado (6) (8:42)
Rate: 7
Non Title Block A Match Of The 2023 Best Of The Super Juniors
Junior Heavyweight Champion Hiromu Takahashi (2) vs. Sho (2)
Sho is out in street clothes and with Bobo because the prior night he’d flushed Hiromu Takahashi’s head down a toilet backstage so he’s looking to claim the forfeit win then he reads out a statement from Takahashi then threatened the ring announcer to announce the forfeit before Takahashi finally appeared as Sho was heading to the back. Takahashi’s had his arms tape up then Young Lions free Takahashi.
Evil gets involved as Sho grabs the ref to try and hits a chair shot then Sho pushes Takahashi into the ref and a chair as we get some double teaming that features chair shots before Sho hits a powerbomb symphony to Takahashi for a 2 count.
Sho locks in a Boston Crab but Takahashi makes it to the ropes to force a break as Evil grabbed the timekeeper’s bell at ringside but Takahashi is able to get back in with a Falcon Arrow before he threw Sho onto the apron ahead of a sunset bomb but Evil hits Takahashi in the ribs with a chair.
Sho with a clothesline and teases a Shock Arrow but Takahashi hurricanrana’s himself out of it and traps Sho in the D. Evil distracts the ref handing off Bobo to Sho but Takahashi disarms Sho then pulls an Eddie Guerrero then Evil is knock down with Bobo before Takahashi connects with Everything Is Evil then Time Bomb II follow by Time Bomb for the win.
Winner: Junior Heavyweight Champion Hiromu Takahashi (4) (7:38)
Rate: 3
Block B Match Of The 2023 Best Of The Super Juniors
Master Wato (2) vs. Yoshinobu Kanemaru (4)
Yoshinobu Kanemaru gets taken to the outside by Master Wato but as soon as Wato gets outside Kanemaru begins to work over the knee as they headed back inside the ring Kanemaru traps Wato in a modified arm scissored version of the Figure 4 but Wato gets to the ropes but Kanemaru holds on as long as he can before breaking.
Another Figure 4 forced Wato to roll into the ropes for a break before a slam led to a moonsault that Kanemaru misses. Kanemaru looks to have hurt his knee on the landing, as Wato comes back with a springboard European uppercut before rolling through for a Recientemente for a near fall.
Kanemaru goes back to the knee by kicking Wato ahead of a roll up only for Wato to return with a roundhouse kick then Tsutenkakka German Suplex gets Wato the win.
Winner: Master Wato (4) (9:38)
Rate: 6
Block A Match Of The 2023 Best Of The Super Juniors
Lio Rush (6) vs. Taiji Ishimori (6)
Match starts off with Lio Rush & Taiji Ishimori exchange chops then a enziguiri from Rush takes Ishimori to the outside & he tease doing a dive but Ishimori sends Rush into the ring post. Ishimori focused on the left arm of Rush & that lead to a baseball slide German suplex.
Rush takes Ishimori to the floor for a low pe then he beats the 20 count as he stay on Ishimori back inside with a Falcon Arrow then Ishimori to take Rush back into the ring post running him shoulder first after he removes a corner pad.
Ishimori connects with a shoulder breaker then Mistica follow by Bone Lock Rush tries to get to the ropes to break the hold but Ishimori pushes Rush back into the middle of the ring as he was almost in the ropes.
Rush tries to cradle out for some pinning attempts but Ishimori keeps the hold on before Rush finally rolls free into a roll up before a double clothesline left both men laying but it’s Rush who pulls ahead with a TKO before he went up top for the Final Hour but Ishimori gets his knees up, and connects with Cipher UTAKI for a near fall.
A leaping knee from Ishimori cuts off a Rush Hour ahead of the reverse Bloody Sunday for a near fall then Rush counters a 2nd Cipher UTAKI into a Sega Mega Driver before Rush Hour follow by Final Hour scores the win.
Winner: Lio Rush (8) (16:56)
Rate: 8 (Recommend)
Matches Of The Night
Kushida vs. Mike Bailey
Lio Rush vs. Taiji Ishimori
Douki vs. TJP
Kevin Knight vs. El Desperado
Best Of The Super Juniors Standings After Night 4
Block A
1st Place- Lio Rush (8 Points) (4-0)
2nd Place- Titan, Taiji Ishimori & Mike Bailey (6 Points) (3-1)
3rd Place- Junior Heavyweight Champion Hiromu Takahashi & TJP (4 Points) (2-2)
4th Place- Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion Kushida, Douki & Sho (2 Points) (1-3)
Last Place- Ryusuke Taguchi (0 Points) (0-4)
Block B
1st Place- El Desperado, Robbie Eagles & Francesco Akira (6 Points) (3-1)
2nd Place- Yoh, Master Wato, Yoshinobu Kanemaru, Dan Moloney & Clark Connors (4 Points) (2-2)
3rd Place- Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion Kevin Knight (2 Points) (1-3)
Last Place- Bushi (0 Points) (0-4)