NJPW Best Of The Super Juniors Night 10 Results – May 24, 2023
Tag Team Match
Mike Bailey & Oskar Leube defeated Lio Rush & Yuto Nakashima via Schoolboy on Nakashima (6:20) Rate: 6
6 Man Tag Team Match
House Of Torture (Evil, Yujiro Takahashi & Sho) defeated Just 3 Guys (KOPW 2023 Champion Taichi, Taka Michinoku & Douki) via Everything Is Evil on Michinoku (6:49) Rate: 4
Tag Team Match
Los Ingobernables De Japon (Junior Heavyweight Champion Hiromu Takahashi & Titan) defeated Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion Kushida & Ryusuke Taguchi via Springboard Double Stomp on Taguchi (5:55) Rate: 6
Block B Match Of The 2023 Best Of The Super Juniors
Bushi (2) vs. Francesco Akira (8)
Match starts off with Bushi is kicking at Francesco Akira’s knee then he hits a dropkick and plancha then Akira leap off the top rope but Bushi goes back to the knee then a leg grapevine quickly sees Akira scrabble into the ropes for a break but he stays on the left leg and knee.
Akira tries to fight back with a wheelbarrow stomp then with a Tijeras before a crossbody off the top rope gets a two count then a half & half suplex takes Bushi back down but a Codebreaker connects before Akira superkicks away a MX attempt.
Bushi cuts off a Speedfire then scored with a missile dropkick to the knee then a cross legged kneebar gets the submission win.
Winner By Submission: Bushi (4) (8:44)
Rate: 6
Block B Match Of The 2023 Best Of The Super Juniors
Dan Moloney (6) vs. Clark Connors (8)
Clark Connors & Dan Moloney meet in the aisle as Moloney ends up knocking Connors into the front row then Connors tries to chuck a chair at Moloney before he marched him to the back of the room where the brawl continued with Moloney chopping Connors. Moloney snapmares and punts Connors in the back then they find benches but Moloney just chucks his at Connors rather than duel.
They make it to the ring but Connors takes it right back outside where he runs into a big back body drop then back inside the ring Moloney chops and dropkicks Connors before he ended up running into a snap bodyslam then Trophy Kill spear follows, as does a 2nd one before Moloney nails Connors as they spill over the top to the floor.
Moloney has the tape rip off his shoulder but avoids a trip to the ring post as a spear ends up laying out Connors & he gets the Count Out win.
Winner By Count Out: Dan Moloney (8) (4:25)
Rate: 5
Block B Match Of The 2023 Best Of The Super Juniors
Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion Kevin Knight (6) vs. Master Wato (12)
Wato must win & have either El Desperado or Yoh lose to advance to the Semi Finals.
Kevin Knight hits a a springboard armdrag that takes Master Wato to the outside for a plancha before a backbreaker back inside began to wear down Wato then Wato connects with a bulldog follow by a leaping neckbreaker before Knight was taken outside for a tope con giro.
Knight runs into a springboard uppercut back inside as Wato looked to push on then he rolls Knight into Vendeval but Knight makes it to the ropes then a dropkick from Knight connects follow by Stinger Splash and a diving shoulder tackle before a standing frog splash almost put Wato away.
Knight hits Wato with Sky High then connects with a springboard crossbody before Wato drills him to the mat with Tsutenkaku German Suplex gets the win.
Winner: Master Wato (14) (8:32)
Rate: 6
Block B Match Of The 2023 Best Of The Super Juniors
Yoh (12) vs. Yoshinobu Kanemaru (4)
Yoh must win to advance to the Semi Finals.
Yoshinobu Kanemaru goes for the knee early on, as things spill outside then we got a tease of a stoppage as Yoh was clutching his knee then Kanemaru targets the knee as he locks in a leg lock until Yoh grabs the rope. Yoh tries to fight back by hitting a sunset flip for a two count before Kanemaru went back to the knee.
A dropkick from Yoh takes Kanemaru outside ahead of a corkscrew Vader bomb senton for a near fall. Yoh hits a Falcon Arrow but it gets a near fall before Kanemaru went back to the knee an enziguiri connects on Yoh then he connects with a clothesline.
Another kick to the knee drops Yoh as Kanemaru goes back to the Figure 4 but Yoh makes it to the ropes. Kanemaru tries to follow with a moonsault but he misses as Yoh connects with a thrust kick before a bridging dragon suplex got the victory then Yoh looks for Direct Drive, but Kanemaru rolls through into a Leg Cross Samson Clutch to get the win.
Winner: Yoshinobu Kanemaru (6) (13:22) (Since Yoh lost Master Wato advance to the Semi Finals)
Rate: 6
Block B Match Of The 2023 Best Of The Super Juniors
El Desperado (12) vs. Robbie Eagles (10)
If Desperado wins he advance to the Semi Finals.
Eagles must win & have Yoh or Wato lose to advance to the Semi Finals.
El Desperado & Robbie Eagles trade chops then Eagles was drop into a leg spreader then Eagles snuck back in with a back suplex before he headed outside as Eagle chops Desperado into the front row.
Eagles takes Desperado to the back of the room as he worked over the knee which resulted in Desperado hobbling back towards the ring as Eagles threw him into the ring post. Back inside Eagles ties up the legs in a modified Figure 4 & that forces Desperado to the ropes for a break then Eagles ends up driving Desperado’s knees into the mat.
Desperado gets sent into the corner with chops before he managed to catch Eagles with a side suplex coming out of the corner then he locks hat leads to Numero Dos with Eagles instantly in the ropes. Eagles returns with a Tiger Feint Kick to the back of the knees in the ropes then with a leaping chop block off the apron as he took down Desperado on the floor.
Rushing back inside the ring a springboard missile dropkick sets up for Ron Miller Special but Desperado makes it to the ropes then Desperado escapes a Turbo Backpack then returned with a spinebuster for a near fall and back into the Numero Dos but Eagles gets to the ropes save Eagles then they are trading blows.
Desperado goes back to the knee but a sunset flip allows Eagles to get back to Ron Miller Special then he drags Desperado away from the ropes but Desperado to make it to the ropes anyways then Eagles tries to kick Desperado’s leg out of his leg before he ran into a new take on a dragon screw as Desperado went right back to Numero Dos but Eagles cradles it for a near fall.
More cradles from Eagles keep the near falls coming until Guitarra De Angel almost puts Eagles away then they keep floating between Numero Dos & Ron Miller Special attempts then Eagles tries to hit a Canadian Destroyer after he gets out of Numero Dos only to get nail with Jig N Tonic for a near fall.
Eagles tries to kick away another Numero Dos attempt but gets hit with a grounded dragon screw before Desperado locks in Numero Dos again & Eagles has no choice but to submit.
Winner By Submission: El Desperado (14) (20:32) (Desperado advance to the Semi Finals)
Rate: 9 (Recommend)
Semi Finals (May 26th)
Block A Winner 1 Mike Bailey vs. Block B Winner 2 Master Wato
Block A Winner 2 Titan vs. Block B Winner 1 El Desperado
Match Of The Night
El Desperado vs. Robbie Eagles
Final Standings Of The 2023 Best Of The Super Juniors
Block A
1st Place- Mike Bailey (14 Points) (7-2)
2nd Place- Junior Heavyweight Champion Hiromu Takahashi, Lio Rush & Titan (12 Points) (6-3) (Titan advances due to tie breakers over Takahashi & Rush)
3rd Place- Taiji Ishimori & TJP (10 Points) (5-4)
4th Place- Sho (8 Points) (4-3)
5th Place- Douki (6 Points) (3-6)
6th Place- Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion Kushida (4 Points) (2-7)
Last Place- Ryusuke Taguchi (2 Points) (1-8)
Block B
1st Place- El Desperado & Master Wato (14 Points) (7-2)
2nd Place- Yoh (12 Points) (6-3)
3rd Place- Robbie Eagles (10 Points) (5-4)
4th Place- Francesco Akira, Dan Moloney & Clark Connors (8 Points) (4-5)
5th Place- Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion Kevin Knight & Yoshinobu Kanemaru (6 Points) (3-6)
Last Place- Bushi (4 Points) (2-7)