NJPW Best Of The Super Juniors Night 3 Results – May 14, 2023
Location: Aichi Japan
Venue: Nagoya Congress Center Event Hall
Block B Match Of The 2023 Best Of The Super Juniors
Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion Kevin Knight (0) vs. Yoshinobu Kanemaru (4)
Kevin Knight & Yoshinobu Kanemaru immediately brawled to the floor and then back in the ring Kanemaru works the left leg and then locks in Figure 4 but Knight quickly reached the ropes. Knight hits a frog splash then Sky High for a near fall.
Kanemaru hits a basement dropkick on the left knee but Knight fired back with a jump up Frankensteiner and a superkick then a Spike DDT for the win.
Winner: Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion Kevin Knight (2) (7:17)
Rate: 6
Block A Match Of The 2023 Best Of The Super Juniors
Ryusuke Taguchi (0) vs. Sho (0)
Match starts off with a lock up into the ropes then shoulder tackles that Taguchi won that exchange then a dropkick takes Sho to the outside then a springboard body press then once back in the ring Sho connects with a lariat follow by a deadlift German suplex.
Taguchi tries for Dodon but instead goes for Oh My & Garankle but Sho counters out of and back into Oh My & Garankle but Sho rolls through the hold by sending Taguchi into the ref, and out go the lights & Evil is in the ring acting as a referee checking on Taguchi’s gear as Sho took advantage with a low blow then hits Taguchi with Bobo then Shock Arrow gets the win.
Winner: Sho (2) (6:29)
Rate: 2
Block B Match Of The 2023 Best Of The Super Juniors
Bushi (0) vs. Clark Connors (2)
Clark Connors attacks Bushi at the bell then rips off Bushi’s t shirt then Connors stomps on Bushi at ringside.
Back inside the ring a pounce knocks Bushi down but Bushi hits a low dropkick then a tope suicida on the outside.
Back in the ring Bushi gets a 2 count off a DDT follow a roll up gets a another 2 count before Connors comes back with Trophy Kill then drills him to the mat with No Chaser puts Bushi away.
Winner: Clark Connors (4) (6:01)
Rate: 5
Block A Match Of The 2023 Best Of The Super Juniors
Douki (2) vs. Taiji Ishimori (4)
Match starts off with Douki & Taiji Ishimori fought to the floor then Ishimori slams Douki shoulder first into the ring post. In the ring Ishimori immediately began working the left arm but Douki dove through the ropes and barreled onto Ishimori.
In the ring Douki hits a northern lights suplex before Ishimori slams Douki shoulder first into the corner then hits a shoulder breaker over his knee before Douki locks in Douki Chokey but Ishimori quickly escaped. Douki puts Ishimori along his back and slams him stomach first to the mat for a near fall then he went back to the Douki Chokey but Ishimori finally reached the ropes.
Douki nails Daybreak for a near fall then Ishimori immediately hits Divorce Court before Douki hits a clothesline then they traded quick reversals and Ishimori locks in Bone Lock & Douki got close to the ropes but Ishimori rolls him back to the center of the ring & Douki has no choice but to tap out.
Winner By Submission: Taiji Ishimori (6) (9:31)
Rate: 7
Block B Match Of The 2023 Best Of The Super Juniors
Robbie Eagles (4) vs. Francesco Akira (2)
Match starts off with Robbie Eagles & Francesco Akira traded offense while in a knuckle lock early on and Akira hit a plancha to the floor. In the ring Eagles hits a chop block on the knee and a leg lariat. Eagles locks in Ron Miller Special but Akira reached the ropes. Akira nailed a poisonrana but Eagles pops up and hit a running elbow to the back of the head and they were both down.
Akira hits a shotgun dropkick then Eagles hits some stiff kicks then they traded several rollups for some near falls. Eagles nailed a Turbo Backpack for a near fall. Eagles hits a running double knees in the corner but he missed a top rope move then Akira immediately nails Fireball to get the win.
Winner: Francesco Akira (4) (12:02)
Rate: 8 (Recommend)
Block A Match Of The 2023 Best Of The Super Juniors
Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion Kushida (0) vs. Titan (2)
Kushida immediately ties Titan up on the mat then Titan hits a hurricanrana before Kushida ran around the floor through the crowd then once both men re enter the ring Kushida targeted the left arm and he snapped the limb across his shoulder. Titan went for a handspring move but Kushida caught him with a Penalty Kick to the chest.
Titan nails a springboard crossbody and a tornado DDT that sends Kushida to the floor. Titan immediately hit a flip dive to the floor then a springboard double stomp for the win.
Winner: Titan (4) (6:01)
Rate: 8 (Recommend)
Block B Match Of The 2023 Best Of The Super Juniors
Yoh (2) vs. Dan Moloney (2)
Yoh sidesteps Dan Moloney then he chases Yoh into the crowd but Yoh instead stops and offered himself up for a chop but Yuto Nakashima gets hit with the chop as Yoh snuck onto the apron and hits a cannonball. Moloney gets chop back inside the ring then gets hit with some Mongolian Chops before an enziguiri from Moloney leads to a brainbuster for a two count.
We get some chops from Moloney that sends Yoh to the floor but he skins the cat and hits one of his own before taking Moloney into the corner with some Machine Gun chops. Yoh keeps up with the chops but that he gets caught up on the top rope then Yoh recovers to hit a Falcon arrow for a near fall.
Yoh with a slam onto the knee then a rana then goes for the cover but Moloney kicks out before he connects with a spear then Drilla Killa for the win
Winner: Dan Moloney (4) (9:01)
Rate: 6
Block A Match Of The 2023 Best Of The Super Juniors
TJP (2) vs. Mike Bailey (4)
Match starts off with some standing switches then TJP hits a shoulder tackle before Mike Bailey hits Speedball Kicks to the ribs then they brawled to the floor & TJP slams Bailey’s back against the ring then TJP hits a facewash then Bailey nails a missile dropkick then a running shooting star press for a near fall.
Bailey hits a springboard moonsault to the floor then in the ring Bailey misses Ultima Weapon and TJP immediately locks in an Pinoy Stretch but Bailey reached the ropes. TJP began working the left arm but Bailey caught him with a superkick then TJP hits a back suplex.
Bailey nails a moonsault double knee drop then he sets up for Flamingo Driver but TJP escaped as he hits with a springboard DDT for a near fall but TJP misses Mamba Splash. Bailey immediately nails Tornado Kick follow by Flamingo Driver gets the win.
Winner: Mike Bailey (6) (13:01)
Rate: 8 (Recommend)
Block B Match Of The 2023 Best Of The Super Juniors
El Desperado (2) vs. Master Wato (2)
El Desperado looks to outsmart Master Wato by wrapping his arm around the ropes before a drop down from Wato gets him in control then Wato takes him to the outside then back inside the ring Wato hits a bulldog for a one count as he proceeded to ground Desperado with headscissors.
Desperado rolls outside again as they exchange strikes but Desperado’s bad knee gives out we go back inside the ring a back suplex from Desperado then he tries to go for Numero Dos but Wato fights to get to the ropes then Wato connects with a tope con giro to the outside then with a springboard European uppercut back inside for a near fall.
Wato connects with Yoshitonic then locks in Vendeval with Desperado forcing a break in the ropes Desperado went for Guitarra De Angel but his knees gives out again only & Wato takes advantage by connecting with Tenzan Tombstone Driver but he doesn’t go for the cover so he goes to the top rope & goes for RRP but he misses.
Desperado connects with a spear then Guitarra De Angel then goes for the cover but Wato kicks out then Pinche Loco sparks some back & forth pinning predicaments as they look for a pin to stick but it doesn’t before a head kick from Desperado drops Wato to the mat then connects with Pinche Loco gets Desperado the victory.
Winner: El Desperado (4) (14:10)
Rate: 7
Non Title Block A Match Of The 2023 Best Of The Super Juniors
Junior Heavyweight Champion Hiromu Takahashi (2) vs. Lio Rush (4)
Match starts off with Hiromu Takahashi & Lio Rush running the ropes before Rush began a game of keep away & that leads to an enziguiri from Rush then a shotgun dropkick from Takahashi then they roll to the outside where Takahashi gets taken into the side of the ring before a suplex from Rush counters a Death Valley Driver into the announcer’s table. Rush begs a fan for his seat and ends up putting Takahashi in it before he runs around the ring & Takahashi puts Rush through it with an overhead belly 2 belly.
Back inside, Takahashi goes for a pin but Red Shoes Umino was still dealing with the broken chair before a diving knee gets Takahashi a two count then some more headscissors but Takahashi tries a reverse rana to the outside but Rush pushes free as Takahashi hits his leg on the side of the ring on the way down ahead of a low pe from Rush to the outside.
A 2nd one follows before a 3rd low pe keeps the Young Lions busy & it leads to a count-out tease but Takahashi beats the 20 count before a leaping knee from Rush before a F5 gets a near fall. Takahashi blocks a Rush Hour attempt but hitting a Death Valley Driver into the corner.
On the apron Takahashi nails Rush with a thrust kick then picks him up for a Death Valley Driver onto the side of the ring then Dynamite Plunger gets a near fall then Takahashi gets hit with a superkick as he went for a Hiromu Chan Bomber then Rush avoids a suplex into the buckles as he instead lands almost a Vader Bomb out of the corner then Final Hour but Takahashi gets his knees up.
Takahashi almost hits Time Bomb but Rush escaped and hits a rolling elbow in return then Hiromu Chan Bomber lands moments afterwards while a 2nd one’s turned into a standing Spanish Fly then Rush goes for Final Hour but gets hit with a cutter, as Takahashi goes back to the Time Bomb but this time countered into a reverse rana.
Rush Hour followed then Final Hour to the back as Takahashi thought he roll out of harm’s way but it only gets a near fall then Rush heads back up and has to push Takahashi down from an avalanche Time Bomb before Final Hour finally lands gets the win.
Winner: Lio Rush (6) (18:11)
Rate: 9 (Recommend)
Best Of The Super Juniors Standings After Night 3
Block A
1st Place- Lio Rush, Taiji Ishimori & Mike Bailey (6 Points) (3-0)
2nd Place- Titan (4 Points) (2-1)
3rd Place- Junior Heavyweight Champion Hiromu Takahashi, TJP, Douki & Sho (2 Points) (1-2)
Last Place- Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion Kushida & Ryusuke Taguchi (0 Points) (0-3)
Block B
1st Place- El Desperado, Yoshinobu Kanemaru, Robbie Eagles, Francesco Akira, Dan Moloney & Clark Connors (4 Points) (2-1)
2nd Place- Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion Kevin Knight, Yoh & Master Wato (2 Points) (1-2)
Last Place- Bushi (0 Points) (0-3)